$230 vs $670 a month
"But but but...MUH FREEDOMS!!"

That money out people's pockets makes them more slaves than they think.

in this thread and similar threads the common response to why we don't have more public transportation is that the U.S is much larger than europe but we don't even have decent public transportation within the same equivalent area as some European transportation networks..What’s the point here?
Probably already posted but
The 49-euro ticket is coming: German states agree on 9-euro follow-up
The follow-up to the 9-euro ticket is coming: Germany's states have agreed on plans for a 49-euro ticket that would be valid on public transport nationwide.www.iamexpat.de
Results were immediate when they did this. Majority was intercity which was the goal
I would pay $270 a month not to ride public transitin this thread and similar threads the common response to why we don't have more public transportation is that the U.S is much larger than europe but we don't even have decant public transportation within the same equivalent area as some European transportation networks..
don't think there was a followup post about it being made permanent. this was really good policy tho.
what's so unappealing about it?I would pay $270 a month not to ride public transit
what's so unappealing about it?
You really sat down and wrote that bicycles aren’t viable unless they’re north or south of a specific latitude.Weather.
Europe's climate is heavily moderated by the water surrounding most of it. Summer is mild and winter is cold but definitely not any worse than Buffalo or Minneapolis.
Riding to work in Amsterdam is cool...but who wants to ride a bike in June around Houston, New Orleans, Dallas, Miami etc. Muggy, hot....your whole body covered in sweat by the time you get to work.
The idea would work in a place like Oakland/SF etc., with a mild climate but most of the United States is too extreme in heat and cold to make this work. Like I could do it in Dallas in early November but definitely not May through late September.