@Slang Dussain Ali
I just read an article about neanderthals breeding with people from central asia and it hit me that this is.most likely how whites came.about.
When you look at the real world history site they claim whites come from albino.dravidian indians who migrated north to central asia. Then I just read.this area was the meeting place of a.certain type of human who lived.in this.area but the article states.they dont know the skin color of these people.
Now combine information with that of michael bradley who believe whites ancestors are the neanderthals and mixed with.groups near to them, everything starts to make sense. Whites are the children of albino indians and neanderthals. According to michael bradley, neanderthals had an aggresive need to dominate their environment, women, and time. This need to control time is why they were infatuated with being gods chosen people. They also had a.need to not be inclusive and not let anyone inro their groups. Doesnt all of this sound like a certain group.of today?.
They were also good fighters and this could explain their ability to conquer lands, they became good at hunting animals in such harsh environments. This harsh environment is why they are a paranoid and controlling people. They never knew where.their next meal may come from. Life was hard for them.
Add all of this with my theory of conquering lands to be able to rule the world when God returns, Im convinced all of this racism, and lies about history comes from a albino modern man mixing with a neanderthal. The offspring of this union were smaller in weight and.therefore needed less food so they can travel longer off of less food then the original neanderthals. The problem is they still had the mental issues the original neamderthals had so this is why whites are seen as.being unruly and needing to be the boss.everywhere they went!.
It may sound crazy but the only way it seems to stop this deranged people is to have sex with.them.and dilute their.dna until it returns to thw original "black" version. This is probably why black men are his.biggest threat, one black man can have hundreds of children who will look closer to black then white, and in a short period of time have everyone looking black. All you need is 100 hundred black men who can change the dna of a population. Do you understand how powerful and dangerous this makes us!.
WE ARE HIS BIGGEST THREAT THROUGH OUR PENIS AND SEXUALITY. NO ONE ELSE IS. This may be their infatuation with black dikks. They have penis envy and wish they could have dominant dna so sex can be the way to have everyne looking like them. Now the only way to do this is through manipulation and forcing segregation. I guess francis cress weasling was right with her theory of white supremacy racism is really the fear of genetic anihilation.
Heres the article:
Information connecting whites to neanderthals
the moors didn';t civilize europe tho
@ArtaXerXes lol at thinking the enslaving of a people can change the way a population looks like.
Europeans enslaved black people for centuries but the majority of them remained white. Why would you think Berbers would all of a sudden become mixed due to their enslaving of white people? If i used your logic then Europeans living in America should look mixed themselves.
You guys make no sense whatsoever, think about what you type before posting it. Wishing that the Moors were strickly black won't make it happen. The current population of North Africa is still Berber and only Arab by name.
Like you said 1.25 million white people went through the barbary slave trade compared to over 10 million sub-saharan Africans. If we use your logic then the inhabitants of North Africa should predominantly be black today.I'm actually Moroccan and black so yeah I kind of know what I'm talking about. So many people would surprised how many people in the American definition, would be considered black in North Africa(Larbi Benbarek, Cheb Khaled, etc..).
Also only 600,000 black slaves were brought into North America, but today number 40 million plus which clearly outnumbers the total amount of Native Americans(1 million plus) in North America. Would you say white and black Americans are representative of the aboriginal population?
Populations change its a story as old as time itself, you need to smarten up bro....
Like you said 1.25 million white people went through the barbary slave trade compared to over 10 million sub-saharan Africans. If we use your logic then the inhabitants of North Africa should predominantly be black today.
And if you truly are Moroccan then you'd know what Berber historians of the time said about sub-saharan Africans, I could have posted that and ended this argument on the spot but didn't because of the words used by those historians.
I'm telling you over 10 million sub-saharan africans were enslaved, many of them went through North Africa. You're logic makes no sense, if 1.25 million white slaves can change the looks of a people then why can't 10 million sub-saharan africans?My guy I am Uregu (tamajq=berber), tamajq aren't a race, I didn't even know of white tamajq speakers till I moved to America. Also thats why I used North America 600,000 as the prerequisite to compare to the 1.25 million slaves that came to North Africa.
Also please cite these Berber historians?
I'm telling you over 10 million sub-saharan africans were enslaved, many of them went through North Africa. You're logic makes no sense, if 1.25 million white slaves can change the looks of a people then why can't 10 million sub-saharan africans?
Breh let's use common sense here. I have no dog in this fight, I'm a Muslim African myself and if you look at my first post on this thread you'd see that I said Moors were a mix of Berbers and Black Africans. I'm just pointing out the error of those saying they were strictly a Black force.
As for the Moor historians, I don't want to post those quotes, some of which are outright racist. You can check for yourself what Ibn Khaldun said about Black people.
You don't understand what I'm saying. You said that the 1.25 million white slaves that went through North Africa could have changed the looks of the natives, i'm saying if that's the case then the larger number of sub-saharan slaves that went through NA should have also made a change on the natives' looks.Akhi your being very dense here, how have 10 million slaves brought to America not change the looks of the aboriginal people in Brazil, Caribbean and other places?
Also what is berber?
Also unlike America( you being Somalian should know this), tamajq speakers work on culture, not race that makes you tamajq.
Akhi your being very dense here, how have 10 million slaves brought to America not change the looks of the aboriginal people in Brazil, Caribbean and other places?
Also what is berber?
Also unlike America( you being Somalian should know this), tamajq speakers work on culture, not race that makes you tamajq.