events in wrestling Kevin Nash would CLAIM he had some involvement in


Chances make champions
Sep 27, 2012
206 x 734
Nash is for the people
I bet he created Hip Hop.

Paul Rosenberg: So Nash, i noticed your themesongs, and a lot of your slang was west coast rap during the nWo and especially WOLFPACK ERA...
Nash: Yeah man...i mean...thats what was hot at the time and me and kid used to travel listening to mack ten and tupac like the homeboys so, it was natural.
PR: Did you always listen to rap?
Nash: I listen to everything man...hip hop came from when i used to run security south side detroit and hip hop acts would come through and hire me for their tour.
PR: Any famous acts?
Nash: Well the biggest was probably Run DMC before JMJ
PR: Before he died? rest in peace
Nash: Well yeah rest in peace...but before they hired him. I used to spin some records sometimes and when they did a show at St. Andrews hall...i mean..i can't even tell you how hard they got booed. I mean nWo heat...:huhldup: i went on tour as security and defacto DJ before they got back to queens new york.
PR: wow so you were the original DJ for run DMC??? :mindblown:
Nash: Not for long but for about 9-10 cities. I was pretty green at the time :upsetfavre: When they got back to queens my last show DJing was at the rooftop club. I introduced them to Jay, who i knew back when I was working security for the Supreme Team, and on the wheels he was ready, i mean he could spin. So i left it at that :manny:

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
Paul Rosenberg: So Nash, i noticed your themesongs, and a lot of your slang was west coast rap during the nWo and especially WOLFPACK ERA...
Nash: Yeah man...i mean...thats what was hot at the time and me and kid used to travel listening to mack ten and tupac like the homeboys so, it was natural.
PR: Did you always listen to rap?
Nash: I listen to everything man...hip hop came from when i used to run security south side detroit and hip hop acts would come through and hire me for their tour.
PR: Any famous acts?
Nash: Well the biggest was probably Run DMC before JMJ
PR: Before he died? rest in peace
Nash: Well yeah rest in peace...but before they hired him. I used to spin some records sometimes and when they did a show at St. Andrews hall...i mean..i can't even tell you how hard they got booed. I mean nWo heat...:huhldup: i went on tour as security and defacto DJ before they got back to queens new york.
PR: wow so you were the original DJ for run DMC??? :mindblown:
Nash: Not for long but for about 9-10 cities. I was pretty green at the time :upsetfavre: When they got back to queens my last show DJing was at the rooftop club. I introduced them to Jay, and he was ready, i mean he could spin. So i left it at that :manny:


May 17, 2014
Nash takes credit fro Stone Cold's gimmick:

"Isn't it amazing that I dragged the belt to the ring, had the glass break? They took everything that worked, revved it up after I told them the basic premise of the future champion, and they gave it to Steve. He took it to heights that I couldn't take it to. He took what I blueprinted. Was there any difference between Diesel's entrance and Steve's? Same glass break."


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Youshoot guy: take us through...1987...Wrestlemania 3
Nash: Silverdome :wow:....that was a good night in my backyard hear that pop when hogan got up andre? :ohhh:
Youshoot guy: Crazy :obama:
Nash: It was next level...tore the house down...the thing is, it almost didn't happen...:ld:
Youshoot guy: Yeah hogan struggled on that slam a little
Nash: Nah he got him up clean i mean the entire match..almost didn't happen...and we BARELY made it to the dome.
Youshoot guy: What do you mean?
Nash: I'm working security for a bunch of venues outside of detroit...worked at cobo hall..the joe....the fox..opera house...ya know...fancy wine stuff too :russ:...and i'm working the silverdome...and this is like....summer 86...i'm at Hockey town cafe* and I see like...5-6 big guys come in. Show me some love...i let em in no was...dino bravo...savage...hulkster...brutus...piper and adrien adonis....and in the back shane mcmahon...out of nowehere while they're drinking...some bikers start messing with shane....and i swear to you...piper and adonis ran out the back :stopitslime:...*sips wine*, me, savage can go, don't let the persona fool you he can savage hogan..and bravo start whailing on these hells angels wolf guys...i throw a couple out the window, and whatnot...And thats where I got the wolfpack sign from..they were using it to tell each other to leave the bar...:manny:. This guy hit hogan in the back of the head with a chain...and I swear man he started hulking up at the bar :whew:. Terry is for real man.
Youshoot guy: wow thats a hell of a brawl
Nash: Well you get used to it growing up in the southside of detroit, after the fight shane goes up to me and is like "man you can handle think about being a wrestler" and i kind of blow him off but take his card...hes got the titan towers card at that time...and he asks "other than cobo was the best spot for wrestling in detroit? We're looking for a big house" and I simply say "i can get you in the silverdome if you can fill it :yeshrug:".
Youshoot guy: Thats a hell of a connect :youngsabo:
Nash: well i knew the guy so it was nothin. Fast forward and they do the whole thing with mania 3...hogan andre...and andre was supposed to go over...until like...half way through the savage match...andre is gonna go over...and hogan was gonna win the belt on NBC. I go to shane and vince and say "dude, if andre wins you're not gonna make it to detroit metro :whoa:" they called in hogan, andre, and bobby...and i stand over vince just in case somethin happens, and they tell andre he's gotta lay down. And thats that. :sitdown: after that I had vince's ear forever.

That was outstanding, repped.

Honga Ciganesta

Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
May 1, 2012
Interviewer: What would be your biggest accomplishment in the business?

Nash: Well, this is a long story but bear with me. I was traveling around the country, didn't have a job, just having a good time you know, always found some money along the way. Now I forget where this was exactly, check it with Meltzer:heh:, but there was a carnival in this town right? And the deal was the world wrestling champion would challenge anyone in the crowd. Now the champ at this stage was a guy called George Hackenschimidt.

Well I've never turned down a fight so I went in there and I just beat the hell out of this guy :laugh:. So I'm outside afterwards and the champ comes up to me and says that it was the worst beating he ever took... So I say to him ''It doesn't have to be that way George'' He said ''Why?:wtf:'' So I explained to him how to work matches so you don't hurt the other guy and how to make the match more exciting, I picked all this up in Europe just before the war, so he shakes my hand and goes on his way. I never really thought more about it till I get a telegram from my boy asking me to go to the wrestling matches, George was working a massive program and filling arenas all over the country. He was even doing the move I beat him with, calling it the ''bear hug'' and acting like he invented it. It was originally called the Nash Hug :upsetfavre:

So that's why, when people ask me if I need to thank anyone for my career, I say nah, because without me there would be no business. :obama:
Sep 12, 2013





