Don't believe these cats talkin about fidel killed this one and that when they live in literally the most murderous nation in the history of the world. Any and all suffering of the cuban people can be blamed directly on countless white American President and even with all that Cuba under fidel has the highest literacy & lowest infant mortality rate in the western hemisphere. During any disaster in Haiti Cubans were there first providing free health care and rebuilding services, unlike the UN and these other so called relief organization who time and time again were caught raping and spreading diseases.
Fidel offered to do the same during katrina but the US decides to let hundreds of African Americans die first
They hate him because that man did not bow to America, the shyt all of us talk about doing he went out and he lived and died by his principles

@ dudes here talking fidel locking up ppl
just think of the amount of people this country locks up its in the 10s of thousands monthly, many of which only
only committed those crimes because they are oppressed in the first place and these dudes in here talking about tyranny