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I never kept up with the development side of these games even though I'm a huge fan of the series.
Ok here was the plot of versus before it was rebooted into XV
-Noctis was going to die too, but In a more symbolic manner, He dies on his throne like if He was going to sleep (reference to somnus)
- Prompto and gladio would have betrayed Noctis at some point In The original triology,
prompto because niflheim and his dad, verstael ( who was a very bigger antagonist ), gladio did it because He did approve noct as a friend but not as a king. ( like In xv)
- cor dies in The last game In Noctis arms, saying he is proud to see how He has grown up, He was also The driver with The mustache In The eralier trailer. He is an orphan, He immigrated in lucis.
- Regis dies at The end of The first game. His killer is named below.
- Stella would have lived, but not In a very good health, she is not The main antagonist of versus xiii, her parents were killed when she was a child. Her brother became a double spy for The lucis/tenebrae alliance and niflheim ( more precisely ardyn ). She suffered a near death experience, The high ranking officer In charge of her tried to kill her by orders
- There was FOUR major villains In versus XIII : Ravus in The first game, Verstael In The second game, Ardyn ( who was named arden In this time ) In The third game. Clarus amicitia ( The original who was named Noctis evil uncle by fans In e3 2013 ) was The one who killed regis and permited niflheim to secretly organise an invasion, because jealousy and consider his friend as an egoistic king ( reference to glauca )
- Ravus was more calm and used magic from tenebrae, he was blind because he could see the dead like noctis but didn't support it, He is The final boss of The first game but dies In The second game, stella kills him, without knowing it was him under The hood, because of Ardyn.
Verstael was The most dangerous villain of versus xiii. He is obsessed with The powers of The royal blood. He used human test subjects from annexed nations of solheim and tenebrae. He infused his son prompto with magitek but it was a failure so he left him. He makes prompto betray The group and blasts some of insomnia with a magitek blast. When Ardyn kills onscreen iedolas In gralea, verstael becomes The new ruler of niiflheim, He makes experiments on both Noctis and prompto to recreate one of The being that created eos but this monstrosity kills him, this thing is The final boss of The second game, and prompto dies at The end of this battle. It's later revealed that He made a magic pact with Ardyn. Like Ravus.
iedolas had a more important role since The peace treaty was an In game scene. He also bullies Ardyn In one scene, Noctis help The chancellor, but this was a ruse from him, playing The victim.
- Gladio takes a shot from his father destined to noctis. Noctis then kills clarus.
The scene from first trailer from 2006 take place after this scene ( third game )
- Aranea had The same script, basically anti heroic, and guest character
- Gentiana had a completly different role, she was THE oracle from versus xiii. She is eventually stella close friend. She is revealed to be a descendant of The real royal bloodline making her ancestor eos. She is shiva's reincarnation. Her outfit was not The black dress she has now. Her design was more samurai-ish.
Fate of The characters :
Noctis dies ( weakened and by his own Will )
Gladio dies ( by clarus )
Prompto dies
Ignis lives. Also He is The only one who stay 100% loyal to noctis.
Stella lives
Ravus dies ( by stella )
Regis dies ( by clarus )
Cor dies ( by ardyn )
Gentiana lives and become shiva though it's implied that astral are meant to disappear at The end of The triology.
Ardyn lives in The kingdom of dead
Iedolas dies
Verstael dies
Glauca dies In a boss battle. He was already a Lucian traitor In armor. But He was not drautos. ( kingsglaives existed but not at all like now )
Aranea lives
Cid and cidney lives.
Weskham existed already and dies In versus xiii
Noctis mother was named in The triology as aulea lucis caelum. She is alive in The kingdom of dead.
Iris was not as important as now. She was also much younger.
Loqi, Nyx, Dino, Drautos didn't exist until 2011.
Gameplay :
- summons : ifrit ( solheim, traitor summon ), leviathan ( accordo ), bahamut ( niflheim ), fenrir ( tenebrae, He is only The emblem He doesn't appear ingame ), shiva ( another unamed asian-like region ), ramuh ( another unamed region ), carbuncle, titan.
- gralea is explorable, it's inspired by manchester. Solheim has arabian like locations. Accordo is linear. Insomnia palace is The final dungeon.
Stella becomes playable after prompto death
- The ring didn't exist ( or at least not as a ring ) so ring magic didn't exist.
- no outfits and DLC. No manual driving. No regalia type.
- no timeskip
It's not Explained why tabata had to change The plot.