Favorite Power Rangers Series ?

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
LMFAO I know the random gay interracial couple for clear pandering gon have coli salty

:laff: :laff: :laff:

Enjoyed the hell out of it......was entertaining and while not exactly what the dream is which is all 6 OGs, they made good with what they had available

- Walter can act like a mufukka......the rest weren't terrible but Zack sounded real, like how a real person being a power ranger would be. That black swag will do that, just was oozing charisma. He really nailed the father figure role and seems to be a great mentor. Hope he's down to doing future PR cameos cause his presence is needed when it comes to these nostalgia guest appearances
- LMAO at Rita calling herself a Bad Witch in reference to bad bytch :laff: I like how she wasn't playing with them and was actively trying to kill them. Ming lucky cause she should have been joining her mom with her stupid ass.
- One thing Hasbro know they can do is make some damn good action, fantastic fight scenes. Rocky and Kat were noticeably :flabbynsick: out there but it was ok.....in costume fights however were fantastic. I'd go on record that Hasbro fights are better than anything Saban has ever done, highlight being a few years ago of Tommy using the Master Morpher, they know how to do action.

- Wondered how they were gonna handle the missing rangers and I didn't get the surprise cameo I wanted but did get what I was hoping would be the backup, using saved recordings from the past. It just helps the scene feel complete that if we can't actually see tommy, hearing him scream Dragonzord and his iconic jump kick screams make it feel like it belongs compared to them just being completely silent. Though there were times they used voice actor dubs that definitely weren't JDF or Austin....but again, understable reasons.

- The Megazord.....wasn't great. Granted it was a lot better than recent CGI zord fights and no where near as bad as the god awful 1995 movie zord fight....but its still so obvious that Hasbro cheaped out here. If you not gonna put money into the CGI, just do it the old fashion way and put somebody in a costume

- Again I know its for reasons they production crew can't control, but you mean to tell me these 2 nikkas taking out mufukkas like the Gold Ranger, 3 Lost galaxy nikkas and other cold mufukkas by themselves....come on now :beli: Other than the obvious promo for the incoming toy line, ain't no way all these squads getting they ass kicked by these two weak mufukkas and some putties. Would have rather seen more faceless suited up cameos from the other rangers helping whoop ass in different cities than them being so easily overpowered.....

Overall, was a solid 7.5 out of 10 for me. Definitely enjoyed it, with a few complaints but nothing that won't keep me from rewatching. This should be a new strategy going forward......a reunion special once a year teaming up old favorites.....majority of the 30 year olds watched up to at least Lost in Space....so just thinking about a potential reunion with those fan favorite squads would be huge. And even with our current folks, nothing wrong with seeing them return every year to help out, the whole point of being a ranger is that this is a life long contract you signed....so its interesting to see them older. Its why I'm growing to love LightSpeed rescue so much now in my 30s, because those adults who got jobs who also got ranger responsibilities resonates with me now.

I know the power ranger formula is to copy the super sentai formula, new year...new people with maybe a past year team up. But I don't see the problem with just focusing on the ranger fraternity of people we know and love from time to time.....Hell do what Dino Thunder did and bring back OGs to get new powers with a new teen squad. That would be a perfect role for Billy and zack.

Uncle Baby Billy

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
LMFAO I know the random gay interracial couple for clear pandering gon have coli salty

:laff: :laff: :laff:

Enjoyed the hell out of it......was entertaining and while not exactly what the dream is which is all 6 OGs, they made good with what they had available

- Walter can act like a mufukka......the rest weren't terrible but Zack sounded real, like how a real person being a power ranger would be. That black swag will do that, just was oozing charisma. He really nailed the father figure role and seems to be a great mentor. Hope he's down to doing future PR cameos cause his presence is needed when it comes to these nostalgia guest appearances
- LMAO at Rita calling herself a Bad Witch in reference to bad bytch :laff: I like how she wasn't playing with them and was actively trying to kill them. Ming lucky cause she should have been joining her mom with her stupid ass.
- One thing Hasbro know they can do is make some damn good action, fantastic fight scenes. Rocky and Kat were noticeably :flabbynsick: out there but it was ok.....in costume fights however were fantastic. I'd go on record that Hasbro fights are better than anything Saban has ever done, highlight being a few years ago of Tommy using the Master Morpher, they know how to do action.

- Wondered how they were gonna handle the missing rangers and I didn't get the surprise cameo I wanted but did get what I was hoping would be the backup, using saved recordings from the past. It just helps the scene feel complete that if we can't actually see tommy, hearing him scream Dragonzord and his iconic jump kick screams make it feel like it belongs compared to them just being completely silent. Though there were times they used voice actor dubs that definitely weren't JDF or Austin....but again, understable reasons.

- The Megazord.....wasn't great. Granted it was a lot better than recent CGI zord fights and no where near as bad as the god awful 1995 movie zord fight....but its still so obvious that Hasbro cheaped out here. If you not gonna put money into the CGI, just do it the old fashion way and put somebody in a costume

- Again I know its for reasons they production crew can't control, but you mean to tell me these 2 nikkas taking out mufukkas like the Gold Ranger, 3 Lost galaxy nikkas and other cold mufukkas by themselves....come on now :beli: Other than the obvious promo for the incoming toy line, ain't no way all these squads getting they ass kicked by these two weak mufukkas and some putties. Would have rather seen more faceless suited up cameos from the other rangers helping whoop ass in different cities than them being so easily overpowered.....

Overall, was a solid 7.5 out of 10 for me. Definitely enjoyed it, with a few complaints but nothing that won't keep me from rewatching. This should be a new strategy going forward......a reunion special once a year teaming up old favorites.....majority of the 30 year olds watched up to at least Lost in Space....so just thinking about a potential reunion with those fan favorite squads would be huge. And even with our current folks, nothing wrong with seeing them return every year to help out, the whole point of being a ranger is that this is a life long contract you signed....so its interesting to see them older. Its why I'm growing to love LightSpeed rescue so much now in my 30s, because those adults who got jobs who also got ranger responsibilities resonates with me now.
I thought for a second that the gay guy was Zhane from In Space because he wore a silver jacket.
Yeah Zack was charismatic as hell.
I liked the new yellow ranger.
Everyone had a great arc.
I take back any nice thing I ever said about Rocky - He sucks.
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Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
I thought for a second that the gay guy was Zhane from In Space because he wore a silver jacket.
Yeah Zack was charismatic as hell.
I liked the new yellow ranger.
Everyone had a great arc.
I take back any nice thing I said about Rocky - He sucks.
He need to get back in the gym if he gonna stick around, was looking very noticeably out of shape.....

You know you need to do better when Billy looking more athletic than you

Uncle Baby Billy

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
He need to get back in the gym if he gonna stick around, was looking very noticeably out of shape.....

You know you need to do better when Billy looking more athletic than you
I know Jason's actor has legal issues, but I prefer Rocky if that's the amount of focus the red ranger would've gotten in the script.

Two things I also liked:
1) Fight scenes were great, enjoyed the actual stabbing with weapons
2) When Minh Morphed, she used the mantis style again. I'm down for consistency with fighting styles. Sentai footage made sure that rangers moved and posed completely out of character. If that makes sense to you.
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The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030
at first I was like :dahell: robo rita

...but the explanation makes sense in universe...sure as hell better than fukking thrax

pretty dope overall

billy stabbing robo rita through the chest :krs: they would never let that happen on broadcast/cable TV

SPA...Space Patrol Alpha?

:picard: when minh tells billy you're the reason my mom dead

appreciate some of the name drops...troobians....aquitar, Mirinoi

was that a yellow psycho ranger as one of the figures?

you'd think w/ a time travel plot, Time Force would get involved :heh:

LOVED the ending/intro credits with new/old footage


Jun 9, 2012
Can’t remember if I replied to this thread originally.. too many pages to go through so I’ll reply again

When I was younger, I thought it ended when Zordon died. I didn’t know power rangers was still on til years later I was flipping channels and saw Tommy as the black ranger

As a kid, mighty Morphin, Zeo and in space are my memories. The kid in Turbo threw me off. When I got older, I finally found out the story from in space continued to lost galaxy.. I still need to watch that


May 2, 2012
A lot of this was pretty cheesy and even a little cringe in parts, but I loved it.. Minh's actress was overacting like a motherfukka tho. :huhldup:

I really liked the explanation for why Jason, Kim and Tommy were taken out of action and why they had to bring in Rocky and Kat, even though I don't know that I buy that Tommy would have been taken out so easily. At first I was like :dahell: because Kat seemed so nonchalant about Tommy being captured, and they waited till she got to Cranston Tech to tell her. But she was just like, ":manny: Meh, he gets captured all the time. He'll be a'ight," which totally tracks. :russ:

Was surprised yet satisfied that Trini only died in continuity a year ago. This special confirms that it was Trini as the yellow ranger in Grid Connection, and this was written by the same writers (Becca Barnes and Alwyn Dale).

Glad Charlie Haskell got to direct the big anniversary special. He's been the most prolific director of Power Rangers since they moved to New Zealand. I'd have to check one of the wikis, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's directed more episodes than anyone else.

Can't wait for the Comicsgate crowd to complain that this special was 'woke' because of that two-second scene of the dude and his boyfriend. :mjlol:

Was really hoping for a Bulk and Skull cameo after I saw the billboard, but alas.

The CGI on the megazord looked bad, but it still looked better than most MCU projects these days. :lolbron:

Zack being a former congressman is an interesting development even though it's nothing but lip service. Also interesting that he stepped down to raise Minh after Trini's death. Guess he picked up a thing or two from the peace conference. :ohh:

I definitely cringed a little bit when Zack did the Hip Hop Kido. I was like, man if you don't sit your old ass down somewhere! :pachaha:

I was expecting a bit more from the fights. I was hoping for at least all five rangers to use the Power Blaster on Robo Rita, but Zack delivering the final blow with the Power Axe was a nice touch.

Surprised at how little Adam and Aisha actually do in this special. They were basically just there for quick cameos. I would have thought they would have showed up on the moon to fight Robo Rita since they said Billy designed them stealth suits.

It felt like "S.P.A." was only mentioned to finally shut people up and confirm that SPD (or some version of it) actually existed in continuity, which makes sense because this is probably their last chance to do it since the show is planned to be rebooted in 2025.

Even though we saw other teams of rangers being captured by Robo Rita, I'm glad they kept the action just on Mighty Morphin. I rewatched Grid Connection and Dimensions in Danger after this, and one of the issues I had with other big teamups and anniversaries is that they do a weird hodgepodge of rangers from various seasons even though they can't get all the actors back, and the ones that do end up only getting a few lines at best. They played it smart here--focus only on Mighty Morphin, find a way to write out the actors that couldn't or wouldn't come back, and spend time focusing on the ones that did. Obviously, Billy and Zack get the bulk of the focus, but Rocky and Kat don't feel left out.

Of course they have the advantage of this being a stand-alone special as opposed to an episode in another team's season. Has this anniversary been during Cosmic Fury I'm sure it would have played out similarly to the others.

It does really show how OP the MMPR team was compared to the others that they were able to take out Robo Rita by themselves. Any other team would have called for other rangers or their allies.

I definitely teared up when they did the In Memoriam to Thuy and JDF at the end. :mjcry:

I will be streaming this in the background for the next week or so. I really want this to do well because that will determine how much effort Hasbro puts into the franchise going forward (and if it stays on Netflix or has to go somewhere else).
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In Sauce We Trust!
May 1, 2012
Big Gete Star
LMFAO I know the random gay interracial couple for clear pandering gon have coli salty

:laff: :laff: :laff:

Enjoyed the hell out of it......was entertaining and while not exactly what the dream is which is all 6 OGs, they made good with what they had available

- Walter can act like a mufukka......the rest weren't terrible but Zack sounded real, like how a real person being a power ranger would be. That black swag will do that, just was oozing charisma. He really nailed the father figure role and seems to be a great mentor. Hope he's down to doing future PR cameos cause his presence is needed when it comes to these nostalgia guest appearances
- LMAO at Rita calling herself a Bad Witch in reference to bad bytch :laff: I like how she wasn't playing with them and was actively trying to kill them. Ming lucky cause she should have been joining her mom with her stupid ass.
- One thing Hasbro know they can do is make some damn good action, fantastic fight scenes. Rocky and Kat were noticeably :flabbynsick: out there but it was ok.....in costume fights however were fantastic. I'd go on record that Hasbro fights are better than anything Saban has ever done, highlight being a few years ago of Tommy using the Master Morpher, they know how to do action.

- Wondered how they were gonna handle the missing rangers and I didn't get the surprise cameo I wanted but did get what I was hoping would be the backup, using saved recordings from the past. It just helps the scene feel complete that if we can't actually see tommy, hearing him scream Dragonzord and his iconic jump kick screams make it feel like it belongs compared to them just being completely silent. Though there were times they used voice actor dubs that definitely weren't JDF or Austin....but again, understable reasons.

- The Megazord.....wasn't great. Granted it was a lot better than recent CGI zord fights and no where near as bad as the god awful 1995 movie zord fight....but its still so obvious that Hasbro cheaped out here. If you not gonna put money into the CGI, just do it the old fashion way and put somebody in a costume

- Again I know its for reasons they production crew can't control, but you mean to tell me these 2 nikkas taking out mufukkas like the Gold Ranger, 3 Lost galaxy nikkas and other cold mufukkas by themselves....come on now :beli: Other than the obvious promo for the incoming toy line, ain't no way all these squads getting they ass kicked by these two weak mufukkas and some putties. Would have rather seen more faceless suited up cameos from the other rangers helping whoop ass in different cities than them being so easily overpowered.....

Overall, was a solid 7.5 out of 10 for me. Definitely enjoyed it, with a few complaints but nothing that won't keep me from rewatching. This should be a new strategy going forward......a reunion special once a year teaming up old favorites.....majority of the 30 year olds watched up to at least Lost in Space....so just thinking about a potential reunion with those fan favorite squads would be huge. And even with our current folks, nothing wrong with seeing them return every year to help out, the whole point of being a ranger is that this is a life long contract you signed....so its interesting to see them older. Its why I'm growing to love LightSpeed rescue so much now in my 30s, because those adults who got jobs who also got ranger responsibilities resonates with me now.

I know the power ranger formula is to copy the super sentai formula, new year...new people with maybe a past year team up. But I don't see the problem with just focusing on the ranger fraternity of people we know and love from time to time.....Hell do what Dino Thunder did and bring back OGs to get new powers with a new teen squad. That would be a perfect role for Billy and zack.
Well this is the last year before they reboot everything back to square one. Cosmic Fury is going to be the last season adapting Sentai.


In Sauce We Trust!
May 1, 2012
Big Gete Star
So, I didn’t hate it, but I don’t really love it either.

My only beef with Kat and Rocky being used at all is that they should still have access to the Zeo power set, which is like, in canon the strongest in the series. A glancing mention to that would have been sufficient.

But otherwise, why not just focus on Zack and Billy the whole way with Minh.

I’m nit-picking mostly. But I really found myself fast forwarding parts.


The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030
My only beef with Kat and Rocky being used at all is that they should still have access to the Zeo power set, which is like, in canon the strongest in the series. A glancing mention to that would have been sufficient.

You could say that for any teamup that had the zeo rangers :pachaha:

Like Adam risking his life for bytch ass Carlos by morphing into the black mmpr instead of zeo green