season 2 was dope too imo6 eps in season 2... Not even close to season 1 so far
season 2 was dope too imo6 eps in season 2... Not even close to season 1 so far
Rewatching season 2 now. My 2nd favorite show EVER after The Wire. 1A & 1B
Cant Believe That Sucka Talking Down On East Dillon & Seasons 4/5. Vince Howard One Of My Favorite Characters in TV History
Was Voodoo too trill for the Panthers or was voodoo a bytch?
Julie Taylor looks like a white version of Megan Goode
@daemonova you mustve just finished watching it huh?
House was close for me as well but the final two seasons were
You should go back watch what you skipped over, ESPECIALLY the smash partI watched all of one back in the day, jumped ship at 2 at the Landry storyline , missed all of 3 except the season finale but I wouldn't have watched the smash rehab storyline
its been a michael b. jordan summer so I watch 4 and 5 the past two days, the sheit was good
Just finished up...
Buddy Garritty is the GOAT
dillon panthers all the way babby!!!
Just started watching this. Just finished season one . Watched non stop when I could, I'm sure within 3-4 weeks ill be done.
Show got me hooked, great show. Trying to stay away from spoilers in here but what season is the best to y'all?