I used to live on Jefferson between 7th and 8th, in the 710 Building from 93-99.
Even back then, that area was always calm, and residential. Yeah shiit went on, but not in the open, cause it's too damn residential. KDY/Brightwood/Takoma area is literally one off the best areas to live as a Black person in this area.
Shiiit used to amaze me, when I would hear folks talk about how that area was/is grimey. Wtf yall talking bout, I lived there, no its never been like. It's always been mostly quiet and serene
I still stroll through Jefferson and Kennedy a lot. I go that Record on 7th and Kennedy at least once a week. I work in Takoma, so when it's nice, I'll walk home. Ain't no one bothering me, just beautiful houses, sometimes stop by Peaches on 3rd, behind Coolidge, might hit up Adreenes when i pop on Kennedy.
Yeah back in 80s/90s, them apartments on the Hill on 14th around Peabody user to be popping. But now it's mainly Migo families and Ethiopians up there