a couple of stories on brave African freedom fighters whom after years of enduring slavery and abuse by savage a-rabs reached their limit and fought for their lives only to be railroaded and given cruel and unusual punishment for not allowing their oppressor to torture them to death by the racist sand cac justice system.
Ethiopian maid sentenced to death for killing Saudi employer with an axe
An Ethiopian maid convicted of killing her employer with an axe has been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia,
according to Arab News.
A court found the maid hit her sponsor eight times on the head as she prayed.
She then stole SAR7000 ($1860), which she had in her possession when she was arrested, the court found.
The maid has reportedly lodged an appeal, while the victim’s husband has welcomed the sentence.
Maid tried to kill her employer's three children by pouring boiling water on their faces and slashing them with a meat cleaver in revenge for mistreatment
- The 25-year-old Ethiopian maid claimed the family had threatened her
- The children, aged 10, 14 and 15, escaped by locking themselves in a toilet
- Dubai police found maid covered in blood on the balcony of the family home
- She was imprisoned for life for attempted murder
PUBLISHED: 06:02 EST, 3 November 2014 | UPDATED: 10:59 EST, 3 November 2014
A maid in the United Arab Emirates who attempted to kill her employer's three children by scolding them with boiling water and attacking them with a cleaver while they slept has been jailed for life.
The 25-year-old Ethiopian maid, referred to as Y.S., claimed she attacked the children, two girls and a boy aged 15, 14 and 10, because they and their mother had made threats against her own life.
'The four of them, the mother and the children, threatened to kill me,' she told the Dubai Criminal Court through a translator from the Ethiopian embassy.
'When I later asked them to let me go home, they refused and again threatened to kill me,' she said.
A maid in Dubai (pictured) who attempted to kill her employer's three children by burning them with boiling water and attacking them with a cleaver while they slept has been jailed for life
Prosecutors said the maid admitted the attack was an act of revenge for being mistreated and forced to go hungry, reports
The National.
She said her employer, a 42-year-old teacher, repeatedly accused her of stealing and refused to send her back to Ethiopia, claiming that her passport was missing.
The eldest sister said the incident happened the same day her mother had to go away for medical treatment.
She said: 'My sister and I were sleeping on one bed while our brother was sleeping on a mattress.
'Around 7am I felt some boiling water splashing on my face... I woke up shocked and saw the defendant.
'She held a boiler and a cleaver in her hands. She stabbed me repeatedly in my face, and then she attacked my sister and then my brother. We escaped and locked ourselves inside the washroom, then called the police.'
The Ethiopian maid was charged with a triple murder attempt, double suicide attempt and theft. She was also ordered to pay Dh21,000 (£3,600) in compensation to the mother. File picture
After the attack the maid went to the mother’s room to take money and her passport, which was hidden in a drawer.
A policeman described breaking down the door and discovering the children.
He said: 'They were bleeding from everywhere and badly burnt.'
The children were taken to hospital and police said they found the maid sitting on the floor of the flat’s balcony.
She is then alleged to have tried to slit her own throat before surrendering to police when they raised their guns.
She was charged with a triple murder attempt, double suicide attempt and theft. She was also ordered to pay Dh21,000 (£3,600) in compensation to the mother.
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Those 2 sisters are political prisoners and heroines where I stand...there incompetent government should be doing something to free and bring them back home before Saudi Arabia /Dubaia assassinate them but i'm not holding by breath for that cause clearly these abuses have been happening for some time and still continue despite regular reports of similar horror stories detailing African maids been maimed or killed in the Mid East with little action to cease the attacks i'm inclined to believe their government must have it's hands dirty with the bloodmoney..Ethiopia and other African countries ought to be ashamed sending their women to the Mid East to be beaten,raped, and killed by sadistic goat fukkers for a few dinars

....this is why Africa isn't respected around the world.

...i'm surprised more Africans in similar situations don't snap and rebel against arab brutality like the 2 brave ladies in those stories...i bet it would make those wicked towelheads think twice about treating African migrants less than human..