I'm guessing your talking about battlefield 4, the game that didn't work for a year straight.
Matter fact, out of the 3 BF games released this gen only BF1 was decent out the gate, and I've played all of them this gen.
I'm willing to bet I have more play time than you in every battlefield game. Your ass don't even play the games you talk about.
This is what I'm willing to bet, I bet that you dodged the only question I asked you. Which campaign have you played, if any, I'll check the receipts. You would have said check it but instead whimpered "I probably played more hours than you
So as for broken, BF4 worked fine from week1. Was there a minor issue here and there, ok. Men don't go "there's a glitch, the Game is broken for like a entire year
" that's something somebody who didn't play it much would say. I was parachuting into battle, I was knifing snipers, and I got hours worth of clips I made talking nikkaz out. Now that I think about it, the poster with the tag infamous won't even play with me anymore because of a Summerjam video I made
The campaign tho, it's polished gaming at its finest. You should try that then judge how "complete" a game is. And if a game as ambitious as battlefield online always is? Then it's ok if it needed a month or two to straighten out some bugs. Did you not have fun during that time bruh? Or are you just repeating something a casual said on a big stage
Go check my receipts if you wanna repeat more lies like I don't play
that's due to the sheer number of multiplat games released in comparison to exclusives. If 50 multiplatform games released in a year with 5 of those games being GOTY contender, and 10 exclusives released that same year with 5 being GOTY contender, then statistically the exclusives in general were of higher quality than the multiplats.
Game of the year is based on what, and how many years have you let the gaming illuminati dictate what YOU like? According to the same critics the best games ever created are
Grand theft auto 4
Metal grear solid 4
Zelda breathe of the wild
Are those good games? While that is debatable what isn't is are these 3 of the top 5 games ever made. None of those are the best games in their own series key alone of all time. Halo 4 got a similar review as well by a prominent place, so did knack 1.
With Russia influencing the elections the tactics they used and have been using is via the media, today social media. You think similar tactics are not used in this space? The NSA box is what the socialmedia train said. Always on meant the devil is always connected to you so it's bad. But man, did you see the reviews for grand Turismo once they added a patch that allowed offline mode..well, minus saving, you still need online to save your game. But you get the point. Reviews are biased because people are biased. It takes a system being in place to have order there. I have developed suck a systemthat you will have faith in. Until then, have fun repeating what a select group of gamers who get paid to say positive things about certain franchises in exchange for a check say
Maybe people like the Xbox Service better than PlayStation
I would neg you back if I wasn't treated like Jesus here