Didn't even bother keeping secrets from the team about Nora and Barry disappearing, they went right up and told everybody at the start of the episode. And the villain didn't even bother with some scheme like Devoe or Thawne, he literally just walked up to Team Flash and proceeded to start beating their asses. Didn't even wait until Episode 6 or so like the villain usually does before giving the early season asswhooping.
I guess they're just getting straight to the point in Season 5.
The way Cicada reacted when XS yelled Dad, makes me think he could have lost his daughter to a meta-human and is now hunting everyone with powers on some crusade.
Agree with the comments about them coming right out with the truth about Nora and what happens to Barry in her future timeline.
Barry, Ralph, and Cisco without their powers
Get out of prison, just to go right back in. What a block -head move
Joe's feign interest in Cecille's power loss Pressure Cooker Metahuman The book of Ralph Caitlyn's daddy issues Cisco dressed as Renegade Investigative Reporter Iris Nora needs to slow her roll Zap her pops across the screen WestAllen Teamwork, tho Cicada's dagger is a cheat code
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