Religion/Spirituality For My JEWISH Coli Brehs Can Y'all Tell Me About Judaism? (An Agnostic Coli Breh Is Intrigued)


May 9, 2012
for business? and how did they treat you at the airport security?
I had a chance to go with a bunch of people from grad school for a trip organized by our Israeli classmates.

Airport security was fine, I got sent to secondary and questioned for 40 minutes but they were polite and professional.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
I'm an atheist, dad's heritage is Judaism, mother went to Catholic school. I'm gonna lay this out one time, just for peace of mind.

It comes down to ethical questions. With Christians, there's Heaven (with Jesus) and Hell (with the devil). But if you read the stories, it comes down to Satan being an angel who stood up against God and walked his own path. So really, this is a morality tale. Christians believe, if you want to go to heaven, you need Jesus. And frankly they're right. If you want to succeed in life, you need a community to gain wisdom and experience from. While Satan walks alone, so it's a blind path, he's turned his back on everyone else, so he doesn't get to reap the rewards of their knowledge. Thus, he is boned forever.

Meanwhile, jews don't have hell. So you can see, it's gonna be a lot more pact based. Jews basically are the people who ponied up and said "We believe in God." and their god gave them the Torah. The 10 Commandments (which Islam believes to be the only words actually written by God himself, unlike the Bible, which Islam believes God was using the personalities of 40 writers). And then over 700 other strange rules. You can see the logic. They don't even acknowledge the possibility of Hell, they know it's all Heaven, All God, All the time. Which leads to a very strict, and long set of rules. It's not, "if you don't follow these rules, you go to hell" it's "If you don't follow these rules, you don't get into heaven, and then you'll feel like a real idiot"

Christians believe in Heaven vs. Hell, so it's a personal struggle, all based in Jesus, but you gotta shoot from your own hip. Jews don't give Hell any weight, so it's basically a roller coaster path and each step is guided by god, and so, they need this monolithic rule book.

You need to also put this into a historical context, Abrahamic religions are based in the Levant, on the coast of the Mediterranean. At the time, Rome and Greece were the dominating authorities. In Christianity, the book of Revelations, Jesus is said to go down "into hades" to clean out all the souls. This makes sense to us, because we have that context, so to us Hades is equal to Hell, the lowest place for souls. But if you study ancient greek culture, Hades isn't even the lowest. There's a place called Tartarus which is said to be "as far below Hades, as Hades is below Earth" that's where Sisyphus is (guy pushing a boulder up a mountain, and it falls down). So Jesus didn't even go that deep!

Once you realize this, you realize they weren't being literal with the definitions of Jesus going into Hell. It represents things at the time. Hades at the time was basically a synonym for like 'bad place'. They were talking in Myths, y'know? The reason I'm saying this is because you say you're an agnostic thinking about reading the 3 holy books to "choose a religion". Why even bother choosing.

These are all western religions. As I've reiterated, these are all ethical questions. In Christianity they have 'psalms'. Stories about jesus and olive branches, etc etc. In Eastern religions, these are called koans. 'If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?'. It gives the same religious/spiritual insight or wisdom, without the walking on water bullshyt. That's buddhist, buddha studied Hinduism. In Hinduism, there's atheists! They understand that it's philosophical and moral debate, and they're using these guys with 4 hands as representatives of deeper cosmological ideas.

The holy trinity in Hinduism, is Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer). You can see it's like a rock-paper-scissors thing, and each one has their own mass of followers. They represent what path you want to take in life, it's almost a reflection of you inner self. For instance, if you've been pushed down repeatedly in life, or are an outcast, you're gonna say out of the three, Shiva's the most important, because he sets the stage again. And then within each followers realm, there's various degrees of devotion. The most devot Shiva followers are Saddu(travelling holyman)-Aghoris. Guys that cover themselves in bone dust, smoke weed, and hang out in graveyards.

It's all science. If you sit and think long enough, you can figure out the universe probably has a positive side (plus/light/good), a dark side (negative/dark/evil) side, and then a side that's neither good nor bad. Religion just uses stories and tales to categorize these universal truths. As an atheist, I just stick to proton, neutron, electron. It all means the same thing in the end, really


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
I'm an atheist, dad's heritage is Judaism, mother went to Catholic school. I'm gonna lay this out one time, just for peace of mind.

It comes down to ethical questions. With Christians, there's Heaven (with Jesus) and Hell (with the devil). But if you read the stories, it comes down to Satan being an angel who stood up against God and walked his own path. So really, this is a morality tale. Christians believe, if you want to go to heaven, you need Jesus. And frankly they're right. If you want to succeed in life, you need a community to gain wisdom and experience from. While Satan walks alone, so it's a blind path, he's turned his back on everyone else, so he doesn't get to reap the rewards of their knowledge. Thus, he is boned forever.

Meanwhile, jews don't have hell. So you can see, it's gonna be a lot more pact based. Jews basically are the people who ponied up and said "We believe in God." and their god gave them the Torah. The 10 Commandments (which Islam believes to be the only words actually written by God himself, unlike the Bible, which Islam believes God was using the personalities of 40 writers). And then over 700 other strange rules. You can see the logic. They don't even acknowledge the possibility of Hell, they know it's all Heaven, All God, All the time. Which leads to a very strict, and long set of rules. It's not, "if you don't follow these rules, you go to hell" it's "If you don't follow these rules, you don't get into heaven, and then you'll feel like a real idiot"

Christians believe in Heaven vs. Hell, so it's a personal struggle, all based in Jesus, but you gotta shoot from your own hip. Jews don't give Hell any weight, so it's basically a roller coaster path and each step is guided by god, and so, they need this monolithic rule book.

You need to also put this into a historical context, Abrahamic religions are based in the Levant, on the coast of the Mediterranean. At the time, Rome and Greece were the dominating authorities. In Christianity, the book of Revelations, Jesus is said to go down "into hades" to clean out all the souls. This makes sense to us, because we have that context, so to us Hades is equal to Hell, the lowest place for souls. But if you study ancient greek culture, Hades isn't even the lowest. There's a place called Tartarus which is said to be "as far below Hades, as Hades is below Earth" that's where Sisyphus is (guy pushing a boulder up a mountain, and it falls down). So Jesus didn't even go that deep!

Once you realize this, you realize they weren't being literal with the definitions of Jesus going into Hell. It represents things at the time. Hades at the time was basically a synonym for like 'bad place'. They were talking in Myths, y'know? The reason I'm saying this is because you say you're an agnostic thinking about reading the 3 holy books to "choose a religion". Why even bother choosing.

These are all western religions. As I've reiterated, these are all ethical questions. In Christianity they have 'psalms'. Stories about jesus and olive branches, etc etc. In Eastern religions, these are called koans. 'If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?'. It gives the same religious/spiritual insight or wisdom, without the walking on water bullshyt. That's buddhist, buddha studied Hinduism. In Hinduism, there's atheists! They understand that it's philosophical and moral debate, and they're using these guys with 4 hands as representatives of deeper cosmological ideas.

The holy trinity in Hinduism, is Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer). You can see it's like a rock-paper-scissors thing, and each one has their own mass of followers. They represent what path you want to take in life, it's almost a reflection of you inner self. For instance, if you've been pushed down repeatedly in life, or are an outcast, you're gonna say out of the three, Shiva's the most important, because he sets the stage again. And then within each followers realm, there's various degrees of devotion. The most devot Shiva followers are Saddu(travelling holyman)-Aghoris. Guys that cover themselves in bone dust, smoke weed, and hang out in graveyards.

It's all science. If you sit and think long enough, you can figure out the universe probably has a positive side (plus/light/good), a dark side (negative/dark/evil) side, and then a side that's neither good nor bad. Religion just uses stories and tales to categorize these universal truths. As an atheist, I just stick to proton, neutron, electron. It all means the same thing in the end, really
Dap +Rep thanks for spitting this knowledge breh :salute:

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
nobody in this thread knows what they are talking about. to learn about Judaism you don't ask white people, or 'Israelis(as if theres a difference), or blacks for that matter. you read the bible.

both these groups have been doing it wrong for millennia. lol at this post. read the scriptures.