MoS was piff..Cavill never got his just due, a Brainiac or Darkseid movie with Synder at the helm?
Synder's aesthetic was perfect for DC, so many short-sighted fools making the decisions...
How does Snyder come back when he's one of the main reason things went south?
BvS stumbled out of the block and was the start of their ending. That's on him. Funny how everyone blames Whedon but audiences and critics gave the theatrical release of Justice League higher marks.
His aesthetic was polarizing but DC needs storytelling not style.
DCEU stays on fast forward. They've already used Doomsday, The Death of Superman, and The Dark Knight Returns by the 2nd movie
Superman died before he got a second solo movie. We didn't know him long enough to care

How are you going to introduce Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Steppenwolf, Darkseid, Mother Boxes, The Anti Life Equation, a post apocalyptic future, and Martian Manhunter in one movie