PR Nonsense.Phil Spencer is pretty much the best thing to happen to Xbox. He got the full backing of Microsoft and Nadella behind Xbox. Them investing in Minecraft, Zenimax, Activision was because he sold the CEO on it. Game Pass was him. Cross platform multiplayer he pushed it through. Backwards compatibility was him. Smart delivery.
He’s done a great job. I can’t fault him for having the Xbox One be so trash because Mattrick started that under Ballmer. Can’t fault him for the early Xbox Series software struggle because COVID happened.
Before Phil:
Xbox was distant 3rd globally
Xbox was still competitive in North America and UK
First Party output underwhelming
No New sucessful Ip that sold six million or more
EA pass, a subscription service that allows you to play EA games
Halo was still popular
Gears of War was on a decline
After Phil:
Xbox is distant 3rd globally
No longer competitive in North America or Uk unless they do a crazy price cut or if Sony doesn't have PS5 stock
First Party output underwhelming
No New sucessful Ip that sold six million or more
Now Resorted to buying up big third publishers to win.
Gamepass, a subscription service that allows you to play Xbox games
Halo is no longer popular
Gears of War is

Covid also impacted sony yet despite this they are still releasing four or five AAA games a year so far.
Phil Spencer is a fukking dud.