For whom the Drum rolls: 2013-2014 Detroit Pistons Thread


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Jennings is trash, the Pistons need to try their best to get out from under his contract ASAP. He is not a starting PG, he is a volume shooter that dominates the ball and gets assists only when the option to shoot isn't available. He is awful defensively, takes terrible shots and couldn't run an offense if his life depended on it.

It's not too early to see he will never change his game, which is low percentage long 2 pointers and volume shooting. Also, moving Monroe for an SF means you're done for the long term, no team with Smith at the PF spot is winning a title or getting past the first round. Their best bet long term is to tank, admit the Jennings signing was a mistake move him for whatever you can get and bring Smith off the bench like the Lakers did with Odom.
Apr 30, 2012
Jennings is trash, the Pistons need to try their best to get out from under his contract ASAP. He is not a starting PG, he is a volume shooter that dominates the ball and gets assists only when the option to shoot isn't available. He is awful defensively, takes terrible shots and couldn't run an offense if his life depended on it.

It's not too early to see he will never change his game, which is low percentage long 2 pointers and volume shooting. Also, moving Monroe for an SF means you're done for the long term, no team with Smith at the PF spot is winning a title or getting past the first round. Their best bet long term is to tank, admit the Jennings signing was a mistake move him for whatever you can get and bring Smith off the bench like the Lakers did with Odom.

Are you forgetting that Jennings will improve his game because he got that great PG coaching from Dumars and Chauncy, I mean shyt look at what Westbrook/Paul have said about them - it must mean something significant, right? And I mean its not like he's a problem and it doesn't matter if he's shot like garbage and made dumb plays for the last FIVE seasons - this is DETROIT, all the players that come here improve their games to the elite level.


May 18, 2012
This team aint going to work. Monroe needs to be moved for a sf. He is too slow footed to play the 4 and disappears too often to warrant a max deal. Jennings and smith are erratic but neither is the reason this team is struggling.

Apr 30, 2012
yeah I watched them when I could, seemed like Woodson and Larry Drew had/have the same philosophies.

Didn't Woodson have an offense built off of isololation, that's how 'iso' Joe came about right :laff:

Nah, Drew tried to fixed that while he was there. He tried to bring in more ball movement, but the problem was Crawford, Johnson and monkey-see-monkey-do ass nikka Smith were too long gone with their isolation-ways, that it didn't mean shyt, cause all nikkas wanted to do was hog the ball.

That's all on coaching right there, maybe it is too late to change, but when you come in the league (in Smith's case, I know Joe started in Phoenix, which was fun ball also) and the coach is asking you to iso, that will be how you're going to develop. Changes can be reversed though, it is more mental than not.
Smith will be 28 in less than a month, it's highly unlikely he'll change his game. I mean if you don't have it going on in your late-20s there's not much hope for you. The basketball-sponge age is the late-teens to early 20s for the mental part/decision making, it only gets harder from there to reverse shyt. Smith's levels of bone-headedness will pretty much stay the same until he retires or he goes to San Antonio and Pop drugs him, handcuffs him to a chair and shows him psychedelic footage of Duncan.

I've already seen Smith play more controlled this year than in his ATL days combined, so improvement has been showed. He is still free world with it though I am not disputing that, just not as bad, but still detrimental.

Nah man, he's more wild than ever. nikka out there taking 6 threes a game, doing 19ft stepbacks over defenders and tryna be Crawford with the dribbling up the court.

Y'all dudes 'trapped in time' until you can move one of them or both of them.


Jan 13, 2013

Are you forgetting that Jennings will improve his game because he got that great PG coaching from Dumars and Chauncy, I mean shyt look at what Westbrook/Paul have said about them - it must mean something significant, right? And I mean its not like he's a problem and it doesn't matter if he's shot like garbage and made dumb plays for the last FIVE seasons - this is DETROIT, all the players that come here improve their games to the elite level.

You're taking it a bit too far. no one has ever said every Player that comes here improves. and again I repeat Offense is not the achilles, Our interior and perimeter D is full of holes. at one point the Hawks were shooting 75% from the field. No one can win a game allowing that to happen.

as I mentioned elsewhere in this thread. the Pistons are ranked 17th offensively and 28th in defense. Improved defense will win them more games and could have won them more already this season. While Jennings sucks, His D. is costing us more than his O.
Apr 30, 2012
You're taking it a bit too far. no one has ever said every Player that comes here improves. and again I repeat Offense is not the achelles. at one point the Hawks were shooting 75% from the field. No one can win a game allowing that to happen.

as I mentioned elsewhere in this thread. the Pistons are ranked 17th offensively and 28th in defense. Improved defense will win them more games and could have won them more already this season. While Jennings sucks His D. is costing us more than his O.

The point is they aren't the right pieces. You constant posting of superficial evidence is making you look like a fool.


Jan 13, 2013
The point is they aren't the right pieces. You constant posting of superficial evidence is making you look like a fool.

So stats that say a team is middle of the pack on offense and damn near last in defense is Mediocre evidence? And trust that I watch far more games then You could ever know. Not that it matters because #s don't lie. stats are irrefutable. You've yet to post any and while I give give You leeway on Your Jennings argument. I can't do the same thing for Josh. He has played impressively well since his benching in Golden State. Today's game is his first bad one since then. and that is totally understandable considering the circumstances.

And Yes i will take Dre over Al any day. Dre leads the league in FG% He is fourth in rebounds... Ahead of Al. and dude is only 20. hasn't even developed let alone peaked yet...

Remove Your emotions from the equation. The bottom line is the Piston organization has 3 championships the Hawks have 0. We are in position to get another 1 before the Hawks get their first.


Jan 13, 2013
And I agree Singler ass needs to be on the bench.

Jorts played decent spot minutes.

and when Siva was on the court the team ran a lot better. He needs more burn.

Mo is just a bad coach so far. He's either too late making an adjustment or he doesn't make one at all.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
And I agree Singler ass needs to be on the bench.

Jorts played decent spot minutes.

and when Siva was on the court the team ran a lot better. He needs more burn.

Mo is just a bad coach so far. He's either too late making an adjustment or he doesn't make one at all.
yeah the pick and roll defense is abysmal. like honestly embarrassing. i was high on cheeks to start because i like to give people a chance, but the nikka is ass. coaches are supposed to be smart and if these nikkas cant defend a pick and roll after 10 games, either he isnt teaching them or doesnt know how to teach them
Apr 30, 2012
So stats that say a team is middle of the pack on offense and damn near last in defense is Mediocre evidence?
Why do you constantly use stats incorporating everybody in the team and not just Smith/Jennings? We're not talking about the rest of players, we're talking about how much of a bid fit Smith/Jennings are.

And trust that I watch far more games then You could ever know. Not that it matters because #s don't lie. stats are irrefutable.

You can use stats to make 90% of players look better than they actually are. You have such a pigeon-hold look on the game. You don't watch shyt, because you'd never say Dre is better than Horford, Sanders played exceptionally well with Jennings etc etc if you did.

Outside of your team you clearly have no perspective of what goes on in the league.

You've yet to post any and while I give give You leeway on Your Jennings argument.
How many times have I posted Jennings and Smith shooting percentages this season and over their careers? You've got a bad memory. You sound like a 12-year-old with this hang up stats stance you keep projecting. But-bu-bu-bu-t the stats say this ass nikka.

I can't do the same thing for Josh. He has played impressively well since his benching in Golden State. Today's game is his first bad one since then. and that is totally understandable considering the circumstances.

What circumstances? Once again you sound like you've never watched Smith before.
And Yes i will take Dre over Al any day. Dre leads the league in FG% He is fourth in rebounds... Ahead of Al. and dude is only 20. hasn't even developed let alone peaked yet...

He leads the league in FG% because he only takes 9 shots a game and most of them are at the rim. ol' the game is ABC ass nikka. Honestly how stupid are you that you think leading the league on FG% with 9 shots with the majority at the rim is evidence for being better than one of the best big men in the league (Horford)?

Hordford is a better shooter, post player, passer, defender - literally just about anything. Dre is no where near the player Horford is at the moment.

Only stupid ass homers would say Dre is better than Horford.

Remove Your emotions from the equation. The bottom line is the Piston organization has 3 championships the Hawks have 0. We are in position to get another 1 before the Hawks get their first.

:mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown:

The fact that you think this has any relevance to any of this is mind-boggling.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
So stats that say a team is middle of the pack on offense and damn near last in defense is Mediocre evidence? And trust that I watch far more games then You could ever know. Not that it matters because #s don't lie. stats are irrefutable. You've yet to post any and while I give give You leeway on Your Jennings argument. I can't do the same thing for Josh. He has played impressively well since his benching in Golden State. Today's game is his first bad one since then. and that is totally understandable considering the circumstances.

And Yes i will take Dre over Al any day. Dre leads the league in FG% He is fourth in rebounds... Ahead of Al. and dude is only 20. hasn't even developed let alone peaked yet...

Remove Your emotions from the equation. The bottom line is the Piston organization has 3 championships the Hawks have 0. We are in position to get another 1 before the Hawks get their first.

Drummond is not better than Horford, does he have the potential to be? Of course, he has top 5 potential if he can put all his talent to use and develop his game. But right now, Al is significantly better and he's been the best center in the East so far.