Art Barr
Then support and push for black-owned and run business. It'd be way better for the community this way
We see your agenda, you sand nikka tongue speaking bytch.
Art Barr
Then support and push for black-owned and run business. It'd be way better for the community this way
We see your agenda, you sand nikka tongue speaking bytch.
Art Barr
Alright, my fault for trying to conversate with you.
You're clearly insane and losing it with each passing day
Have a nice day and KIM breh![]()
Losers always concede defeat.
when, faced with opposition more skilled, knowledgeable and effective than them.
Oh, and when you keep it moving take this with you.
Art Barr
I got some tables I can use to put you through fam :cray:
People always wanna joke after taking an emotional loss to:
Art Barr
Why do BM allow Arabs to set up shop in their neighborhoods anyway? You have no one to blame but yourselves.
Blacks don't control American neighborhoods, dumb bytch. Whites do.
Black men have no one to blame but themselves for this.
What's the first thing a Black man does when he gets a few dollars? He gets as far away from the people who look like him.
The most dominant gene for North African is the "berber" gene which originated in the region 1000s of years ago, with influence from Europeans, Middle Easterns and Sub-Saharan African. Actually, SSA genes aren't that common in most North African tbh and most of oit comes from the trans-saharan slave trade.
A lot of people considered Arabs today were arabized, this is true to North African and levantine people for example.
But think about it for a sec. I often hears on this forum that Islam was an Arab creation to enslave and dominate black people, but those Arabs are black so it's basically a black plan to enslav black people
Also, in pre-Islamic Arabia, black slaves were very common and anti-black attitude was present as well.
the original berbers were black though. their y chromosome is the same as the one in East Africa. why is it so hard to understand that there are different types of black people. south sudanese don't have the same y chromosome as west africans neither do the bushmen but all are black. same with the east africans and the og berbers.
the modern berbers are a combo of ancient black east african males and white european females. that is undeniable.
and the greeks/romans had expansive slavery of other white europeans. the greeks in particular having open hostility to the blonde hair blue eyed germanic tribes to the north.
the original black arabs may have had hostility to other black peoples but that doesn't change the fact both were black IN TODAYS RACIAL PARADIGM.
Blacks don't control American neighborhoods, dumb bytch. Whites do.
Berber is a group with different people and culture from Tuarergs, Kabyle, Riffian different in skin color and heritage. There is certainly a lot of black native berber to the region. Anyway, the "North African gene" originated in East Africa but developped in North Africa, as is the cases with other haplogroups. To reduce North Africans as a combination of black mlaes and white females is a lie since studying North African genetics, we can find varied ancestries, from North African, middle easterner (and this was before the Arab conquests of the 7th century), europeans & other African groups which is consistent with the history of the regions and the different settlers that it saw.
The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions
All the early major Berber tribes including the Masmuda, Sanhaja, Ketama Zenata and Nafusa are described as dark reddish brown like the “Indi’ or as “blacks” or Ethiopians in early documents. The notion of the early Berbers as being “whites” or Caucasoid is a new and racist one related to the concept of the African “Hamite”. Certainly the original Berber-speakers were never referred to as anything but “black” or something near it until the 12th century and were otherwise considered the color of Abyssinians and other so called “Indi”.
Even the Kabyles a notoriously fair-skinned “Berber” people of North Africa are up until the 19th century described as “brown” “apart from a few clans”. (See quotes below). The knowledge that Europeans were changing the complexion literally and figuratively of North Africa up until the 19th century has disappeared from modern European histories. Most know about the large part played by sub-saharan black slaves in the making of modern North Africa and Arabia while the white slave trade which was in fact dominant trade in North Africa until the fall of Constantinople (Istanbul in Turkey) in the 15th century had been largely ignored in historical writings of the 20th. Yet it was only a few centuries ago that Europeans visiting North Africa commenting on the fact that, “on almost every street of the cities of Barbary, Europeans could be seen harnessed to carts like draught horses or selling water from jars loaded on the backs of donkeys”.
1809 Commentary on those called “Moors” by an early 19th century observer: “They carry the Christian captives about the desert to the different markets to sell them for they soon discover that their habits of life render them unserviceable , or very inferior to the black slaves of Timbuktoo. “ from An Account of the Empire of Marocco, by J. G. Jackson published 1809 and 1814.
2003 – “From 1500 to 1650 when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy more Europeans were taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas. See, Robert Davis Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800, MacMillan Publishers, published 2003.
The impact of the white slave trade and its contribution to the modern biology and appearance of the modern North African stems from before the Arabian and Muslim waves into Africa. The Roman ruler Claudian spoke concerning Gildo, the “Moorish” ruler of Africa and treatment of Roman women from the Levant by this North African chief and his countrymen:
4th century – Claudian wrote, “ when tired of each noblest matron Gildo hands her over to the Moors. These Sidonian mothers, married in Carthage city must needs mate with barbarians. He thrusts upon me an Ethiopian as a son-in law, a Berber as a husband. The hideous hybrid affrights its cradle.” Claudian, by Claudius Claudianus, translation by Maurice Platnauer, Published by G.P. Putnam’s sons, 1922 p. 113. (Gildo was brother to other Berber chiefs Firmus and Maseczel. Gildo is related to Aguellid or Galdi which remains the modern Tuarek word for chief. Masek, Amazigh ot Imoshagh was the name for the ancient and modern Tuareg clans in general. The Mezikes tribes were called “Ethiopians” in a Roman text of the time. )
1stt c. A.D. – “Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles a Sardinian general, of three Libyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micatani and Zufoni (see Zafan ),who were nomads and the Asfodelodi, who by the color of their skin resembled the Ethiopians” , p. 50 The Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38, 57 Guiseppe Sergi, 1901. The Micatani were also called Ukutameni and Khethim by Josephus. In later writings they are called Ketama Berbers. The name Maketa or Imakitan remains a name for the eastern branches of the Tuareg.
1st century A.D.– Marcus Valerian Martial was one of the earliest Europeans to use the phrase “woolly hair like a Moor” in one of his Satires, and the phrase was commonly used up until the Middle Ages. See Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers, 1952. p. 50 The Muslim era didn’t begin until the birth of Muhammed, the Prophet, over four centuries after Martial. By the 7th century the word came to be used for Arabians who in the early era of Islam for the most part were also described as of near “black” complexion.
1st century Silius Italicus also describes the Moors with the term ‘Nigra’ meaning black. In the 3rd century Roman dramatist Platus or Plautus maintained the name Maure was a synonym for “Niger” which was a common term for the word black. 6th century Isidore Archbishop of Seville claimed the word Maure meant black according to Brunson and Runoko Rashidi in “The Moors in Antiquity” in Golden Age of the Moor, 1991.
6th A.D.- Corippus uses the phrase “facies nigroque colorus” meaning faces or appearance of black color to describe the North African Berbers. In his book Johannis, I/ 245.
6th A.D. – Procopius in his History of the Wars book IV contrasting the Germanic Vandals who had settled in North Africa with the Maures claimed the Vandals were not “black skinned like the Maurusioi” . The tribes he classified as Maurusioi are those now classified as ancient Berbers, the Numidians, Masaesyle, Gaitules, Massyles and Mezikes several other “Berber” tribes then settled between Tunisia and Morocco.