Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


Dec 3, 2012

On the misc section of, they tried to make it seem like black men wouldn't eat good in South American countries like Brazil because they worship white men and European features.

Them cacs, man.

Everything they can to shyt on us. Everything. :shaq2::comeon::rudy:

Metta World Movement

Peace and all!!
May 5, 2012
What the hell are y'all talking about in this thread? :wtf:

How the fukk did a thread on this topic get so big? Unless most of these posts have pics of Brazilian hoes then I just don't get it :why:


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
These dudes should be happy because that means more American women for them. But it's probably more like misery loves company and they ain't as happy as they claim so they want everyone to be miserable.

This post pretty much sums up all the idiots on here wasting their time shaming black guys who go to Brazil.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
contrary to whatever polls may say, or even the opinion of some, the USA/Canada/England are the best places to be.

listen, if u plan on living outside the US, and you care about your safety and the safety of your loved ones, u have to account for something...peace of mind.

if u call the cops here in the US they will arrive at your door in under 15 minutes..or less. they take their jobs very very very seriously. matter of fact, there's been a few times i tried to dial a number that begins with a "91", and then i hung up cause i forgot the complete number. guess what. the cops still called my house on some "did you try to dial 911" type sh1t? i was on some :ohhh:

this happened to me quite a few times and even after i told them on the phone that all was well and that i misdialed, them fucckas still showed up at my door on some "can we look around".

yeah, thats safety, right there. thats peace of mind that most other countries dont have.

many of u who think about living overseas have most likely never lived overseas. but u wanna risk ur life to do it, all to find a woman who may be disease ridden or may have issues u couldn't have anticipated. thats ur life.

the celebrities u hear off who live overseas and are doing fine, are not in the same boat as u. they have money. serious money, which u dont have. so they can build fortifications, buy top notch security...etc, things u cant even begin to imagine.

traveling overseas is fine, but living in countries like brazil where dead bodies lie in the street for days on end, is simply stupid.

:pachaha: I stopped reading after this bullshyt.


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
:pachaha: I stopped reading after this bullshyt.

He probably lives in a wealthy white neighborhood. When I was in Florida and my brother's girlfriend broke into our house it took the cops an hour and 20 minutes to get there.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
What the hell are y'all talking about in this thread? :wtf:

How the fukk did a thread on this topic get so big? Unless most of these posts have pics of Brazilian hoes then I just don't get it :why:

40% of the thread is the typical "I hate black women" cats you always see. The other 40% of dudes explaining to those fukk nikkas leaving the country for some ass is lame as fukk, and the rest of us just havin fun ouchea :jawalrus:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
This post pretty much sums up all the idiots on here wasting their time shaming black guys who go to Brazil.

No one shaming black dudes who go to brazil and travel. We're making fun of a lot of y'all nikkas that think going to brazil is going to solve your problem of being an awkward loser that no women wants to be around.


Dec 3, 2012
I have yet to watch all the video, and I've only read 20 pages in the thread, but there are a few things that I'd like to point out.

I think the idea of traveling the world is great on principle alone because God only knows how much this poisonous society (thank you cacs) will get to you after a while. You begin to think that how we view things here is how people view things all around the world, and while I've never traveled, I'd like to think that this is wrong by default. The point is, getting out and expanding your mind, body and soul is not a bad thing, and I'd like to spend my late 20's and early 30's traveling the world (I'm 24 right now).

Also, the idea of meeting other people in general around the world is not a bad idea, but it's intriguing as well. Not only am I gonna save up my money, I'm going to make sure I don't show up all dusty and :flabbynsick: like the dudes in the video.

So the dudes in here that say, "look in the mirror" have a point...I think I'll get more out of the experience if I show up lookin' like Reggie Bush rather than :flabbynsick:. So Imma be :lift: until then too (as I have been these past few nothing changes there except I now have something else to work towards).

Again, I could be wrong, and while I think American women appreciate guys who want to improve themselves...I honestly think women from other countries will appreciate it more. :manny:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
He probably lives in a wealthy white neighborhood. When I was in Florida and my brother's girlfriend broke into our house it took the cops an hour and 20 minutes to get there.

I'm saying. I remember back when I lived in Brooklyn some shyt jumped off and nikkas called the police cause some mass murder was about to jump off. Cops didn't even show up AT ALL


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I have yet to watch all the video, and I've only read 20 pages in the thread, but there are a few things that I'd like to point out.

I think the idea of traveling the world is great on principle alone because God only knows how much this poisonous society (thank you cacs) will get to you after a while. You begin to think that how we view things here is how people view things all around the world, and while I've never traveled, I'd like to think that this is wrong by default. The point is, getting out and expanding your mind, body and soul is not a bad thing, and I'd like to spend my late 20's and early 30's traveling the world (I'm 24 right now).

Also, the idea of meeting other people in general around the world is not a bad idea, but it's intriguing as well. Not only am I gonna save up my money, I'm going to make sure I don't show up all dusty and :flabbynsick: like the dudes in the video.

Traveling is great, and I doubt anyone in this thread is advocating against that. But a lot of these cats are on the usual "black women are the problem with the world, so I'm just trying to get away from them" steez. At some point if you just have nothing but horrible dating experiences, you can either blame everyone else, or take a look in the mirror.

Then I realize everyone on here a 6 foot, super attractive black man with 3% body fat, gotta 12" meat and make 140k/wk so obviously black women don't wanna fukk with em


Dec 3, 2012
Traveling is great, and I doubt anyone in this thread is advocating against that. But a lot of these cats are on the usual "black women are the problem with the world, so I'm just trying to get away from them" steez. At some point if you just have nothing but horrible dating experiences, you can either blame everyone else, or take a look in the mirror.

The truth is, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, this American culture of ours is poisonous and it's effects on both black men and women are well documented. This is the truth.

But, to think that there aren't other opportunities outside these borders is also ignorant, and pretty much speaks to the type of ignorance this American society wants to instill in you.

On the other side, at some point, we have to look in the mirror and improve ourselves. I believe if you show up lookin' like a dusty fool with no confidence, you won't get play anywhere, even if you stay stackin' paper (alpha fukks, beta bucks).

Which is why in addition to saving my money, Imma be :lift: in the process as well. I'll get more out of the traveling experience if I take care of things on my end.

If you're gonna do it, might as well go all out. :obama:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
The truth is, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, this American culture of ours is poisonous and it's effects on both black men and women are well documented. This is the truth.

But, to think that there aren't other opportunities outside these borders is also ignorant, and pretty much speaks to the type of ignorance this American society wants to instill in you.

On the other side, at some point, we have to look in the mirror and improve ourselves. I believe if you show up lookin' like a dusty fool with no confidence, you won't get play anywhere, even if you stay stackin' paper (alpha fukks, beta bucks).

Which is why in addition to saving my money, Imma be :lift: in the process as well. I'll get more out of the traveling experience if I take care of things on my end.

If you're gonna do it, might as well go all out. :obama:

Breh, most of the cats in here saying how they get no cooperation from black women in america also claim to have great careers and in great shape. Think about that for a second. You gotta gang of cats on here who supposedly make 90k+, have a 6 pack, and can't get even a basic broad to give em any play. Something is afoot breh :leostare:

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why I laugh at these fukk nikkas. They're living in Duckberg and don't realize it


Dec 3, 2012
Breh, most of the cats in here saying how they get no cooperation from black women in america also claim to have great careers and in great shape. Think about that for a second. You gotta gang of cats on here who supposedly make 90k+, have a 6 pack, and can't get even a basic broad to give em any play. Something is afoot breh :leostare:

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why I laugh at these fukk nikkas. They're living in Duckberg and don't realize it

Maybe some dudes here aren't telling the whole truth.

Maybe some dudes here are trying to overcompensate. Still, I can blame them for wanting to try something different. :manny:

At the same time, some dudes here need to stop acting like America and the American view on life is the end all be all of everything. :stopitslime: :birdman: :sitdown:

Yeah, you really can't start picking a spot on the map and then turning it into some kinda wonderland/fantasy island. shyt is straight ducktales and you right about that.

If you're whack here, you'll probably be whack there too (if you don't change yourself that is).

At the same time though, traveling is healthy. Opening your mind and getting out the insanity that is America can't be that bad, can it?

My thing is, I'm not traveling because I'm having bad luck with women (to say that I wouldn't want to bag a bad-ass island girl or a bad bytch from Brazil would be a damn lie tho :yeshrug: ).

I want to expand my boundaries and see what life is like outside of these borders, to see that maybe these cacs who made this poisonous American society were wrong about...everything.

I'm doing this because I want to detoxify myself of this American poison and see that America is not the end all be all to the way people view the world.

And above all else? Personal growth. I think a lot of people miss out on that crucial part of the growth as a person when they don't travel the world and see other perspectives/those perspectives different from their own.

A big part of the reason that Americans grow up so selfish, immature and entitled is because we're all used to thinking that what we have here is the end all be all to existence and that there's nothing else in the rest of the world worth our time or money to go see. :childplease:

And then we wonder why the rest of the world hates us.

If I get me a bad bytch along the way, so be it. F*ck the haters. :smugbiden:


Dec 3, 2012
Also, another point that I really wanted to touch on that the film probably didn't really talk about is how or even really mean to point out is how, yet again, cacs be trying to sh*t on the reputation of black people across the world. You post over at the misc section of for example and they be having you believe that nikkas is despised worldwide like they (apparently) are in America. :huhldup:

Yet I see videos like this and hear personal stories from brothers who've actually traveled the world (either due to being in the military or whatever) and you hear something completely different. :leon:

In the end, I guess I want to travel because I want to see for myself the reality of the situation (which is probably what it's always depends on the individual and their own merits regardless of skin color) for myself, and get out of this warped, sensationalist, cac-driven media obsessed society that has built and ruined the perceptions we hold of ourselves and the perceptions that other people have about us world wide.

I'm not trying to hold other places to be like fantasy island, but it's gotta be something different if brothers are giving rave reviews and shyt compared to America.

Time to expand my mind.

:obama: :smugdraper: :win:

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
I agree that we have issues here stemming from excessive materialism + priorities

I disagree that the fundamental/societal/economic issues in Brazil pale in comparison to what we have here

I also disagree that problems here are insurmountable and that running from them, rather than being men, taking ownership and addressing said problems, is the way out

To keep it funky this exodus is the height of cowardice... these dudes aren't even running from the white power structure... they are running from their only allies

What allies?

I mean everybody's out for themselves in Amerikkka. This isn't the MLK/Coretta & JFK/Jackie days.

Dudes gettin' raped by child support/alimony in this country. I didn't know that allies sued each other most of the time.

And I disagree with the whole "exodus" thing.

People have been going abroad and marrying outside of their culture forever.

Was Josephine Baker and all those Black women who married White dudes and went over to Europe during the 30s and 40s "cowards" because they left Amerikkka and married outside the race?

I don't see her or them like that.

If she can be respected in Europe and be respected by a White man, what I care what she do with her p*ssy.

I don't dikk monitor.

Is Halle Berry a coward and Pearl Bailey and Dorothy Dandridge and all the Black women who dated/married White cowards?

Or does that just apply to the Black man, who spends his ENTIRE life getting his ass kicked by Amerikkka, vilified as the most violent beast in a land his ancestors built as slaves.

Bottom line is, nikkaz owe NOTHING to Amerikkka, whatsoever. Male & female.

Stop it with the bullshyt ass patriotism.

Hell, I'd rather a dude marry a Black chick from the Carribbean who's family tree looks like his, than most of y'all dating and marrying White chicks and Asians and all kinds of other shyt.

I won't even go in like a did last time, but the main point is a lame who can't get p*ssy in the US is not going to up and become some Don Juan cat in Brazil. Unless he's paying for it, which defeats the whole purpose of claiming they're moving on from American broads because they are too materialistic.

nikkas need to stop attaching all this extra "women know how to be women" and "settle down with a foreign girl, American girls are shyt" talk and just say they want to pay for exotic p*ssy and get it over with. Because that's all it is and will be. 9/10 these chicks are looking for a come up when it comes to American men. And when they're not and you're just dealing with regular women, if you're a lame you'll run into the same probs you did with women in the US guaranteed. Probably even worse, because Brazilian women expect a lot more from men in terms of physical appearance and providing that US chicks do. Especially Rio and Sao Paulo broads.

The fukk makes you nikkas think Brazilian women want to deal with your whining and competing with women any more than American bytches do? Cats doing all this running from safe haven to safe haven (first it was Atlanta, now Brazil :russ:) instead of accepting that they're unbearable and pathetic motherfukkas that need to fix themselves.

Who says "can't get no p*ssy"?

I mean, a lot of cats I know problem is CHILD SUPPORT and ALIMONEY, meaning they got p*ssy, and then the heifer ganked them.

That aint racial at all, that's just our culture of Gloria Allreds making Tiger Woods' mistresses seem like victims for knowingly sleeping with married men.

And Tiger getting 100 mil taken by his wife.

Michael Jordan got taken for like 200 by his wife.

Tell me anybody owes anybody something in this culture, I dare ya.

And then, even if the kids aren't yours, you STILL have to pay for 18-21 years because you were tricked into signing the birth certificate. Does that sound like allied behavior to you.

In a way, I'm glad I've witnessed dudes in my circle go through stuff like this, because that's why I'm 100% against having kids or getting married for a long time from now.

It's a cold ass world for men and women, people getting taken by this bullshyt culture we got man.

I mean... if they are happy, cool

But I couldn't be happy basically wifing up a prostitute

These chicks bring nothing to the table but a good attitude... I dont see how wifing them up is any different than wifing up a ratchet

The reality is these nikkas wanna blame American women for their own unrealistically high standards. I can't get with that

Naw dem PAWGS know how to treat a nikka, they trippin :steviej:

I will bet all types of Coli bucks there are Brazilian men who have beef w/Brazilian women... everyone's a victim

And what about every Black female show on TV, radio. Tyler Perry movies, etc. . . that just say Black men aint shyt over and over and over.

We're all on the down low, we're all in jail, we only fukk White bytches, we don't take care of our responsibilities.

Don't act like this aint been said all day, everyday for like 30 years.

When the Black man finally reaches his breaking point of being labeled as scum from the day he's born and says, "fukk Amerikkka and it's bullshyt culture", he's the bad guy?

Then your son and daughter gonna get the whole "men aint shyt" speeches their whole lives.


I'm not somebody who plans on doing what these cats are doing, but I understand after having witnessed foul shyt go down, including dudes get BODIED over chicks and having it be considered a "suicide" because of "lack of evidence", I don't blame a cat who's White, Black, Latino, Asian, whatever for running as fast as he can from Amerikkka and it's wicked ass ways.

Not to say other places don't have problems, but it might be cool to try something different after a vehemently anti-male culture we live in now.

The funniest thing about this is, leaving a country and blaming it on every one else as if you are 100% perfect is probably one of the top self-centered and narcissistic things you can do.

shyt, you dudes who stay bytching not only come off as very narcissistic and self-centered, but as "my shyt don't stank" fools as well.

But yet you have one of the highest post counts in a thread full of nothing but complaints and "advice" stemming from how to handle your complaints.

Look in the mirror bud. You don't get what you want because you don't deserve it. :skip: :pachaha:

I disagree with that.

How is deciding to live YOUR life the way YOU want without hurting anybody the most narcissistic and selfish thing you can do?

If Josephine Baker and Tina Turner want to go to Europe and fukk White dudes, I don't care.

I don't call them cowards for not staying in fukking Nutbush, Tennessee and fighting with Ike until they're 150 years old.

I don't give a fukk.


Everybody DO YOU

This is dumb. This is a message board. What you're posting is saying one should basically not post.

It isn't a "concern." It's calling a bunch of niqqas corny for blaming women making them run away.

We're men. What part of the game is this?

Women say this shyt EVERYDAY about Black men in front of the Black sons

What part of the game is THAT?


You nikkaz just trying to pull yourself up on somebody else's corpse.

Even if somebody is Larry Holmes status, so what?

If a dude can find happiness he can't find here abroad so what?

All thought all the pro-Black motherfukkers were supposed to run away to Africa and marry REAL Black women anyway, without the weaves and makeup and all that other shyt that the "White man" thrust upon us?

I just can't understand why if dudes can find happiness somewhere else, even if they're not "making 6 figures" and are "perfect in every way" like all you "Team Amerikkka, fukk Yeah!" motherfukkers, with six packs and 6 foot tall Black wives living in condos, they have a right to find what they want.

As long as they're not victimizing those girls and those girls aint victimizing them, who gives a fukk.

Stop acting like we aint the fattest, most narcissistic, materialistic country in the world.

You don't get that way because everybody's just needs to "step their game up".

You get that way because you live in an inherently fukked up society that values the wrong shyt.

I don't blame women, men, Black, White, or anybody else for saying the same shyt that EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD says about this country.

Even countries that want to be like us, because of our military power and money, talk about how fat, lazy, and stupid Amerikkkans are.
