I'd watch it if supergirl is attractive enoughIt will flop...
batgirl's actress intrigues me
I'd watch it if supergirl is attractive enoughIt will flop...
GuaranteedIt will flop...
If their "fourth pillar" in Harley couldn't avoid the flop, this is DOA
The only one who could've gotten away with that was Wonder Woman (before WW84 shyt the bed). She's been the only one with a majority female audienceExactly, not with WB/DC at the helm, Batgirl/Supergirl ain't getting a Black Widow/ Wandavision stimulus.
Comic-based female films with a girl power agenda are going to be hard to pull off in 202x. Can't turn it into a man-bashing fest when 90% of the buyers are men.
That's what I am saying, Synder was perfect for this world but let's be real, WB really interfered with the development of the movies and tried to Marvel it up which didn't work...
DC is gritty and Synder gets that but sadly that door is 99% shut.
With these moves, they will lose out on the thing they love most, money. This will bite them in the ass because erasing JL also erases Aquaman/Wonder Woman/Suicide Squad/Sirens of Gotham down the road, unless they are picking and choosing which characters survive in this continuity
Either way this is stupid, ZSJL is pure magic...
One of the leakers came out and said that they're doing a 'Man of Steel' sequel but instead of Cavill/Superman it'll be with Supergirl