Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


May 6, 2012
There....right there :snoop:

A chick sitting on your bed is a universal sign for "Come get this pump pum" breh
And she was ight too :snoop:

There was like no coercion needed on my part. Convo on the phone was like...

Me:what u doin?

Her:nothing laying down

Me:come through

Her:is __ there?

Me: i got a whip

Her:lol okay


Her:I'm about to takea shower I'll text you my address

*30 minutes later receives address*

Me:ight I'll text when I'm leaving

*40 minutes pass*

Her: you not coming no more? :smile:

Me: yeah my car was out
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The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Had one a few weeks ago. I posted about it in the quick lil gems thread.:francis:

Basically some chick, my cousin's girlfriend's cousin was at my house. They were talking about relationships w/e and my cousin tells her she can talk to me. She seen me but he was just walking around the house with her and I thought she was just a friend of his GF's. I just greeted her and that was that. he didn't tell me he was about to hook me up with her or anything..

He gives her my number and FB and she hits me up on his phone, her phone and facebook that night. Needless to say she was very straightforward.

We start texting/talk for a few minutes, nothing much just lil "whats good ur name? age, girl/man? wat u do" type shyt. This is a wednesday night mind you.

Thursday we text on and off throughout the day. Friday I got out of work early and told her she should come through and she gives me her address like 30 minutes later on text and tells me to come get her. I go get her and drive back to my house. I stopped at the store before I came home. She's quiet and a lil reserved the way back. She isn't saying much and she's not really talkative. We get back to the house, I go to my room, she comes up after me. She comes in, sits on the bed and I sit on the chair in front of my bed across from the TV to set the shyt up. I had a movie in mind.

I throw on City of God :snoop: and we start watching. I move the chair over, sit on the bed and watch alongside her. We watched the movie till almost the end. Occasional questions, comments about the movie made up the bulk of my convo. She pretty much just sat and watched while I was within arms distance of her. I wasn't too close to her. She said her back hurt while watching the movie and I gave her a pillow and she said she's okay. Near the end of the movie, she goes downstairs to my cousin room(my cousin and her cousin live together in a room downstairs.) She texts me a few minutes later saying she's leaving and I go down to take her home by car.

I drop her off, she asks when I'm gonna see her again, I tell her I'll hit her up or something or she shoould hit me up i don't quite remember.

You tell me where i fukked up. Now she ain't really been hitting me up like that anymroe. She came over a second time a few days later but she was downstairs this time and I was there too but it was just lil jokes and shyt going on nothing serious.

You tell me where I fukked up. :mjcry:

Like...only every fukking where. A chick is on your bed talking about her back pains, that's a cue for you to offer a massage. You don't even have to ask in most cases, just go over there and ask her where it specifically hurts at and start working it out. A couple minutes of that and you should be massaging more than just her damn back after that with no resistance from her.


Nov 30, 2015
I still kick my self to this day.

So before freshman year in college I met this chick and found out we were going to the same school. She was bad af. She had that Rihanna bad girl sex appeal. She was a track runner so her body was :wow:

So after the first day of class in college she finds out we are staying in the same dorm. She texts me one day to come over and help her with some of her math homework. She had her own room and she was in there with a shirt on and booty shorts. So we are doing homework and she tells me she just got a new tattoo on her neck.

I go to see and she tells me, "You have to get closer." And then she kinda pulled my head towards her. My Dumbass was just like "Oh that's nice." :troll:

So then she says I can watch TV and sit on her bed bc her chair was weak. So her bed was high and as I'm sitting there she comes and stands between my legs. Her back was rubbing against my dikk at that point. But Idk if she is friendly or what. So I stupidly just sat there and watched TV like a fukking idiot.

Then I told her that I had to go because I had an early class. After that she never spoke to me again.
I asked her friend who was my friend too, what was up and she told me that she wanted me to fukk her, but thought I dissed her. :sadcam: After that I tried to hit her up again, but to no avail. SMH


Nov 30, 2015
Like...only every fukking where. A chick is on your bed talking about her back pains, that's a cue for you to offer a massage. You don't even have to ask in most cases, just go over there and ask her where it specifically hurts at and start working it out. A couple minutes of that and you should be massaging more than just her damn back after that with no resistance from her.
Truth. That's how I lost my virginity. She was complaining about her back so I grabbed the lotion and went to work. Before I knew it I was massaging her ass and then rolling her panties down. Never fails


Jun 2, 2012
I still kick my self to this day.

So before freshman year in college I met this chick and found out we were going to the same school. She was bad af. She had that Rihanna bad girl sex appeal. She was a track runner so her body was :wow:

So after the first day of class in college she finds out we are staying in the same dorm. She texts me one day to come over and help her with some of her math homework. She had her own room and she was in there with a shirt on and booty shorts. So we are doing homework and she tells me she just got a new tattoo on her neck.

I go to see and she tells me, "You have to get closer." And then she kinda pulled my head towards her. My Dumbass was just like "Oh that's nice." :troll:

So then she says I can watch TV and sit on her bed bc her chair was weak. So her bed was high and as I'm sitting there she comes and stands between my legs. Her back was rubbing against my dikk at that point. But Idk if she is friendly or what. So I stupidly just sat there and watched TV like a fukking idiot.

Then I told her that I had to go because I had an early class. After that she never spoke to me again.
I asked her friend who was my friend too, what was up and she told me that she wanted me to fukk her, but thought I dissed her. :sadcam: After that I tried to hit her up again, but to no avail. SMH

Man I wish I could have a woman come on strong like that to me when I was in college


May 6, 2012
Like...only every fukking where. A chick is on your bed talking about her back pains, that's a cue for you to offer a massage. You don't even have to ask in most cases, just go over there and ask her where it specifically hurts at and start working it out. A couple minutes of that and you should be massaging more than just her damn back after that with no resistance from her.

This was like halfway through the flick. She was quiet but she stretched and said "ah my back hurt". I grabbed two pillows and put it behind her and she said no thanks.
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The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ

This was like halfway through the flick. She was quiet but she stretched and said "ah my back hurt". I grabbed two pillows and put it behind her and she said no thanks.

Don't worry, was probably for the best, cuz knowing you, you would've fukked the massage up and hurt her in the process.
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Sep 10, 2015
OK I waited a while to post this because of how lame The Coli can be... I posted this on another forum.

Bruh this fukking beauty came thru today



So I'm chilling in the back of the breakfast area letting this dude I'm training do all the work. She comes in such a vibrant mood. While she's checking in we exchange a few glances, I'm staring the fukk out of her because she's pretty as hell with some extremely perky titties. My gay ass coworker gives her the shyttiest unenthusiastic check in. I'm sitting their like


I'm mad as hell now I didn't check her in. I ask my coworker who the fukk is that? He's mumbling and I say put in her room number. I get her name and stalk her instagram, I'm like holy shyt! She is smoking hot!

She later comes downstairs to go smoke. I'm creepily watching her the window from the hotel lobby and we exchange looks again. I'm thinking of having a reason to talk to her but don't want to come off as a creep plus I'm watching over her because it's 12 in the morning, she's beautiful as hell. Can't have nobody fukking with her on my watch.

I later go downstairs to help a guest with his luggage and then speak to her at the same time letting her know we have a patio to go smoke on which is closer to her room. She says lead the way and let me know all the secrets.

I'm still not trying to be a creep so I lead her and let her be. I go back to assisting the other guest with his luggage but finally say fukk it, let me start a conversation with her. I go on the patio asking has she stayed with us before and letting her know all the hotel amenities. Apologize for my coworker for being a p*ssy.

We start talking n shyt and I let her know I stalked her instagram :smt042 she totally digged it! I tell her I'm going to be a complete nerd and tell all my online friends about meeting a model to make them jealous, she says cool lets take a picture!

I go get my phone and


Not the best picture of us but I was kinda nervous and still not try to come off as a desperate creep so I took the pic very quickly

We sat down and kicked it, she cool as hell. She's into anime's like Beserk and is gamer too. We talk about music and what her life is like modeling. She don't care about Instagram and she only does it for her profession. We talk for a while.

She asks me for my Facebook but I told her I don't do social media

She says come on, you got to be on some type of social media

I lie and say nope, I don't do social media because I feel like she's just being nice. She says I'm pretty cool and fun to talk to.


I walk her to the elevator like a gentleman, shook her hand, said it was great talking to her and wished her the best with her future endeavors.

Now I'm wishing I should of walked her to her room atleast



On one hand, us males have a tendency of over reading situations but yeah.... I did blow the chance of taking a fukking chance.... TWICE!

Even my coworker said she seemed very genuine and nice... You should get her number before she leaves, she looked like she liked you.

She ordered a bunch of food for herself which looked for a party of people. I could of easily said "are you going to eat all that?" When walking her to the elevator.

Also she liked the fact that I just took her food out of her hands without even asking to help her along the way but then soon as we got to the elevator, I panicked handing the shyt right back to her instead of getting on with her.

It's ok tho, I'm quite pleased with myself for actually stepping to her which is out of character for me. Becca believes that no fap is unhealthy and counter productive but I feel like this is my personal proof that it works. If I was still masturbating like I regularly do, I would of been in a totally subdued state and probably would of just admired her from a far instead of becoming aggressive stepping to her.
Great read. You put her on the petal stool though.. that game only works for chicks that have been ran thru and done wrong by bad boys and now want a nice guy simp.


Sep 10, 2015
In class this girl that was freinds with one of my exes brought her up and was asking me questions. Her last question was " was the p*ssy? Was it good " I hit her with the
and said it was fine . I hear her go I bet mines is better I hit her with the :yeshrug: and turn right back around .:francis:

Then a few months later she kept telling me how she was getting a hotel room.and she was gonna be alone for the weekend and how I should've come . I hit her with the :yeshrug:

Few months later she kept telling me I should take her to prom :yeshrug:" what about your boyfriend ".

Lmao I always thought we was just freinds so I just never looked into it :snoop:
If she had a boyfriend then it wasn't an L, I don't see how it's possible you could have missed all that though. She told you she would be in a hotel room alone and for you to come over.

Maybe she was trying to get back at your ex for something or just always found you attractive and wanted to smash but you were with your ex. She has a boyfriend though, so don't even go there.


Sep 10, 2015
Freshman year of college :francis:

It was my very first frat party, and I didn't know anything yet so :francis:

Bout 30 minutes into the first party I was at, this short, kinda thick Mexican girl came up to me, prolly drunk, and just started talking to me and dancing with me. In my mind it was "oh shyt she real cool:ehh:". My roommates were lookin at me like :jawalrus: and I didn't understand why tbh.

A few minutes pass and she take me into the stage, this where muhfukkas start making out and basically choose who they fukkin tonight, again, I had no idea. But I look around and deadass everyone up there either drunk out they mind or damn near fukkin right there.

By the time the party shut down (cops), this girl was clearly drunk and started pulling my arm like "don't you wanna come back with me" with that drunk girl smile face.

I legit looked in her face and told her "you know how to get in don't you?"

Lookin back on it it's probably the most obvious advance ever and I have no idea how I didn't catch it. :francis:
She was drunk though. I seriously don't understand that shyt. I'm actually about to make a thread on it.


Sep 10, 2015
Had to go back and read this read from the beginning. I'm only on page 13 so far but it's been way too much comedy :laff::laff:

But I can relate cause I'm still oblivious to this day :facepalm:

A couple of months ago at this reggae/dancehall event some white girl approached me and was throwing at me but I was just too stubborn to see it.

Her: hey what's up
Me: what's up
Her: i really like this type of music
Me: me too
Her: how come you're not drinking
Me: i barely drink
Her: you're no fun
Me: oh well
Her: you have nice curly hair, are you like puerto rican or something?
Me: naw I'm Dominican :dame:
Her: isn't that like the same thing?
Me: :what:....i just walked away

There were several times where I was too stupid to see blatant approaches by co workers and customers alike. I worked at an organic grocery store for 2 years which happened to have a gym right next door. All types of bad bytches used to walk thru those doors and I could have smashed like 5 co workers and 2 customers but I never really caught the obvious signs. I was too scared that messing with these broads could have costed me my job.:francis:
And you were right to. If you wanted to that badly, then you could have linked up with your co workers once you left the job.