You have good intentions but you're going the wrong way. If anyone has any hope of making a ton of money then it won't happen on the stock market. As a lowend individual investor you'll be competing with institutional investors who trade using insider information. These guys have friends in the SEC and agents in various corporations (i.e.: Microsoft, Apple, etc.) feeding them information. Some of these guys use super computers that can execute trades in the fraction of a second (high frequency trading). No way can you compete with that.
Even if you make a successful, profitable investment you won't earn much money since you'll be paying broker's fees and capital gains taxes up the ass. Wall St. is an institution designed to help the rich get richer while everyone else suffers. It's like a glorified ponzo scheme.
You're better off investing in real estate or private businesses (not listed on the stock exchange). That way you have a direct line to the CEO. For example, If you have money invested in a hair salon that's losing money then you can call up the manager/boss/ceo and discuss it over lunch. If you own stock in General Electric (NYSE: GE) you can't call up the CEO.
As for a real, tangible plan. I'm not even sure but I guess you can convince 10-20 other guys to form a partnership LLC with. Everyone would have to put in $5000+ or whatever for an equal partnership. This business entity can purchase small-scale businesses. For example, you have sites like these where you could buy a wide variety of businesses including a restaurant, gas station, dry cleaners, super market, etc.