not knockin. but if i want to see amateurs, i'll go to a showcase, which is one of the things i promote, btw.
we're talking about finding good music thats worth purchasing. if anything, these dudes are ruining their chances of blowing up by releasing practice music. when hip-hop was hip-hop, there were checks-n-balances. you usually had to work your way in, then perfect your craft before your chit was out there like that. and if you got to that level, you had a mentor(s) showing you the ropes. thats how your legends got to where theyre at. they didnt get there by doing none of this chit.
now its just a cess-fest of joe schmoes with their rapper startup kits. people on their own block dont even be knowing that most of these dudes rap. yet theyre putting out tons of un-tested material on the net, and then wondering why theyre not getting anywhere. thats why when it comes to underground, i prefer to know whats poppin in the actual cities and then work from there. theres a reason why no stars have come out of the internet. just a bunch of gimmicks that blew up by accident and of course industry plants whose record labels trolled the internet and created a faux grassroots buzz for them.
so basically people saying "hip-hop isnt dead. just look on the internet"
"hip-hop isnt dead. come watch these dudes at amateur night".