Tenchi Ryu
Ashtray B!tch
LMFAO I know the random gay interracial couple for clear pandering gon have coli salty

Enjoyed the hell out of it......was entertaining and while not exactly what the dream is which is all 6 OGs, they made good with what they had available
Overall, was a solid 7.5 out of 10 for me. Definitely enjoyed it, with a few complaints but nothing that won't keep me from rewatching. This should be a new strategy going forward......a reunion special once a year teaming up old favorites.....majority of the 30 year olds watched up to at least Lost in Space....so just thinking about a potential reunion with those fan favorite squads would be huge. And even with our current folks, nothing wrong with seeing them return every year to help out, the whole point of being a ranger is that this is a life long contract you signed....so its interesting to see them older. Its why I'm growing to love LightSpeed rescue so much now in my 30s, because those adults who got jobs who also got ranger responsibilities resonates with me now.
I know the power ranger formula is to copy the super sentai formula, new year...new people with maybe a past year team up. But I don't see the problem with just focusing on the ranger fraternity of people we know and love from time to time.....Hell do what Dino Thunder did and bring back OGs to get new powers with a new teen squad. That would be a perfect role for Billy and zack.

Enjoyed the hell out of it......was entertaining and while not exactly what the dream is which is all 6 OGs, they made good with what they had available
- Walter can act like a mufukka......the rest weren't terrible but Zack sounded real, like how a real person being a power ranger would be. That black swag will do that, just was oozing charisma. He really nailed the father figure role and seems to be a great mentor. Hope he's down to doing future PR cameos cause his presence is needed when it comes to these nostalgia guest appearances
- LMAO at Rita calling herself a Bad Witch in reference to bad bytch
I like how she wasn't playing with them and was actively trying to kill them. Ming lucky cause she should have been joining her mom with her stupid ass.
- One thing Hasbro know they can do is make some damn good action, fantastic fight scenes. Rocky and Kat were noticeably
out there but it was ok.....in costume fights however were fantastic. I'd go on record that Hasbro fights are better than anything Saban has ever done, highlight being a few years ago of Tommy using the Master Morpher, they know how to do action.
- Wondered how they were gonna handle the missing rangers and I didn't get the surprise cameo I wanted but did get what I was hoping would be the backup, using saved recordings from the past. It just helps the scene feel complete that if we can't actually see tommy, hearing him scream Dragonzord and his iconic jump kick screams make it feel like it belongs compared to them just being completely silent. Though there were times they used voice actor dubs that definitely weren't JDF or Austin....but again, understable reasons.
- The Megazord.....wasn't great. Granted it was a lot better than recent CGI zord fights and no where near as bad as the god awful 1995 movie zord fight....but its still so obvious that Hasbro cheaped out here. If you not gonna put money into the CGI, just do it the old fashion way and put somebody in a costume
- Again I know its for reasons they production crew can't control, but you mean to tell me these 2 nikkas taking out mufukkas like the Gold Ranger, 3 Lost galaxy nikkas and other cold mufukkas by themselves....come on now
Other than the obvious promo for the incoming toy line, ain't no way all these squads getting they ass kicked by these two weak mufukkas and some putties. Would have rather seen more faceless suited up cameos from the other rangers helping whoop ass in different cities than them being so easily overpowered.....
- Walter can act like a mufukka......the rest weren't terrible but Zack sounded real, like how a real person being a power ranger would be. That black swag will do that, just was oozing charisma. He really nailed the father figure role and seems to be a great mentor. Hope he's down to doing future PR cameos cause his presence is needed when it comes to these nostalgia guest appearances
- LMAO at Rita calling herself a Bad Witch in reference to bad bytch

- One thing Hasbro know they can do is make some damn good action, fantastic fight scenes. Rocky and Kat were noticeably

- Wondered how they were gonna handle the missing rangers and I didn't get the surprise cameo I wanted but did get what I was hoping would be the backup, using saved recordings from the past. It just helps the scene feel complete that if we can't actually see tommy, hearing him scream Dragonzord and his iconic jump kick screams make it feel like it belongs compared to them just being completely silent. Though there were times they used voice actor dubs that definitely weren't JDF or Austin....but again, understable reasons.
- The Megazord.....wasn't great. Granted it was a lot better than recent CGI zord fights and no where near as bad as the god awful 1995 movie zord fight....but its still so obvious that Hasbro cheaped out here. If you not gonna put money into the CGI, just do it the old fashion way and put somebody in a costume
- Again I know its for reasons they production crew can't control, but you mean to tell me these 2 nikkas taking out mufukkas like the Gold Ranger, 3 Lost galaxy nikkas and other cold mufukkas by themselves....come on now

Overall, was a solid 7.5 out of 10 for me. Definitely enjoyed it, with a few complaints but nothing that won't keep me from rewatching. This should be a new strategy going forward......a reunion special once a year teaming up old favorites.....majority of the 30 year olds watched up to at least Lost in Space....so just thinking about a potential reunion with those fan favorite squads would be huge. And even with our current folks, nothing wrong with seeing them return every year to help out, the whole point of being a ranger is that this is a life long contract you signed....so its interesting to see them older. Its why I'm growing to love LightSpeed rescue so much now in my 30s, because those adults who got jobs who also got ranger responsibilities resonates with me now.
I know the power ranger formula is to copy the super sentai formula, new year...new people with maybe a past year team up. But I don't see the problem with just focusing on the ranger fraternity of people we know and love from time to time.....Hell do what Dino Thunder did and bring back OGs to get new powers with a new teen squad. That would be a perfect role for Billy and zack.