Finding out that 1 of your parents is havin an affair

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
One of my earliest memories. When I was about 2 or 3, we got a new car, and I wanted to ride in it, so I begged to go with him. He just said, "Come on" nice. We drove to the next neighborhood and stop. Light skinned chick in some daisy dukes comes out and they just start kissing and going at each other. My heart just sunk. Had a lump in my throat for days. That next morning, my mom asked me how the ride was. I said I liked it. She asked where we went. I didn't say anything. Just riding around. I felt guilty for years because the next time I saw that lady, she dropped off a baby and ran off. My mom was pregnant at the time too. My mom seemed like an angry person ever since then. She packed us up and left for a couple of months. First time I saw my dad cry. We went to some podunk town where her brothers lived, and every dude we encountered hit on her. My mom ran back home, had the baby and raised both of the babies. Now that he's grown up, his mom tries to get all in his business wanting money. Sad thing is, he falls for it, after my mom raised him. His mom tries to visit and befriend my mom all the time.

Believe it or not, this shyt happened again. I remember about 4th or 5th grade my dad started dipping out as soon as he got home. We all kind of knew something was going on, but no one talked about it. When he got home it was quiet, and no one looked up. He would just leave unless someone had practice or a game. The thing is, the phone would ring like all night. I woke up one night and found my mom crying. She picked up the phone and told someone to leave us alone and that you can have him. The next time the phone rang, I picked up the phone and cussed the lady out, and told her to leave us alone. Funny, but not funny is that he was sleeping with someone else too. He would have me do odd jobs from time to time, and it was usually around these same people. I didn't know them, but it turned out, this lady was the lady the husband of his jump off was sleeping with, lol. There was this lady with a little girl that hung out with her. I would learn this was my little sister a couple of years later. He also had a daughter with the lady who was calling us at night. He also had bought a house for this lady and a new car. It was funny because we always thought of ourselves as poor and struggled for things. Well, it was because he had a whole other damn family. He was also putting up this other lady and their kid, lol.

It all came to a head when I was in 9th grade. I had a baseball tournament in east Texas. We were staying with his aunt because she was just a sweet old lady that loved us, and had those bomb old lady preserves and fresh bacon...........or so we thought. We hadn't been to east Texas in a while even though a lot of his family, including his mom lives there. Well, this lady he had a kid with lived out there, and everyone in town knew about it. But his aunt was further outside of town and was so nice and had a lake behind her, so you'd visit her and never go close to town. Well, one night after one of my games, we return there to sleep. I wake up to the sounds of yelling, and seeing my great aunt cocking a shotgun, telling someone to get the hell off her land. Then my dad says, don't do it, don't do it. Bam!!!! That lady threw a brick through our brand new Lumina Euro. I heard my parents fussing after that. She didn't go to the game with us the next day. It was embarrassing as hell, driving with that big ass plastic bag on the window. Everyone was asking why it was there. I didn't know, but knew something was up. When we got home, my dad started crying and admitted it all to us, and brought our sisters to meet us the next day. I remember for years not wanting to tell anyone about it, but my dad is one of those people that likes to talk. He was just telling everybody about it, LOL.

I felt like, in both cases I should have told my mom about this stuff. She probably knew though. I resented my dad for all of it for a long time. I even got in his ass about it one time when he was accusing my mom of cheating. She finally kicked him out before I got out of college. He had another girlfriend, who had a couple of grown kids. He wanted so bad for me to be friends with these people. When the lady broke up with him, I kind of laughed about it selfishly. I don't feel bad for that.

This stuff really affected my mom's children though. I took forever to even date. I just thought I was destined to be an ass and cheat. My little brother never came back to our vicinity at all during college. He even moved to a bad market to look for a job, and married his gf early on. My big sister would not associate with my dad for a long time. I think I was most forgiving, but I think that's because I got in his ass a couple of times. My mom's relationship with the other 3 are interesting. My brother by different mother comes around a lot and brings his kids around my mom a lot. She's his real mom, though all his life he always wanted to live with his mom. Now that he's successful, his bio mom is hanging close. To be fair though, her other son was shot and killed. The girl of the late night caller is actually cool with my mom for whatever reason as well as with us. Her sister actually looks at my mom like a good friend because they all hate their mom. My mom is so perplexed by this. The daughter of the brick throwing ratchet..............................horrible. My dad does everything for this girl and let her move in with them(yes, mom and dad are still together). She is so ungrateful to my mom and dad. She has a chip on her shoulder. She's stolen our social security numbers, bought things in our name and ruined my dad's credit. So resentful, but when her mom begs her for stuff, she runs to her ratchet mom, who has never done anything for her.

Lesson: Your mom knows and is probably dealing with it how she wants. Just be ready to defend her from ratchets and jealous dads who are cheating themselves. Don't let it affect your relationships. That's not your life, its their life.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.

No offense, but ur moms is bogus for allowing dude to trademark ur face like that. :smh:


Dec 2, 2012
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.

:wow::damn: my mom would have been dead to me after that. betraying your childrens trust over some cheating b*stard that beats her ass :mindblown:

depending on the situation, i probably wouldn't snitch, but tell them to a) not bring this shyt around me and b) give them an ultimatum to work it out or i'm going to tell.


#TSC #spooky
May 3, 2012
My aunt married a dude that looks like Larry from the Three Stooges. They have like 6 kids together, he's cheated & beat on her so much, so OF COURSE they're not married anymore right??? :heh:

Quick story. While watching after their youngest son, he used to bring a prostitute over when my aunt was at work. Their kid was 3 or 4 at this point & one day told one of my cousins "I have two moms." :merchant: He basically ratted his dad out for having a hooker in the bed so my cousin let my aunt know. In the end, still forgave him & is with him to this day. Currently she's in NJ working her ass off & he's living the life just chillin in Paraguay

Last I heard he was fukking an 12 year old back in the old country :demonic:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Hard to say, because in many cases the mom or dad already knows

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta
May 15, 2013
I'd tell my mom if her husband was cheating on him (which I think he is lol)


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
meh, I'm keeping my mouth shut and letting him do him. I'm 21 and the youngest in the family so it wouldnt change my mindset towards relationships or any of ours either.


Jun 12, 2012
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.

Damn, I felt bad for you. Your moms was wrong for letting him hit you like that though. How's your relationship with them now?


All Star
May 5, 2012
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.

Sweet Jesus Christ on the cross....I'm sorry, I would of had to assassinate that nikka in his sleep.....

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.



May 1, 2012
Most dudes love their old man but are VERY loyal to moms. Hurting or seeing your mom cry is some shyt alot of dudes wouldn't stand for, even from their dad. Hurt moms and you gettin the bushes pops! :birdman:


May 1, 2012
My dad's been creepin around since I was a kid. My mom is at least 2x smarter than him, so I'm sure she knows. I stay out of it, none of my business, but I have told her she needs a divorce.


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
I have two stories actually. First time I was about 12 and I just started calling my step dad, dad. He had his own business and I worked for him. So we're sitting in his truck and the neighbor (this hot chick that always had on those tight workout spandex) pulls in and waves real funny to him. Looks suspicious as fukk. He turns to me and said don't tell your mom that. Fast forward a day or so and my mom asked if he ever waved to her or anything like that. She was on to him. I told her I don't wanna say because she would say I told her. She was like naw I won't. So I tell her the truth.

A couple hours later a big fight ensues. He has her on the ground beating her ass. My twin, and my other brother who was like 3 at the time and my little sister who was not even a year yet (both step brothers/sister) are crying like a mother fukker. So I grab my baby sister and my twin grabs my little brother. I lock us in the one bedroom, open the window, and yell to the neighbors across the street to call the cops. These a$$holes ask why. I tell them my step dad is beating my moms ass. Police show up, its my fukking landlord who is friends with my step dad. They leave.

My mom and him go in their bedroom talk it out. Everythings fine, right? No. She tells him I snitched him out. :upsetfavre: I'm in the kitchen this dude comes down and I say something like, "I'm sorry Dad". And he's like, "I'm not your dad, don't fukkin call me that". :whoo::sadbron: Broke my little heart brehs. So I go upstairs, minding my own fukkin business this dude comes into my room and just stares at me from the door way. I'll never forget, its the last time I was scared in my life. As he walked into the room I stood up and he delivered a two piece. Split my lip wide open and I swear I went black for a good 5 seconds. First time I got stitches. My mom didn't do shyt either, she acted like it was my fault. Sucked too because it was right around V-Day and I had this real cool Vcard to give this chick I was feeling. But I couldn't go to school, my lip was fat as fukk. I couldn't talk. When I showed back up I told my classmates I fell down the steps. I was so embarrassed.

How was this dude able to go to sleep in the house with you still in it :dwillhuh:? That a$$hole woulda been assailed by a baseball bat in his sleep :birdman:; What's he gon' do, call the police?