This is the first ghost story I can remember from like kindergarten that I remember being shook from. We had the book and book on tape and the narrator always did a creepy ass rendition of that headless girl
fukk her to this day
Edit: I found the audio and it’s actually creepier than I remember. Sounds like a cereal killer is narrrating this shyt for elementary school kids
My sister had the OG books. If she still does, I'm buying them from her!
I remember reading one of the books on a ride to Alabama! I think one story was about three girls who accidentally kill a guy and dump his body in a swamp - then he comes back for revenge.
i see what they're TRYING to do with the movie by the trailer...but i really hope they don't fukk this up....the Harold story is already off....i thought they was gonna follow the book stories as they are....
i'mma still give this a chance...but i'm skeptic now...
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