I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
I've been wanting to move to ATL for some time now.
What's stopping you

I've been wanting to move to ATL for some time now.
One thing they are trying to push in ATL is urban farming, since many of the hoods lack access to real good (just junk fast food) they city has been pushing for urban farms to be developed, the thing is is White folks are capitalizing on this and giving old burnt out people and homeless cats chump change to do the dirty work for them while they are seen as "job creators" and heros, then they go and turn around and try to resell it to folks at crazy mark ups. With the farm stuff I`m researching mainly because the land isn't that expensive, its just getting good land and equipment and such.
I lived in College Park back in the early 2000's. Shout out to Godby and Old Nat! Had to get them Florida tags off your car back then.
Love how black and indeed that state is, nothing like it. Andat the airport of course.
Not certain groups breh. We wanna move cacs out
We ain't scared to call em out ouchea![]()
I dunno know bout moving dem coco boyz out of the ATL but do you.
Coca-Cola was originally one of hundreds of coca-based drinks that claimed medicinal properties and benefits to health; early marketing claimed that Coca-Cola alleviated headaches and acted as a "brain and nerve tonic".[4][5] Coca leaves were used in Coca-Cola's preparation and the small amount of cocaine present in the product gave the drinker a "buzz".[5] In 1903 Coca-Cola removed cocaine from the formula, substituting caffeine as the stimulating ingredient, while dropping all the product's medicinal claims.
Introduced 1886
You don't think we got plans for them fukk boys
bring ur A game
Coca-Cola, The CIA, And
The Courts - Part 1
By Sherman H. Skolnick <skolnick@ameritech.net>
This series is going to deal with the following:
* Cocaine and Coca-Cola
* Coca-Cola and the espionage/mafia cartel
* Coca-Cola's reputed spy apparatus inside their enemy's camp in an important unpublicized blockbuster court case against the soda pop monster
* Malignant if not corrupt influence on the Courts
* Coca-Cola as "Big Brother" and the Echelon worldwide spy machine.
From the beginning, Coca-Cola always had a trace of cocaine. Early in the 20th Century it became part of a now forgotten prosecution of the soda bubble water drink. Over the years, doctors treating stomach ailments quietly used a mixture containing Coca-Cola syrup base. Of course, NOT used by doctors, who knew the score, was the base for Pepsi-Cola, Royal Crown Cola, or for that matter, any of the other fizz drinks. Savvy sorts, when they ran short of Drano, knew to pour Coca-Cola down their home plumbing. The acids in Coke cleared the plumbing almost as good as the high-priced hardware store stuff. Nutritionists raised their eyebrows. What does Coca-Cola do to the human plumbing?
Coke advertised with scenes of sports stars, speed boat enthusiasts, and such. To give the impression that Coke adds to a vibrant, healthy life. Yet Coke rightfully cannot make any nutrition claims. At least that is what their critics swear by and swear at.
Hey, how come Drano and other pipe-uncloggers, do not also advertise with speed boat pictures, sports stars, and such?
Some years ago, I interviewed on tape, a top official of the firm that makes the secret Coca-Cola base. That is Stepan Chemical, headquartered in the north suburb of Chicago, Northfield, and with plants elsewhere. They are the largest importer in the western world of coca leaves, used for Coke's base. A by-product, as admitted by the Stepan boss, is cocaine sold by them to the pharmaceutical industry. Does any of it also slip by as contraband? In the 1970s, some alternative journalists began heckling cocaine-linked Stepan Chemical. He said he was aware of the criticism of Stepan regarding cocaine. He could not go into it too far, he said, because of reasons of "national security". Or did he really mean, "Stepan security"? The bosses of Stepan have always been close to the Daley family that since the mid-1950s, with just a short hiatus, runs Chicago's city hall machine.
Early on in their history, The Coca-Cola Company assisted the U.S. in espionage. When the company set up bottling plants and distribution facilities in a new country, sent in were spy operatives. The place to hang their hat was the offices and plants, worldwide, of the much ballyhooed drink. The cocaine trace made it addictive. So did the sugar content, according to some nutritionist. With the U.S. Senate subcommittee hearings on Iran-Contra late in the 1980,s, the CIA-Coca-Cola link was dealt with. In Nicaragua, for example, those with CIA, when the Senate subcommittee asked, where with local offices of The Coca-Cola Company. By the end of the 20th Century, Coke bought about a billion dollars a year in advertisements in the monopoly press, even more when you add up their so-called "independent" subsidiaries.
Coke reportedly uses worldwide, mafia-type strong-arms to assure distribution and wreck competitors. Such as making soda pop competitors' refrigerator units in stores to over-night, disappear. In some places it is the traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. In other places, former Soviet Secret Police agents the KGB, like in the U.S. and current Russia, called the mafiya. Elsewhere used reportedly are the numerous Japanese underworld, the Yakuza.
Feeding on lush revenue of Coke ads, the press whores are not about to run news items or documentaries pointing out the reportedly close link between The Coca-Cola Company, covert operations of the American CIA, and the criminal cartel.
A key player, reportedly combining covert operations and the soda pop, was Roberto Goizueta. A Cuban, he started with the firm at their Havana offices in 1954. From 1980 to about the time of his death in 1997, Goizueta was at the helm of the spy-pop witches brew, operating in most every place on the globe. Through stock options he became a billionaire.
Goizueta's father was a Cuban sugar plantation dictator. Cuba was the major source of cane sugar used in the cola drink. Because of the ferment for change, needed was a new front man in Cuba. Batista, and the mafia, and the wealthy criminal families sucking the sugar blood out of Cuba, had overplayed their hand. So the American CIA, with the help of their reputed Atlanta-based adjunct, The Coca-Cola Company, installed their darling, Fidel Castro, a popular hero. When, like Frankenstein's monster, he turned against his creators, they plotted to overthrow Castro and assassinate him. It was 1961 and it was called the Bay of Pigs operation.
The Coca-Cola Company and other old-time imperial firms having an entrenched interest to have Cuba as a puppet colony, participated with CIA. Aiding them was Claire Boothe Luce, wife of the boss of the Time-Life Magazine empire. With the American CIA actually since 1959, through his espionage front, Zapata Petroleum, was George Herbert Walker Bush. He aided as well the aborted mission. One of the attempted invasion vessels was named after Bush's operations. Out of official government office was Richard Milhous Nixon. In 1961, he was the overlord for the planned invasion. Blamed for the aborted invasion planned actually by President Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy said as a punishment, he would scatter the CIA to the wind. CIA boss Allen Dulles, sacked by JFK, called him a "traitor". Some say the JFK threats against CIA led to the plot to assassinate him.
Some would simplify this story by pointing to Coke trying to change over greatly to a diet cola, as a way of breaking loose of filling the void once supplied by Cuban cane sugar, against which there was a U.S. embargo. By the end of the 20th Century, the major player in supplying the chemical sweeteners for non-Diet Coke, was Archer-Daniels-Midland. At the time of Watergate, the head of ADM was to have been prosecuted for secret participation in Nixon's covert operations slush fund. Dwayne Andreas was too useful to the American CIA for them to allow him to be jailed. Like The Coca-Cola Company in the past, by 1999, ADM had an interest in putting their claws on Cuba.
Through foreign subsidiaries, ADM had big investments in operating food refineries in Cuba, to exploit their agriculture abundance. ADM was the principal player for the faked propaganda bombardment and orchestrated event, to open up Cuba and drop the U.S. embargo. It was called the Elian Gonzalez affair. Only one lesser known publication dared spell out the ADM-Cuba-Elian Gonzalez link. In the spring of 2000, under a headline "How Did ADM Pull This Off?", The Massachusetts News started their blockbuster item with "What is Archer-Daniels-Midland and why does it want to build another food refinery in Cuba? Where does it get its power?" The article went on to lambast ADM, "The company is a speculator in and processor of corn and other grains around the world. It has tremendous influence on politicians AND THE MEDIA." (Emphasis added.)
So, the Elian Gonzalez affair was just a smoke screen. The story quotes Forbes Magazine 2/7/2000, and their headline "ADM PREPARES FOR LIFTING OF CUBAN EMBARGO". Note: ADM sponsors many of the mass media's TV talk shows as well as PBS's "Jim Lehrer News Hour".
The story of ADM and The Coca-Cola Company and a corrupt Chicago Federal Judge will be in a later part of this series.
A major player in The Coca-Cola Company has been Warren Buffet. If you are naive and believe in fairy tales, then you believe he made his great fortune through crafty operation starting with a department store in Omaha. To heckle him, some of his critics pronounce his name,French-style, phonetically Buffay. Buffet became a major owner of Coke stock and held a position on their Board of Directors. Few, if any, dare even whisper that Buffet's fortune is reportedly based on operating companies that are money laundries and propaganda horns for the American CIA. The list would have to include CIA adjuncts such as the Wells Fargo Bank, helping CIA's Pacific basin operations, and the CIA-apologist, The Washington Post Company. (Read, if you can find it, Deborah Davis' book, "Katherine the Great" about the Washington Post and the CIA.
To understand Warren Buffet, who mouths off his wonders at universities training so-called would-be business stars, you would have to be a profound investigator, from mostly secret sources, on the worldwide dope trafficking by the American CIA. When you are knowledgeable on that, then, and only then, do you understand the financial buffoon, Warren Buffet. Is it a mere coincidence that his purported nephew, Jimmy Buffet, and his rock concerts seem to be part of making dope use fashionable? His band, The Corral Reefers, is a word play for narcotics. At his concerts, there is reportedly massive trafficking and use of dope. And the local corrupted police have the badge of the three monkeys.
Some had misgivings about another purported relative of Warren Buffet, the once popular Art Bell, the middle-of-the-night talk show host. Bell was broadcasted on hundreds of major wattage radio stations in major markets, never known to broadcast the truth about the Federal Reserve, or political assassinations, and a lot of other suppressed topics. With his reputed heavy intelligence agency background, was Bell's program just some more psychological warfare operations? In crude terms, was it just mindf--k?
Late in the 20th Century, a strange series of events started targeting The Coca-Cola Company. Various European governments and the European Union began attacking Coke.===That Coke's products in Europe are contaminated. Such as in Belgium and Poland, among others.===That The Coca-Cola Company usesw monopoly tactics to injure competitors. Such as in Italy.===Dawn raids on Coke's offices and closing down their plants, grabbing up records and accusing The Coca-Cola Company of making people sick with their products.
Is there a simple, though incomplete, unpublicized explanation for this epidemic of attacks on The Coca-Cola Company? The French CIA accused Microsoft of being a spy operation and proprietary adjunct of the super-secret U.S. National Security Agency, the signal intelligence spooks. Further, France and other European copuntries are accusing The Coca-Cola Company of being, like Microsoft, an adjunct and private company proprietary of the American CIA. Privitizing some of CIA's operations makes it impossible to get possibly incriminating records, if at all, through invoking the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. You cannot force government disclosure, for example, of CIA's private company proprietary adjunct, Wackenhut, a alter ego for CIA with more emplopyes and operations that CIA itself. )Spy Magazine, 9/92.)
Further, France and other European countries are accusing Coke of using some of their methods and satellite operations to assist and as a cover for Echelon, the super "Big Brother" gobbling up most everyone's private details and tracking, through key words, what most everyone communicates with anyone else in the world.
Raiding Coke's European plants and offices---claiming anti-trust violations and poisoning up the populace---is just another way of sending the Atlanta-based spy/soda-spitting rattlesnake the message: We do not like American spies and vipers.
I'm a BK nikka so first and foremost fukk the 37th precinct and RIP to Ismaaiyl Brinsley.
With that being said after shyt jumped off in Ferguson we had a protest in front of the CNN building. The cops were out there obviously but they were clapping and applauding with us. All the cops I seen out there were black. I really ain't have any problems with police out here, even the cac ones![]()
Breh, we got all of Nigeria behind us, we can't lose
On a side note I learned a while back that these big companies are dirty as fukk. You heard about Chiquita Banana?
When was the last time you were in NYC?
If you guys are all right about Atlanta then I might hold off on my plans to move out of the country (was looking for a place in Costa Rica/Mexico believe it or not). Maybe there's still some hope left in the US I don't know.
What are some business ideas that entrepreneurs get into?
Left Brooklyn in 2002, last time I visited was 2012.
Personally I'm still planning to leave the US, but until I leave, Atlanta, IMO, is the best place for a black man in the US.