Final Fantasy VII Remake:Part1. INTERmission DLC (6/10/21).

Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
I’ve waited 4yrs for this. I can wait for a few more years but all I ask is that they give is a classic


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
This is Squarenix and Final Fantasy - they're going to take damn near a decade to put anything out, its gonna be less than what they promised, and their continued support will be trash and sputter out halfway through the calendar.

This is not the company you take that line with... And those background assets aren't some full animation masterpiece in play either. Its nothing special at all. Along with the textures on display in the trailer as well. They took years to go from the teaser to this? And this is arguably the biggest traditional RPG studio left? Simple answer: This is how they maintain their hold on that engine and everything else is just a bonus :mjlol:

I'd be more inclined to agree if this was any other game, but this is Final Fantasy VII -- this is the game that made these people legends and respected in the gaming industry. They KNOW how important it is to nail it, that's why they pulled all the old guys back together again in order to get this right. Even Nobuo Uematsu who left the company years ago is overseeing the project, so they know better than to not mess this up. Final Fantasy XV took as long as it did because Square Enix has terrible management policies and had Nomura working on three KH handheld games while also working on Versus XIII, basically was canceled, and was resuscitated as FFXV because they needed a new mainline title out soon.

Remember what happened to Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 and how bad that was for them? If this turns out to be terrible, the results of that are going to be even worse. I get what you're saying, but I would hope that from now on, they've learned their lesson because they could've had tons of games out the door had their management been better AND they don't force devs to go change an engine in mid-development. Now that they're using Unreal Engine 4 from now on (except for one team), there shouldn't be issues in terms of time. It's a bad reputation, and they have to be aware of that. They seem to be, because now they're restructuring again. So I guess we'll have to see.

I'm upset because its gonna be inconsistent, I highly doubt the same team is going to work on all the games, and I can't see it being less than 4 episodes. Even if they get it down to 2-3 years a episode we looking at 6 at best for a complete finish... or it could take up to 10...

Which means people and teams could come and go.

This game was announced in like 2015... its 2019, this game gonna fool around and be on 3 generations of consoles.

I think the only real way for us to know where this is gonna go is what they reveal in June. I highly doubt it's going to be 4+ parts, because that's excessive and most people aren't going to be down for that. Not to mention, multiple generations would just piss people off. As well, it depends on how they split the story up. At most, I see Part 2 and Part 3 being on the PS5, and Part 1 getting a remaster on the PS5. Since the PS5 will be able to play PS4 games, you can also just play your original copy and then play the others when they release. Like as much as people hate on Square, they're not THAT incompetent. At least, that's what I'd like to believe.

4-5 years is actually the average development time for games these days, so this isn't really a bad thing. It only feels as long because they announced it too early, and then went completely ghost on us for years on years until now. They're not making these types of games in two years. This is also under the assumption that they're not making all the parts at the same time and carrying over a ton of assets. But if it took 6 years to get every game out, worst case scenario, that's 2025. If the game delivers on everything, would it not be worth it?

In the end, we're gonna have to wait and see what they have planned in June, and I think we're gonna hear a release date sometime next month. The fact that they've said "they have plans up to launch" tells me that this game is really close to it being out the door. With the voices also being synced to its proper language, that tells me that a lot's been most likely done already, so it's really only a matter of time.
Same thing happened to kh3 :francis:

What people don't realize is that KH3 also had to restart its development because of an engine change, so it lost a year. So theoretically, we could've gotten KH3 early to mid-2018. Once they made the switch to Unreal Engine 4, they didn't seem to have any issues and development was running along smoothly. And that was an upper management decision, it wasn't up to the devs or Nomura himself.

Nomura's just cursed with troubled game development cycles. :pachaha:

Im warming up to the episode angle. It makes room for more content and something else to look forward to.

Let them take there time they know it can't fukk up, I returned ffxv within two weeks.:mjlol:

Final fantasy stopped at 12.

Honestly, the episodic idea isn't even that crazy of a concept, because think of it like how they do Star Wars for a saga. Every saga has three parts to it. You don't go to Star Wars IV and think "Yo this shyt is incomplete, where's the rest??" or watch Attack of The Clones and go "This should've been in the first movie, what a waste of $15. :francis:" They've said time and again that it's going to be full-length games for each part, comparable to the FFXIII series, and those games were pretty big, despite how people feel about the story. People use the argument of "Yeah, but FFVII had all of its discs together at launch, they didn't sell it to you disc by disc." That's true, but FFVII wasn't recreating anything. The CD format could only hold so much, and if CDs had a bigger capacity back in the day, they'd have shipped it in one.

Something also to keep in mind too is, just because they said parts, doesn't mean they'll necessarily be shipped out at different times. They very well could all come in the same case, but each disc acts as its own game due to size and capacity. Is it likely? Probably not, but that's the thing... We have no idea what Square plans to do yet.

And as well, it gives people something to look forward to. They've said that while they're keeping the story scenario overall the same, there's probably going to be scenario changes here and there due to how the world is now and also due to scenes not translating as well with fully-3D models. (Same reason why Nomura axed the wait-based combat system.) So they're not gonna do something like keep Aerith alive, because that would completely undermine the entire story and what the message was, but they might have situations occur like AVALANCHE survives. Or you fight some bosses at different times like the one in the Shinra tower.

Also... During the release times, they could also consider doing episode releases for DLC, stuff that wouldn't fit in the game's main scenario like an AVALANCHE DLC, or even maybe stuff with the Turks. There's a lot of opportunities they could take with this. Give people something to do while the next entry is on its way out. People might complain about it being "milked", but as long as it's nothing that could've been in the main games, I think that's an idea that could work.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I'd be more inclined to agree if this was any other game, but this is Final Fantasy VII -- this is the game that made these people legends and respected in the gaming industry. They KNOW how important it is to nail it, that's why they pulled all the old guys back together again in order to get this right. Even Nobuo Uematsu who left the company years ago is overseeing the project, so they know better than to not mess this up. Final Fantasy XV took as long as it did because Square Enix has terrible management policies and had Nomura working on three KH handheld games while also working on Versus XIII, basically was canceled, and was resuscitated as FFXV because they needed a new mainline title out soon.

Remember what happened to Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 and how bad that was for them? If this turns out to be terrible, the results of that are going to be even worse. I get what you're saying, but I would hope that from now on, they've learned their lesson because they could've had tons of games out the door had their management been better AND they don't force devs to go change an engine in mid-development. Now that they're using Unreal Engine 4 from now on (except for one team), there shouldn't be issues in terms of time. It's a bad reputation, and they have to be aware of that. They seem to be, because now they're restructuring again. So I guess we'll have to see.

I think the only real way for us to know where this is gonna go is what they reveal in June. I highly doubt it's going to be 4+ parts, because that's excessive and most people aren't going to be down for that. Not to mention, multiple generations would just piss people off. As well, it depends on how they split the story up. At most, I see Part 2 and Part 3 being on the PS5, and Part 1 getting a remaster on the PS5. Since the PS5 will be able to play PS4 games, you can also just play your original copy and then play the others when they release. Like as much as people hate on Square, they're not THAT incompetent. At least, that's what I'd like to believe.

4-5 years is actually the average development time for games these days, so this isn't really a bad thing. It only feels as long because they announced it too early, and then went completely ghost on us for years on years until now. They're not making these types of games in two years. This is also under the assumption that they're not making all the parts at the same time and carrying over a ton of assets. But if it took 6 years to get every game out, worst case scenario, that's 2025. If the game delivers on everything, would it not be worth it?

In the end, we're gonna have to wait and see what they have planned in June, and I think we're gonna hear a release date sometime next month. The fact that they've said "they have plans up to launch" tells me that this game is really close to it being out the door. With the voices also being synced to its proper language, that tells me that a lot's been most likely done already, so it's really only a matter of time.

What people don't realize is that KH3 also had to restart its development because of an engine change, so it lost a year. So theoretically, we could've gotten KH3 early to mid-2018. Once they made the switch to Unreal Engine 4, they didn't seem to have any issues and development was running along smoothly. And that was an upper management decision, it wasn't up to the devs or Nomura himself.

Nomura's just cursed with troubled game development cycles. :pachaha:

Honestly, the episodic idea isn't even that crazy of a concept, because think of it like how they do Star Wars for a saga. Every saga has three parts to it. You don't go to Star Wars IV and think "Yo this shyt is incomplete, where's the rest??" or watch Attack of The Clones and go "This should've been in the first movie, what a waste of $15. :francis:" They've said time and again that it's going to be full-length games for each part, comparable to the FFXIII series, and those games were pretty big, despite how people feel about the story. People use the argument of "Yeah, but FFVII had all of its discs together at launch, they didn't sell it to you disc by disc." That's true, but FFVII wasn't recreating anything. The CD format could only hold so much, and if CDs had a bigger capacity back in the day, they'd have shipped it in one.

Something also to keep in mind too is, just because they said parts, doesn't mean they'll necessarily be shipped out at different times. They very well could all come in the same case, but each disc acts as its own game due to size and capacity. Is it likely? Probably not, but that's the thing... We have no idea what Square plans to do yet.

And as well, it gives people something to look forward to. They've said that while they're keeping the story scenario overall the same, there's probably going to be scenario changes here and there due to how the world is now and also due to scenes not translating as well with fully-3D models. (Same reason why Nomura axed the wait-based combat system.) So they're not gonna do something like keep Aerith alive, because that would completely undermine the entire story and what the message was, but they might have situations occur like AVALANCHE survives. Or you fight some bosses at different times like the one in the Shinra tower.

Also... During the release times, they could also consider doing episode releases for DLC, stuff that wouldn't fit in the game's main scenario like an AVALANCHE DLC, or even maybe stuff with the Turks. There's a lot of opportunities they could take with this. Give people something to do while the next entry is on its way out. People might complain about it being "milked", but as long as it's nothing that could've been in the main games, I think that's an idea that could work.
Final Fantasy VII is a 50 hour game. Unless they're really stretching things out there's no way that becomes a 120 hour plus game in 3 parts at 40 hours each. Each of those parts would be almost the full length of the normal story of the game.

I'm following this skeptically. I don't think the present day Square can do a remake of this game justice. In hip hop terms this is like looking to Eminem and thinking his album called Marshall Mathers LP 2 will be a classic because he put out Marshall Mathers LP. Eminem isn't the same person he was when he put out MMLP. He doesn't have it in him to make a classic album at this point.

Square is gonna break a lot of hearts here because the upper ceiling for this game is likely gonna be decent at best and people will expect more.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Final Fantasy VII is a 50 hour game. Unless they're really stretching things out there's no way that becomes a 120 hour plus game in 3 parts at 40 hours each. Each of those parts would be almost the full length of the normal story of the game.

I'm following this skeptically. I don't think the present day Square can do a remake of this game justice. In hip hop terms this is like looking to Eminem and thinking his album called Marshall Mathers LP 2 will be a classic because he put out Marshall Mathers LP. Eminem isn't the same person he was when he put out MMLP. He doesn't have it in him to make a classic album at this point.

Square is gonna break a lot of hearts here because the upper ceiling for this game is likely gonna be decent at best and people will expect more.

That's exactly what they've said they're doing, they're using this as an opportunity to flesh more things out since in the OG FF7, they couldn't. I think the issue here is a lot of people might be expecting a 1:1 remake, when it's moreso a "reimagining" but staying true to the original game as much as possible. There's a lot of things they could have Cloud do while in Midgar, the only reason why it's short-lived in the OG is because I don't think you can even go back once you escape the Shinra building and fight on the bridge.

I don't think it's wrong to be skeptical, because you're right, this could easily break a lot of hearts. But using the Eminem example... Anybody can still create something amazing if they're guided properly, and they understand exactly what it was that made something they've made in the past so groundbreaking. MMLP2 doesn't have to be just like MMLP to succeed, it can be its own body of work that reflects on the past while having its own strengths to rely on. Same with the FF7 Remake. It's impossible to meet everyone's expectations with this, because FF7 means so many different things to so many different people, and you can't reach them all. Even IF they were to make the remake a complete 1:1 job, people still would find issues with it.

Square is only as good as the people they have working on the project. That's why they brought all the people that worked on the original back. SquareSoft IS the FF7 Remake team essentially. Whether they can deliver or not, that's up in the air, but Square's best shot is getting all the OGs back together for the remake. They know FF7 better than anyone else in the company would, so I'm leaving it to them. I'm not expecting the exact same game, I'm expecting a new experience with an encapsulating story. If the games bomb, or if I don't like what they have to offer at all, I can always play the original. So to me, I have nothing to lose and only to gain. But we'll just have to see what they have planned.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
You posted the 3 disk like that's the same as selling the game in episodes and gamers were just ignorant.

If this remake is anything like the last final fantasy then it will be a huge open world with absolutely nothing to do in it. I'd rather it be a straight up remake, sold as one game, and fateful to the original.

This shyt looks like FF15 with a FF7 reskin.

:heh: at least let them finish it first because we need more details as how many episodes will it be first and foremost.. I'm just happy they finally finishing it up...:manny:


May 2, 2012
:heh: at least let them finish it first because we need more details as how many episodes will it be first and foremost.. I'm just happy they finally finishing it up...:manny:
Nah, imma talk shyt now because square enix hasn't put out a quality final fantasy game since the ps2.

This shyt doesn't look anything like final fantasy 7. I wanted a remake to that game, not this reskinned FF15 bullshyt.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Nah, imma talk shyt now because square enix hasn't put out a quality final fantasy game since the ps2.

This shyt doesn't look anything like final fantasy 7. I wanted a remake to that game, not this reskinned FF15 bullshyt.

I kinda skipped FF15, even though graphically it did look amazing...:ehh: but the gameplay looked...:hhh: plus I heard the story was kinda...:scust: It wasn't worth it. I did like the animated movie tho, shyt was fire...


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Nah, imma talk shyt now because square enix hasn't put out a quality final fantasy game since the ps2.

This shyt doesn't look anything like final fantasy 7. I wanted a remake to that game, not this reskinned FF15 bullshyt.

But that's not a re-skinned FF15 combat system. If anything, that's more KH2/Versus XIII before Nomura left. They've said since the very beginning that this isn't going to have a wait-based combat, four years ago. And there's no reason to expect a 1:1 remake, because that's a waste. They could've just went ahead and made HD packs for the original version on Steam and toss in voice acting if that's the case. But if you don't like the remake, that's cool too, you still have the option of playing the original.


May 2, 2012
But that's not a re-skinned FF15 combat system. If anything, that's more KH2/Versus XIII before Nomura left. They've said since the very beginning that this isn't going to have a wait-based combat, four years ago. And there's no reason to expect a 1:1 remake, because that's a waste. They could've just went ahead and made HD packs for the original version on Steam and toss in voice acting if that's the case. But if you don't like the remake, that's cool too, you still have the option of playing the original.
When I think of a remake, I dont think of a completely different game with the same characters and story. I expect the game to be updated while staying true to what the original was.

This shyt looks like the same hack and slash rpg hybrid bullshyt as final fantasy 15.

I wanted these graphics with turn based rpg elements like the original. This looks like trash.


May 2, 2012
I kinda skipped FF15, even though graphically it did look amazing...:ehh: but the gameplay looked...:hhh: plus I heard the story was kinda...:scust: It wasn't worth it. I did like the animated movie tho, shyt was fire...
The story was trash, the gameplay was hack and slash bullshyt with some rpg elements. The world was huge and barren, absolutely nothing to do but run around and look at the pretty graphics.

I have absolutely no faith in square enix releasing a good final fantasy game because they seem to be running away from everything that made the series good in the first place. These new shyts are final fantasy in name only.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
When I think of a remake, I dont think of a completely different game with the same characters and story. I expect the game to be updated while staying true to what the original was.

This shyt looks like the same hack and slash rpg hybrid bullshyt as final fantasy 15.

I wanted these graphics with turn based rpg elements like the original. This looks like trash.

I wouldn't say it's a completely new game just yet, there's so much we don't know. Now if they're changing up a whole ton of stuff... Then absolutely. But that's why they're saying "wait until June". They probably have a whole bunch of information to drop, so there's that to keep in mind.

I'll be honest, I would love for it to be turn based too. I loved Persona 5, that was my shyt, and it's proof that turn-based games still have very much a presence in the gaming world today. But we don't know fully how the battle system works quite yet. Plus, we can also character switch. Many are thinking FF15, when this actually could be more of a polished Crisis Core. It's action, BUT you still have to wait. And it's beneficial to switch through characters in order to have a better flow of battle.

They may also have something in place where it's beneficial to use Barrett for certain situations instead of Cloud, like if an enemy is in the air. That's my guess. FF15 never had this until late, and even then, it wasn't that fleshed out. FF15 only let you play as Noctis, and the party members were AI and only in certain moments could you use a team attack. Seems like a completely different deal here.

For the second tweet, if you go to the last picture, there's a yellow bar under the pink bar. I think the pink bar would be MP, and yellow would be the wait meter, like in the OG. I suspect the yellow is the Limit Break meter, and the two blue meters act as the Wait meter, and if you only have one, you can only attack once or block. Notice in the last picture under Command Menu, there's also two blue bars, just like on the HUD for each character. Plus in the old HUD, ATB gauges existed in some form, too. I'm not too sure, a lot of guesses. But I do think the very thin pink bar is your MP.

Also notice that you can hide the Command menu, so that might give way for stuff like Materia, character switching, and item usage. I think there's more to the combat, but they need to explain just how in-depth it is come June.
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Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
When I think of a remake, I dont think of a completely different game with the same characters and story. I expect the game to be updated while staying true to what the original was.

This shyt looks like the same hack and slash rpg hybrid bullshyt as final fantasy 15.

I wanted these graphics with turn based rpg elements like the original. This looks like trash.
thats a yall still getting remakes and remasters confused in 2019 is lost on me


May 6, 2012
Nah, imma talk shyt now because square enix hasn't put out a quality final fantasy game since the ps2.

This shyt doesn't look anything like final fantasy 7. I wanted a remake to that game, not this reskinned FF15 bullshyt.
Huh? Looks like FFVII to me. Next month we'll no more for sure what it'll be like.