After seeing it, I thought it was good, especially for a debut feature film, but sadly, not as excellent as all the praise had me expecting it to be. They did a great job of making him human, including showing his very real flaws and failings. The real problem with the film is something I can't totally blame the director for- it's his inexperienced and somewhat amateur direction. He's a young, enthusiastic dude, so I'm sure this will be improved in the future, but there was a lot of hammy, stock characterization (including things that never happened irl, but are here added for dramatic effect,) and at its worst, the script was so full of clichés that it overshadowed and siphoned all the emotion out of the scene, which says a lot considering that his death is looming over the entire film. Again, though, it's his first big feature- I'm sure he'll improve.
And either way, the film is pure Oscar-bait. White liberals will love it and shower it with praise regardless of how good it actually is, just like they did with Crash (though I don't want to suggest that this film is on the same level as that trash.)