Remember all the fanfare from Earlier this year Obama being the first sitting president to visit Cuba in nearly a century.
This same year as well being first sitting president to visit Hiroshima
On his world tour apologizing for acts animalistic behaviors of

Just interesting developments
How the history books will paint these stories
I wouldn't be surprised as much as people hate it
As common as it was to see pictures of Kennedy

on "black" people's walls
You will have trump hanging up on "black" people's walls
They've already painted him so radical so villainous
All he really has to do is not live up to the heinous image they've presented and he's a saint
Let him openly do something for "black" people

I'm not talking about going down to your local church singing old al green songs

I'm not talking when a unarmed "black" child is shot,

you as commander and chief of a country only can talk about if you had a son he'd look like him

I'm not talking being on ESPN every five seconds with your predictions
But if this president does one thing
Anything openly for "black" folks
He'd become that mythical
Media driven

Religion agenda driven
