Exclusives In General Are Better Than Multiplats

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Man, this below is a horrible post. So bad I had to break it down :wow:

It's not about whether or not there's more exclusives than multiplats. The point is, one platform has a surplus of games only found on that platform which adds to the library while the other one doesn't.
This is where you should have stopped because the rest of your post is you exposing yourself as a fanboy. I disagree with this assessment but that's ok, moving on...
The best games period this gen have been some exclusives and some multiplats. Why would someone be fine with missing out on high quality games? Forget about them being exclusive, why would you(not you literally) as a gamer want to miss out on some fine games?
That would apply to every platform, yet you yourself is incapable of saying that because it contradicts fanboy logic :francis:
My fave games this gen has been exclusives like UC4, Persona 5, TLG, Until Dawn, Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy, Ratchet and Clank AMONG other multiplat.
Sony games :smugbiden: didn't you say Gears 4 is better than one of those games? Did you just fukk up, is shyt not adding up? Did I just expose another :ld:
I don't care how anyone spins it, there's no game that's an exact equal to it even among simulation games like sports/racers. You got cats mocking GT Sport because they love Forza. Who's skipping Forza Horizon 3 and just settling for The Crew? :mjlol:
You can check out the crew thread, liquid and a few others said it was better. But the GT comment is what I wanna laugh about. Forza been great since Forza 1. The "hate" has come from Sony fanboys who still refuse to recognize Forza as the better franchise :laff: GTS is an always online title (which you championed as evil) didn't have offline play. Still can't save unless you online. Instead of addressing that you say we "mocking" it because wet love Forza. I was playing gran Turismo before you was allowed to watch an R rated movie. You too young, but half of us was modifying our V-specs 20 yrs ago my nikka. You was watching Barney at this time. GT after GT2 has been mostly visual upgrades and is why it's a Joke in comparisonto what it SHOULD have evolved to :sitdown:
I couldn't imagine being a big fighting game fan and going "Eh, oh well SFV isn't on Xbox.. I'll just play Marvel Vs Capcom instead."

Or going "Ehh TLOU Part 2 no big deal I can play State of Decay 2." :stopitslime:
Zelda? Ehh I'll just play Horizon :stopitslime:

Spiderman? Sunset Overdrive is good enough said no one.
SF5 is trash. How good is Spiderman in comparison to sunset overdrive? You don't know that answer yet you talking like you know already. Fanboy much?
I notice people who make these arguments are usually Xbox fans :whoa:
Says the Sony fan literally using that argument while saying "but it's usually xbots tho :whoa:"
I wanted to play Halo MCC when it came out and no, Destiny imo wasn't an equal alternative. It wasn't as fun P2P wise. Like wise if Gears 4 wasn't on PC I'd probably have went out and copped a Xbox 1 because there's just no other TPS imo that's seeing Gears even UC4 is not a equal replacement(I like it but it's not the same).
So you're comparing Destiny gameplay to halo :gucci:it wasn't as fun P2P wise you say? No TPS seeing gears he says, not even uncharted. From my experience playing with you and this community I know you love the multiplayer. But gears was NEVER popular on PC so You haven't really played gears 4 online. You probably didn't play the campaign either. What them receipts looking like tho?

According to the receipts this nikka never played gears of war 4 :dame:

I think people saying this aren't being real and only say this to justify their Xbox loyalty. We can stop with this "oh multiplats are the most played games" which isn't the point.
The point is you guys operate identically to the Republican party, full of shyt. No point in engaging anymore when post like these get dapped up by the moderators.

Am I incorrect in that assessment? :usure:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I didn't even read the bullshyt you posted. :yawn:
As adults, we behave like them. Unless we live in our mama's basement :umad:

Now I like you so I feel bad I had to destroy you like that but it's for the good of this community. They need to see what you do to be able to overcome it :manny:

Word for word it's about the same length as your reply but don't let the truth stop you from lying to everybody :francis:


May 2, 2012
"damn near every AAA game" is fine. this thread uses a lot of wishy washy language to act like every exclusive is like Zelda and Horizon, and every multiplat is like... No Man's Sky... oh wait, that was a Sony console exclusive. what were all these broken and/or bad multiplat games again? :patrice:
Battlefront 2
Destiny 2
Mass effect
Shadows of war
For honor

Almost every anticipated AAA game released this year has had some type of controversy.

Has there even been a bad or controversial AAA exclusive released this year?

Prince Akeem

Its not that deep breh....
May 4, 2012
My favorite game this gen is multiplat...Witcher 3.


When I think about it, many of the exclusives I like tend to enjoy be in genres or styles that resonate with me the most and leave the strongest impressions. I tend to like cinematic stuff, single player action adventure,jrpgs, and fighters and those tend to be exclusive to certain platforms since big multiplat publishers focus on multiplayer service games.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Battlefront 2
Destiny 2
Mass effect
Shadows of war
For honor

Almost every anticipated AAA game released this year has had some type of controversy.

a lot of that was controversy because of loot crates, and other microtransaction fukkery. plus general issues getting multiplayer games to work right with a million people playing

Has there even been a bad or controversial AAA exclusive released this year?

there haven't been many games released in 2018 :troll:

2017 was a good year for exclusives :manny: Nintendo had their heavy hitters, and Sony had a few. but it hasn't always been like that, and there won't be a Zelda and Mario game in 2018