Fellas: Do you let your chick have male friends?


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
Are you guys good with your lady havin male friends? Or is that a complete no no? I mean what's wrong with a harmless male friend? :mjpls:

Are u insecure at all?


hell no,she only needs to bond with her brother and father outside of me. tough ass bytches excluded too

john goodman

All Star
May 1, 2012
my chick has them...but the majority are gay or asexual that don't be out and about being flamboyant and whatnot..so I don't mind them..a lot of the hetero male friends that are single pretty much leave her alone after I came into the picture....the one close male friend she has that is hetero has let it be known to her he doesn't want to cross me in any way (cuz he knows he'd lose that battle of fisticuffs :birdman:) and he's older than me :russ:...the only reason he's cool with me is because homie knows his boxing like I do

You're sharing dude

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
Yet I bet ya'll the same dudes who would complain about your girls bein too nosey and insecure, scared your girls going through your phone, yadda yadda

if you know you're providing a stable, loving relationship that is rewarding, you don't need to worry.. the minute you tell your your girl what she can and can not do is when the relationship is already destined to fail.

if i was interested in my guy friends, I would be dating them not YOU.

but hanging out with an ex boyfriend or an ex hook up is a different story

Lol thinking your guy friends are your friends. They're just waiting for the right time to fukk you. Unless they're queers.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
if your chick disrespects you to the point where she comes at you with male friends drop her.

its like getting baptized into a church and telling the Pastor you'll come every Sunday but you wanna smoke crack in the back pew at the service.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
If a girl has a bunch of male friends, especially if she has little or no female friends, I would never date her in the first place. :scusthov: That whole "I don't get along with women - all my friends are male" thing is a tell tale sign that she is a smut. :yeshrug:This is something you have to look at before you get in a relationship. There are rules - find them, learn them, live 'em.:smugdraper:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Let me lay it out here. You don't create boundaries based upon 'controlling the woman' and having her do exactly what you want with a 100% success rate. It's not about control. It's about respect. You lay out boundaries because you want to create a situation that is conducive to the relationship being successful in the first place.

There already have been several queries on this forum with the question asked, "Can men and women be friends" and about 80 or 90% of the replies will be "Naw, if I can't hit it, what do I want to do with her?" Ya'll know that other males think like that, and ya'll are cool with these wolves in sheep's clothing trying to pop at your broad under the guise of friendship? The vast majority of negroes ain't trying to be friends with the woman. They will be FRIENDLY, but when the opportunity strikes, they'll try to drop some salt. I know ya'll seen this thread:

And it's not even just the dudes. If you give your woman the green-light, she's going to run all over you with that notion. Once you let her officially have male homies, she will most likely run wild with it. Every fella she thinks looks fine and gives her some attention, she will be adding that negro to her phone under the guise of 'he's a friend.' That's just a wide open opportunity for roster building.

That whole 'you're not confident if they don't okay that' is really nonsense. It's just an old-school player tactic used to justify a bunch of funny business going on. "Well girl, be more confident in yourself and me! You shouldn't be insecure about me going to the strip club because you know I'm all about you!" Setting boundaries is more like you are so confident in yourself to the point where you won't cosign off on any nonsense going on within the context of your relationship. If she's going to still do it by being sneaky or by cheating, that's on her, and once you find out, give her the boot.

Really, the key isn't to 'control your woman'. It's to create a relationship structure that is mutually beneficial. You don't try to pull this AFTER the fact... You don't go get a woman that has 10,000 male friends and is known to keep them while being in a relationship. You don't invite that woman into a relationship with you in the first place. What you should do is have assessed your woman carefully before you got with her and transmitted to her an understanding ahead of time that if she is to be official with you that this sort of behavior is a no-go... and if she's real about herself, she'll agree and she'll also have enough solid female friends to not need the companionship of 'the homies.'

Let's be real. if you're cool with her having 'male friends', are you cool with her doing any and everything that goes on in a typical friendship, or will that all of a sudden become disrespectful? For example, it's cool to go kick it at one of your potnas houses and drink something, so are you going to let her do that with her 'male homie'? You and your friends might hit up a restaurant, so is it cool for her to hit up a restaurant without you with the male homie and some of his potnas? I don't think so.

If there are no boundaries in a relationship, there is no such thing as a relationship. Ya'll are just two people that are in each other's vicinity for selfish purposes. If babygirl wants to have 10,000 homies, I'mma just be homie 10,001. I'm not going to make her my girl.
this ain't even about boundaries. if you're in a serious relationship there are just things you voluntarily do because you value the relationship and respect the person you're with. if you don't have the sense to do those things on your own then you're not worth being with.

as a man you shouldn't even need to tell your woman that she can't have male friends this is something where if you see it she's dropped on the spot no negotiation or warning.

to me the thread title is like saying "Fellas: Do you let your chick have AIDS?" if she got AIDS she got that and you don't date a chick with AIDS.


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
If you don't "let" your girlfriend have male friends, she's just going to have male friends behind your back. It doesn't matter whether or not she has male friends that you know about. If she's going to cheat, she's going to find a way to cheat with or without male friends that you approve of. What do you think this is? Saudi Arabia, where you can forcibly keep your woman from having any male contact, ever, and you can rest assured that you've snuffed out any meaningful human contact so you can rest easily at night knowing that although you've created an emotional prisoner that nobody else is fukking her?

Nah, I'm cool on that. I'm comfortable enough in my self-worth to know that I'm entertaining enough, good looking enough, and that my pipe game is on-point enough (:ohlawd: is it ever) to rest assured that even if she does cheat (highly unlikely), it won't be my fault.
This is the thing though: I do believe if a bytch is out to cheat,then they'll find a way. However,trust and believe that allowing certain conditions and situations to go unchecked,can have a bytch that didnt set out to do dirt,END UP DOING DIRT. Muthafukkas are faced with sexual feelings everyday,towards random people. But when you allow a bytch to pal around with and excessively talk to other nikkas,you're allowing a bond to be built,that shouldnt exist. NOW it's more than just randomly being attracted to someone,she's now "close" to a nikka. She's also conditioned herself instinctively, feeling like he's a part of her life. Now if a bytch work with nikkas,aint MUCH you can do. But no nikka should let their bytch be all intertwined with other nikkas.
The main thing a nikka should be concerned with are the things i bolded. Also making sure a bytch has an unwavering dedication to your happyness in every way possible and is basically working to be with you meaning her being down with you,is not a come up but more so an opportunity of being with a nikka she feels is THE shyt. However,checking that bytch on that bullshyt is a must. I dont even let my girl wear revealing clothing. Not cause i'm shook. But unless you're trying to acquire other nikkas,why are you advertising bytch.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
i dont care.....bishes aint nothing to sweat over....shes free to do whatever...


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
Let me lay it out here. You don't create boundaries based upon 'controlling the woman' and having her do exactly what you want with a 100% success rate. It's not about control. It's about respect. You lay out boundaries because you want to create a situation that is conducive to the relationship being successful in the first place.

There already have been several queries on this forum with the question asked, "Can men and women be friends" and about 80 or 90% of the replies will be "Naw, if I can't hit it, what do I want to do with her?" Ya'll know that other males think like that, and ya'll are cool with these wolves in sheep's clothing trying to pop at your broad under the guise of friendship? The vast majority of negroes ain't trying to be friends with the woman. They will be FRIENDLY, but when the opportunity strikes, they'll try to drop some salt. I know ya'll seen this thread:

And it's not even just the dudes. If you give your woman the green-light, she's going to run all over you with that notion. Once you let her officially have male homies, she will most likely run wild with it. Every fella she thinks looks fine and gives her some attention, she will be adding that negro to her phone under the guise of 'he's a friend.' That's just a wide open opportunity for roster building.

That whole 'you're not confident if they don't okay that' is really nonsense. It's just an old-school player tactic used to justify a bunch of funny business going on. "Well girl, be more confident in yourself and me! You shouldn't be insecure about me going to the strip club because you know I'm all about you!" Setting boundaries is more like you are so confident in yourself to the point where you won't cosign off on any nonsense going on within the context of your relationship. If she's going to still do it by being sneaky or by cheating, that's on her, and once you find out, give her the boot.

Really, the key isn't to 'control your woman'. It's to create a relationship structure that is mutually beneficial. You don't try to pull this AFTER the fact... You don't go get a woman that has 10,000 male friends and is known to keep them while being in a relationship. You don't invite that woman into a relationship with you in the first place. What you should do is have assessed your woman carefully before you got with her and transmitted to her an understanding ahead of time that if she is to be official with you that this sort of behavior is a no-go... and if she's real about herself, she'll agree and she'll also have enough solid female friends to not need the companionship of 'the homies.'

Let's be real. if you're cool with her having 'male friends', are you cool with her doing any and everything that goes on in a typical friendship, or will that all of a sudden become disrespectful? For example, it's cool to go kick it at one of your potnas houses and drink something, so are you going to let her do that with her 'male homie'? You and your friends might hit up a restaurant, so is it cool for her to hit up a restaurant without you with the male homie and some of his potnas? I don't think so.

If there are no boundaries in a relationship, there is no such thing as a relationship. Ya'll are just two people that are in each other's vicinity for selfish purposes. If babygirl wants to have 10,000 homies, I'mma just be homie 10,001. I'm not going to make her my girl.
whole post was :blessed: but the bolded is what these sucka nikkas really need to get through their heads. I mean really if a bytch can roll around doing 100% of what she wants with other nikkas,why be in a relationship? Might as well be fukking and chillin. These lame nikkas willing to give a bytch wifey status and skeezer freedom at the same time. nikkas talking about insecurities,but the real insecure nikkas is the ones that have no standards and will let a bytch do whatever,as long as they get to be around her.


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
i dont care.....bishes aint nothing to sweat over....shes free to do whatever...

If a nikka DONT CARE enough to check a bytch,But he CARE ENOUGH to be with her as her offical boyfriend/men,then that nikka's confused