Ferguson Activist/Black Nationalist Darren Seals (guy who slapped Deray) found murdered


Jun 16, 2012
This is still wild to me

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
This is how it’s always been - we always hear about MLK but never Paul Robeson.

MLK was uncle ruckus compared to the real ones the government went after.

I highkey thing MLK was a gov’t agent too. You know damn well these Cacs and their precious Gov’t don’t dedicate a FEDERAL holiday to Black folks as well as named-after streets that always go through the worst inner-city neighborhoods unless it’s some serious conspiratorial shyt that went down behind the scenes. And come to find out that MLK Blvd in ATL ends in a Confederate cemetery and that the Empire State Building was lit up in the RBG in honor of MLK in either 1995 or 1996, can’t help but view that shyt as suspect....Especially when you got even the CIA and FBI always praising MLK on his birthday but don’t say absolutely nothing about Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Marcus Garvey, etc., etc.


All Star
Nov 14, 2013
I highkey thing MLK was a gov’t agent too. You know damn well these Cacs and their precious Gov’t don’t dedicate a FEDERAL holiday to Black folks as well as named-after streets that always go through the worst inner-city neighborhoods unless it’s some serious conspiratorial shyt that went down behind the scenes. And come to find out that MLK Blvd in ATL ends in a Confederate cemetery and that the Empire State Building was lit up in the RBG in honor of MLK in either 1995 or 1996, can’t help but view that shyt as suspect....Especially when you got even the CIA and FBI always praising MLK on his birthday but don’t say absolutely nothing about Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Marcus Garvey, etc., etc.

This is so ridiculous and your logic is terrible. Visibility = agent now?

MLK wasn’t even LIKED during his lifetime.America hated him and he had a ridiculously low approval rating. All the fanfare he gets now is after the fact because ,optics

Ain’t too many people that would get stabbed in the chest at their book signing , get told by doctors that if the knife was a little bit closer he’d a been dead and STILL continue fighting for his people.But you’d only know that if you actually picked up a book he wrote.

Posters like you are so full of it and clearly don’t read a damn thing


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
one of the real ferguson activist


george soros got shooters :francis:

Who is deray and why did he get slapped?

Is this for real????? :mindblown::mindblown::mindblown::mindblown:

Deray and Nettttaaa eating good off Soros and gofundme while Darren was out here trying to stay alive. :mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::mjcry:

The bugged out part is people are currently on FB tagging his name in the video of him burning in the car...:snoop: According to the police he was shot in the back of the head...They came to that conclusion rather quickly consider how long he was sitting in that car burning (easily 10 minutes)...:francis: I could be reaching but still...

Initially folks here were quick to jump on that black on black crime shyt til they realized who it was and what he has been doing (previously said to be working to expose BLM among his local works)...

Assassinated. Flat out.

Probably a Clinton-soros operation

They need to maintain control over blm

Sounds like he got got by them Deep Web boys. Soros paying deep web to hit at nikkas now?

Rest In Power.

Damn man
some shady shyt goin on as usual

RIP. fukk 12, fukk BLM fakkitS, and everyone who love em :pacspit:

The cops gonna put a false face as the suspect in 3,2,1...

This is sad as hell


:snoop:Rip to breh. We already that lil fakkit plant had something to do with it. :scust:

This don't add up at all. RIP

:mjcry::rip: I just started following this nikka on Twitter this past week.

meet this dude once while i was drunk as hell leaving a club.

This was a hit. I can't believe dude got murdered in his own town like this.

Folks act like COINTELPRO is something out the past it still is in effect today

RIP to that bro right there

obvious assassination

On my life Dseals was good. You only saw him solo out here. He got love from everyone and clearly was not in fear of his life. When I found out he was murdered early this morning , I knew it was a hit. He made a post about BLM and that was it.

Me too. I'm just finding out about this as well. If only there was some sort of television program dedicated to reporting about the events taking place in their communities.

It's getting deeper than the ocean floor. They know more ppl are getting woke ( Beyoncé super bowl appearance, Kaepernick not standing for the pledge, football players at Mizzou not playing ) so they using old tatics to stop this by killing off the real people. Sooner or latter black folks gonna find out that BLM ain't nothing but a fake ass group and deray just some clown in a blue vest (even tho black folks don't know who he is) just like they ran Sharpton outta town

RIP to this brother

keep your memory alive and im deadass wrong

Because they basically did little but chase ambulances, like the very failed civil rights leaders they criticized (Sharpton specifically).

Some BLM chapters are doing good on a local level but overall? Nah.


Ferguson Activist Darren Seals Was Surveilled by FBI, File Shows​

The 900 page, mostly redacted file says that police pulled Seals over at the request of FBI​

By Ryan Krull on Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 8:00 am
Activist Darren Seals who was killed in 2016.
via Instagram
Activist Darren Seals who was killed in 2016.
A previously classified, heavily redacted FBI file shows that the agency opened a file on Darren Seals before his death.

Seals was an activist from Ferguson who came to prominence during the protests following the 2014 killing of Michael Brown. In September 2016 he was found shot and killed in his car, which had been set on fire. The murder has never been solved.

In the file, the FBI refers to Seals as "a self-described revolutionary who has espoused somewhat militant rhetoric and has access to weapons."

Seals, who was 29 when he died, suffered numerous gunshot wounds throughout his life. In the wake of the 2014 protests he gained national attention for his anti-violence activism, with a focus in particular on combating police brutality.

Seals was outspoken in his criticism of national Black Lives Matter organizers and activists, whom he accused of getting rich off the name of Michael Brown while doing little for the area of St. Louis where Brown came from.

The FBI file shows Seals was under some level of FBI surveillance, though to what extent is unclear. The file on Seals runs over 900 pages, but around 860 of those pages were fully redacted. The remaining 45 or so pages still had significant partial redactions.

Notations in the file indicate that much of the redacted text pertains to "investigative techniques and procedures" as well as private information about people other than Seals.

According to the report, at one point Seals was "investigatively detained" during a traffic stop conducted by police at the request of the FBI.

That detention, which the report says lasted about 20 minutes, seems to be referring to a traffic stop that occurred June 8, 2016.

When police pulled him over, Seals was driving his 2012 Jeep Wrangler with a companion whose name is redacted.

The specific police agency working with federal law enforcement is redacted as well. The report does indicate that an FBI agent and a U.S. Marshal assisted in the stop.

A search of Seals' car turned up nothing.

Law enforcement told Seals there were warrants out for his arrest but then let him go.

A later addition to the FBI file states, "Traffic warrants for subject's arrest remain active if additional car stops are deemed merited."

The investigation into Seals would be reviewed by the field office's chief division counsel "at least semi-annually," the file says.

The chief division counsel is a field office's senior legal counsel.

One partially unredacted page records Seals' death. But like the vast majority of the document, its meaning is largely hidden behind redactions.

"SEALS was found shot to death and burned in his known vehicle on 9/6/2016. [redacted] Police Department is investigating the matter as a homicide," the report says. "The investigative plan will be to [redacted] homicide of SEALS because it is anticipated that violent protests may be generated by his death as conspiracy theories are already forming that Seals was killed by the police because of his black lives matter affiliations."

Seals was not the only Ferguson activist to meet a tragic fate at a relatively young age. Talk of conspiracy has surrounded his death since it happened.

Seals’ FBI file was provided to the RFT by St. Louis-based activist James Cooper, who said he requested it two years ago from the agency using the Freedom of Information Act. FBI files typically become public records after a subject’s death.

We welcome tips and feedback. Email the author at ryan.krull@riverfronttimes.com
or follow on Twitter at @RyanWKrull.

@The Velvet Soul @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Oct 3, 2014
This is basically what happens when you're not a bought and paid for puppet who is going against the status quo (and actually poses a legitimate threat).

The proverbial white man has his rulership on lock. They have an unthinkable amount of resources and methods to maintain their position.

Much of isn't even reported on to the public.