Speedsters been getting taken out by regular human movement since season 1.
That's not what I'm saying.
Instead of grabbing the father they could have grabbed her.
Speedsters been getting taken out by regular human movement since season 1.
Also, is it just me or are they not even pretending to care about the timeline?
After Flashpoint you would expect Barry to be completely against Nora repeating his mistake, but he's completely fine with her coming back in time and trying to stop him from dying.
Jay Garrick needs to come out of retirement just to smack Barry.
Speedsters been getting taken out by regular human movement since season 1.
Also, is it just me or are they not even pretending to care about the timeline?
After Flashpoint you would expect Barry to be completely against Nora repeating his mistake, but he's completely fine with her coming back in time and trying to stop him from dying.
Jay Garrick needs to come out of retirement just to smack Barry.
Anybody else think Cicada won't end up being the main villain of the season? At this point we pretty much know everything about him and his powers, so I can't see them fighting this guy for another 15 episodes.
My guess is that he's the "Alchemy" of this season and after the midseason finale the real main villain will be revealed.
The real villain is already here, destroying the entire timeline as we know it
Holy crap!