Finding out that 1 of your parents is havin an affair


Jun 28, 2012
This happened to me...won't go into details, but overall while I love my dad for being there for me and being a father to me, deep inside I'm like fukk that nikka for real. Dude is a two faced dirtbag, especially since he's always lecturing about the moral high ground and is all up in the church :ufdup: and he doeno

Don't worry about all of that, since it's out of your control. Just make sure you always live up to your standard. It hurts, I'm sure, to know the truth. Don't let it affect your view on all men though, because there are a lot who won't do undercover stuff like that.

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
My revenge:
I'll put this in a spoiler because it doesn't really relate to the thread.

See my step dad was a golden glove champ who is obsessed with Rocky. He would always tell me to put the gloves on and wanted to "teach" me how to box when in reality he would just relive his glory days on me. My twin would always tell me not to put the gloves on but I didn't want to back down. He would hit me where my nose would bleed and be like "keep fighting, don't let blood scare you". Brehs, I aint lying when I tell you he would knock the spit outta my mouth and I would see lights like I was staring at the sun. The Summer I was 17 was the last time he told me to put the gloves on. I caught him good and put him down 3 times till my uncle stopped it.

That leads me to story 2. Fast forward a few years I'm 22. I get a call from my mom. Shes crying, tells me she thinks he's cheating with her best friend. She doesn't know for sure but she wants my help. Of course I think back to when I snitched before but I'm bigger now, I ain't 12 and its still my mom. So I go down to his shop and snoop around I find a phone he was using to call and text this bytch. I go to this bytches house and confront her about it. She lets me hear voice mails he left her. Talmbout, I love you and we can have a life together even though we're both married. All this crazy shyt.

I go back to my moms house and tell her. We're talking about an hour goes by she's crying and shyt then my step dad walks in the door. He already knew what was up because the bytch warned him. Mind you this dude has my mom wrapped around her finger. He comes in acting like I'm filling my moms head with lies saying I've been trying to get them to split since I was a kid. He approached me real aggressive and I didn't say a word, I open hand smack the ish out of him. Had him laying in the living room like :dead: Guess who freaks out on me? Yea, my mom. I leave and this dude convinced her that he'll change and that chick means nothing to him. Even said he'd kill himself if he didn't have my mom in his life. She bought it.

My relationship is civil with them now but it was years before I was cool with them again. My siblings are really the only reason I bother with them.

Breh, you need to write a script and send it to Tyler Perry. He'd make a profitable movie out of this shyt. :shaq:


Jun 17, 2012
on the real: men were not built for monogamy. women, why would you settle down with a man if you know this? we want to blast our seed. EVERYWHERE. that's it. (oh, i know why you'd settle down with a man. you want to get paid when he inevitably cheats)

and the worst part about our society is that the marriage has the man locked in which completely ruins things for the kids. he doesn't want to divorce because he'll lose his money. so he stays in the relationship, as fukked up as it is in order to hold onto the money that he has earned.

the result?

the kids end up FUKKED up growing up in that dysfunctional environment. parents always arguing. catching pops having affairs or attempting to hide affairs. and on and on. not a healthy environment for children. in fact, a single parent household would be healthier.

once again, i'm always coming back to the main problem of nearly everything in our society:



Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
My revenge:
I'll put this in a spoiler because it doesn't really relate to the thread.

See my step dad was a golden glove champ who is obsessed with Rocky. He would always tell me to put the gloves on and wanted to "teach" me how to box when in reality he would just relive his glory days on me. My twin would always tell me not to put the gloves on but I didn't want to back down. He would hit me where my nose would bleed and be like "keep fighting, don't let blood scare you". Brehs, I aint lying when I tell you he would knock the spit outta my mouth and I would see lights like I was staring at the sun. The Summer I was 17 was the last time he told me to put the gloves on. I caught him good and put him down 3 times till my uncle stopped it.

That leads me to story 2. Fast forward a few years I'm 22. I get a call from my mom. Shes crying, tells me she thinks he's cheating with her best friend. She doesn't know for sure but she wants my help. Of course I think back to when I snitched before but I'm bigger now, I ain't 12 and its still my mom. So I go down to his shop and snoop around I find a phone he was using to call and text this bytch. I go to this bytches house and confront her about it. She lets me hear voice mails he left her. Talmbout, I love you and we can have a life together even though we're both married. All this crazy shyt.

I go back to my moms house and tell her. We're talking about an hour goes by she's crying and shyt then my step dad walks in the door. He already knew what was up because the bytch warned him. Mind you this dude has my mom wrapped around her finger. He comes in acting like I'm filling my moms head with lies saying I've been trying to get them to split since I was a kid. He approached me real aggressive and I didn't say a word, I open hand smack the ish out of him. Had him laying in the living room like :dead: Guess who freaks out on me? Yea, my mom. I leave and this dude convinced her that he'll change and that chick means nothing to him. Even said he'd kill himself if he didn't have my mom in his life. She bought it.

My relationship is civil with them now but it was years before I was cool with them again. My siblings are really the only reason I bother with them.

man, after seeing all those times ur moms let dude walk all over her as a kid with the other broads, it should be to the point where u dont even get involved, cuz obviously she ain't gonna leave him. I mean whats the point??? :yeshrug:
May 7, 2012
Ya I would. I'd give them an opportunity to tell first, but otherwise I'm telling.

I have a thing about family...I won't knowingly allow them to be cheated, stolen from, hurt, etc. behind their back...even if it's from other family members. :manny:

NYK Loyalist

All Star
Dec 8, 2012
It disgusts me that so many people with kids cheat. I have a daughter and I would never want her to think her dad is a cheater. That shyt would kill me to disappoint her like that. I pride myself on being honest and a stand up guy. Cheating is the ultimate selfish act

My pops cheated on my mom when I was really young maybe 2 or 3 and she divorced him. I didn't find this out till I was much older. They got back together when I was 12 or 13 but it was never a really loving marriage almost more like a business arrangement. I always said I never wanted that kind of marriage


Jun 17, 2012
spin: what if the mother isn't putting out anymore? would you rat out your father at that point? i mean, if he divorces moms then he's gonna lose half of his earnings. that ain't right.

put yourself in the father's position. your wife went cold after marriage and kids. you still want to get your nut off like you imagined you would when you originally got married. if this was the case would you still rat pops out for cheating? keep in mind that a big part of the reason why he's cheating is that mom might have stopped putting out

(get married, brehs. have kids, brehs)


All green everything
May 6, 2012
My dad's been creepin around since I was a kid. My mom is at least 2x smarter than him, so I'm sure she knows. I stay out of it, none of my business, but I have told her she needs a divorce.

Do you think she a cheating too?

King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed

It's been said a million times, but God bless you, bro.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Hard to say, because in many cases the mom or dad already knows

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta think somebody's spouse is gonna be cheating on them for an extended period of time and they don't know?

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Jun 30, 2013
Question brehs: If you found out 1 of your parents was creepin around, would you feel obligated to tell your mom/dad about it? Would you have a convo with the cheating parent and tell them to stop? Has this happend to any of y'all? :usure:

I asked this because one of my homies pops has cheated on the moms forever. The pops has even brought his jump offs around his son. The son doesn't even seem to mind and hasn't told his own mom that his pops has been fuccin around. I'm like :mindblown:

What would y'all do?

My mom was cheated on. but she found out not me. she always tell me about it... but If I found out about it. I think I will leave it alone just because they are grown and they can handle it themselves. it's bad enough knowing . no need for me to be involved.