what are all these great things fifa has done for african football and i'm not talking about lining the pockets of african football execs/cronies? it's like foreign aid, the only people who benefit are those controlling the money. the most talented african team this past decade has been the ivory coast (yeah ghana has gotten further, but they are a stable democracy and better organized) and that wasn't a result of fifa. that was a result of wenger's homeboy jean-marc guillou investing in the development of these cats and getting them to europe. african football is not better today than it was in the mid to late 90's. what shyt are ya'll trying to sell me on? i'm suppose to think the super eagles are better today than they were then? i'm not disputing that more money found it's way to africa under blatter. i'm just saying so what, because it didn't find its way to the kids.
all these african teams going on strike over pay issues and you all want to turn a blind eye because septic gave the fa chiefs who are robbing the players a little more scratch. are these cronies related to you all or something?
oh and fukk uefa too. septic is the only football exec i hate more than that little fukk platini.
Brang a worldwide tournament to the continent thats the first
Building football stadiums in countries that aren't even on the map for African Football (i.e Chad) , actually investing money into these countries and spending on education, development and facilities for Grass roots football and other related aspects
All this shyt stays being long term investments, of course it seems so little when you're somebody who expects results within 2-3 years
In recent years Africa been getting better at Football, of course not World Cup-contender tier but still it looks promising
Just from the last 5 years/AFCON
Ivory Coast
DR Congo
South Africa
All these countries know how to kick ball they stay being the forces in Africa. Its gonna be another 15-20 years minimum before African teams become a real force to at least contend for the World Cup. But forget about the WC even the AFCON has gotten better over recent years, its no longer them Egyptians winning every tournament

. With Blatter gone whos gonna give African football that huge cash flow to continue developing

shyt could go back to the same system of Ivory Coast being the token team that gets invited to the World Cup