I don't have any ties to the island currently or am affected personally by his death but

Fidel. He held the country back so much. Turned it into a third world country and arresting anyone who spoke out against him. Everyone praising him for his work on education and healthcare but don't know what the people in the island went thru during his regime. His abuse of human rights is horrible. All this talk about the great things he did, so why did so many people flee the island?
Of course the Cubans on the island were happy with him since he fed them propaganda and bullshyt that kept them under his control just like sheep. That's what happens when you make your country poor. The poor people see him as a saint since he gave them food and supplies, at a limited amount. I've heard stories of people getting a cup of rice and a chicken per week. Of course the sheep are gonna worship him. Just like the sheep in this country who worship the leaders that they think are looking out for them. Turned a great country into shambles. Kept all the money for himself and didn't let the Cuban economy progress like it should've.
Government controls everything on the island, especially the media. So of course they're gonna make him out to be the greatest man ever. They only allow things that are pro Fidel. Imagine not being able to speak out against your government or having to live in fear? I'm so glad I never got to experience that. I don't know if I would even be here if Fidel was never born tho or if he wasn't a communist. But I'm glad he's gone and hope the country can prosper and make some changes. They still have Raul to deal with but i think that soon things will change and the country will be free. This is a great moment for those that suffered under his regime and continue to do til this day.
