Won't work today.
Awesomeness/Coolness of the 80s, that enjoyable care free vibe is gone, DEAD.
We have the technology but there are just too many critics and corny stuff we let slide back in the day that won't be tolerated in this era.
Right now, everything in entertainment is too RAW, dark, gritty, harsh, political and very sexual.
This is why they don't make fun movies like Police Academy etc or cheesy shows like Saved by the Bell etc anymore.
Everything today is just too hardcore man and over analyzed, so it's going to be extremely hard to make it fun for everyone.
Also the days of likeable teen stars like Corey Feldman, Fred Savage, Macauley Culkin etc is OVER.
I mean look at the venom spewed every single day on youtube, blogs etc at teens like Justin Bieber/Hannah Montana LMAO