the word in original genealogy foes not mean slave.
abeed is the name of the prophets father.
it was made into a slur to denounce his heritage of being from a Nubian tribe.
plus, their inferiorty complex with coming from the origin of black people.
if you know Arabic so well,.why in the fukk do you not know that.
you stoopid as that thang nikka.
don't try to argue with a person who knows more facts than you.
you not the only nikka who studied Muslim/arabic beliefs and code.
nikka I been reading the Qur'an on my own.
by my own volition for twenty plus years and I definately have more knowledge of self than you.
if you were that nikka,...
you would never even have took the stance you took.
plus, you misquoted the full definition and never gave the real definition.
to been breakdown the gateway rhetoric.
used in this very thread.
that is how I know you don't know.
now, for the last time, stfu....
Art Barr

The prophet's father name wasn't Abeed, it was Abdullah. Which is a popular name in Arabic and Islamic culture and means servant of God (Allah). While Abd means slave/servant, it can also be used in a non-derogatory term. Many arabic (and muslim) names conatin the word Abd without it being tied to race or used a slur, Arabs often call each other Abd without it being an insult. And if you been reading the Quran (as you claim), you'd know how often the word Abd or Ibad (its plural form) is used and doesn't mean black at all, nor used as an insult. Oh, and also kafir/kufar features a lot without even meaning or concerning black people. That is if you're aware of the Quran original language in Arabic.
Also miss me with that "it was made into a slur to denounce his heritage of being from a Nubian tribe."