One of my neighbors voted for Trump. He's a black dude whose always voted for Democrats. He got caught up in all the right-wing propaganda on social media in the past four years. I warned him repeatedly that voting for him isn't a good idea. I haven't seen or heard from him since Trump's been in office. Also all the people in my area took down their Trump flags besides a few people in the more rural parts.
Thing is I don’t even think a lot of people realize what’s going on and the road we are on. Those same people that fell for the right wing propaganda and voted for this are still falling for it now they’re just doing it quietly. Even when you show them what’s happening they don’t believe it or act like they don’t know what you’re talking about.
When Trump started that fake news seed of doubt campaign back in 2015 it’s become hard to fight disinformation. I stated in another thread that 90% of cacs I meet are conspiracy theorists but ONLY when it comes to democrats, government, science, medicine, and news. Anything Republican/MAGA is the truth in their eyes. Not sure how you right this ship at this point.
What I love about that moment between them.
Is that Masaria dropped a gem on Rhaenyra to focus on a power most ignore and don’t understand deeply, the power of politics. <<<
See, most ppl focus on the dragons,
the swordsmen and whatnot, because it’s a physical violence.
It’s easy to recognize a threat when someone is physically strong.
So characters like Mysaria, Larys and Varys get overlooked because they don’t fight physically.
But the real powerplays and most of the serious violence that occurs,
are manifestations of non-physical events.
To the discontented, rumors are feed.. <<<
- Mysaria
When one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to observe..
- Larys
The truth does not matter, only perception.. <<<
- King Viserys
Power, is where men BELIEVE if lies..
- Varys
Chaos, is a ladder.. <<<
- Littlefinger
Them bars right there?!
Are the deepest quotables about the real overarching game at play, the game of politics.

Cc: @Gloxina