Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
One thing you seem to miss is that Bernie's plan doesn't make college free for everyone. Under his plan college tuition would only be free at state schools and HBCUs. And kids still have to get into those schools, they don't just automatically get accepted. HBCUs are free to accept and reject who they want.

If that's the point you got from it, you never got the point to begin with.

Nowhere did I say exceptionalism is tied to wealth, but there is a reward for exceptionalism in America. In Bernie's America, that would come to a halt over time unless you are in performing arts like sports or entertainment.
You literally just made that up. You have no basis for that whatsoever.

Do you know what happens when your field gets too many candidates who qualify and many are willing to take less? You eventually get pushed out for the cheaper person. At that point, how does Bernie's plan benefit you then?
First off, America generally needs MORE qualified people in almost every big professional job. They're desperate for more doctors, more engineers, more computer scientists. So acting like there's gonna be a huge glut and salaries are gonna crash is hedging against an imagined problem when you're completely on the opposite side of it.

Second, Medicare-for-All would create MORE demand for doctors, to treat everyone. they're looking for more hiring, not less.

And not everyone can be a doctor. You're talking like every high school kid in America could have been a doctor if they just wanted to. You really think there are tens of millions of poor White kids who would be in med school if only they had the money, but zero Black kids who can compete for those spots?

But worst of all, you're literally caping for a policy to limit opportunity so that the lucky few on the top make bank. And you think that will somehow help Black folk. You can't possibly have thought that through.

There is a reason why whites who have generational wealth are willing to fight you for Bernie. These fukks barely even care about politics, now they overly care. You really haven't thought this through, have you?
The irony. :mjlol:

And Bernie's support sucks among the wealthy. Wealthy voters almost exclusively go to Trump, Bloomberg, and then Biden (not that Buttigieg ain't in the cut). They're not backing Bernie. This is more shyt you're straight making up. Why do you think the wealthy-ass establishment dems are so dead set on stopping him?

I went to HS with a lot of kids who didn't go to college who were white. If it was free, they would have done it and easily took our token positions in a heartbeat. We haven't thought this through. Think it through.
You seriously think lack of money is what's keep WHITE people from taking BLACK folks college spots. :mindblown:

Not everyone wants to go to college. In Finland, which already has free college and 99% high school graduation rates with the top-scoring students in the country, about 55% of the kids go on to college and 45% go on to learn a trade.

I don't know what to say at this point. :what:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Breh, among all the other things wrong there, Bernie has NOTHING to do with Vermont state politics. He has never been in Vermont state government, ever. When his free college idea took off a few years ago, Governor Cuomo was calling him into New York to do events to get it through there, and Vermont wouldn't have anything to do with it. State governments are run by their own people who win their own elections and they don't tolerate people from an entirely different government all up in their business telling them what to do with zero authority to do so.

Another thing you get wrong, Bernie's plans are NOTHING like the UK. The UK is basically an America-lite economy, they do all the same shyt wrong that America does, just not quite as bad. No one serious ever points to the UK as a model of social democracy because they still kiss shareholder ass over there. You should be looking at Finland, Denmark, etc. Even Germany is closer to Bernie's model than UK is.

You want to build wealth, then start putting money towards a house. That has ALWAYS been the center of wealth-building in America. But wait, you don't have high enough income to afford a house? So maybe you need to go to college or a trade school first. Bernie just made that free. What if you already did that, but are sunk paying off loans? Bernie just took those away. NOW you can finally put money down on a house and have an investment rather than paying off someone else's investment. That's the whole point.

Talking about something in Bernie's plan will cut salaries and make it so people will make shytty wages? Where do you get that? You just made that shyt up, it's really weird. Why would professional wages go down under Bernie's plan?
Think Rhakim, think damn son. You are so quick to respond and less likely to think.

What you are saying about Bernie and Vermont could be true but he's a senator to that state and swears an oath to that state and their citizens. I don't see how you can honestly say with a straight face he has nothing to do with Vermont and their politics on a state or local level. Saying state gov't is different doesn't address the point that this is an epidemic that Bernie wanted no parts of when brought to task about it.

Bernie's model, when executed, will be implemented like the UK's. Not Germany and for damn sure not Finland, Denmark, or Sweden. Trump had a plan for Black folks he had on his site. When it got executed into action, the page was deleted as expected. Let's be honest about these things Rhakim. I used to be in politics, I ain't one of you HR guys who posts for daps and don't really know shyt about shyt but the post sounded good and educated like.

I am not going to entertain the wealth paragraph. You are clearly not reading much into this much less trying to think. You are just being a mark at this point. I would rather you come up with a concrete opinion instead of some, well this is how you create wealth Google search soundbite.

Talking about something in Bernie's plan will cut salaries and make it so people will make shytty wages? Where do you get that? You just made that shyt up, it's really weird. Why would professional wages go down under Bernie's plan?

:snoop: nikka, if you can't think, I can't help you. nikka, do you understand supply and demand? nikka, do you understand the elasticity of demand? Damn nikka, think! Wake up nikka!

You are smarter than this, I've seen you in the coliseum when speaking on LeBron James. You clearly knew how to think for yourself and think long term. My goodness :snoop:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Dude. Exceptionalism matters less and less in America now. That’s the problem.

The unexceptional people have made it harder and harder to tie the rewards together is the problem. Protecting their position as is is more important.

We bail out Wall Street for what? Shorting stocks is exceptional?

But providing free lunch for school kids to be exceptional is too far? We don’t have the money cause that exceptional kid was born in a poor neighborhood?
Right now a rich kid in America who graduates at the bottom of his high school class is MORE likely to finish college than a poor kid who graduates at the top of his high school class.

But #1's big fear is that we're gonna make it too easy for poor kids to get into college. :snoop:

Warren but I'll vote Trump before I vote Bernie. Biden, I can't stand but if I got to, fukk it, he will have my vote.

Wait, why would you vote Warren when you seem to be saying that the #1 issue with Bernie is that his free college plan would destroy America......but Warren has a free college plan too? :what:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
nikka, if you can't think, I can't help you. nikka, do you understand supply and demand? nikka, do you understand the elasticity of demand? Damn nikka, think! Wake up nikka!

You are smarter than this, I've seen you in the coliseum when speaking on LeBron James. You clearly knew how to think for yourself and think long term. My goodness :snoop:

Black folk aren't in professional jobs. Increasing opportunities would put more Black folk in professional jobs. But you're shook of increasing the supply of professionals, so you don't want to do anything that would increase opportunity.

That's some of the most self-defeating shyt I've ever heard.

Like I already said, we in a shortage of most of those jobs. We're recruiting all over the world desperate for foreigners to teach in our schools, practice medicine in our hospitals, code at our software firms, and design in our engineering firms. If you keep the Black labor supply permanently uneducated, the elites will just fill those slots with an almost infinite # of foreigners.

Monster.com says that these are the positions recruiters are having the most difficult time filling right now:

You're talking about using people's poverty to keep the supply of American professionals limited when we NEED more professionals and are filling the gaps with foreign talent. You're ignoring that the supply will always be limited to an extent by ABILITY, but taking out money as the limiting factor will make it more realistic for Black folk to compete on an event field. It's a bunch of fear-mongering that doesn't match the situation on the ground at all.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Also, I should point out there are at least three professional areas in which Bernie would increase the demand.

1. Medicare-for-All would substantially increase demand for doctors
2. Free college tuition (not just the policy but part of the plan that would ban the use of adjunct professors) would substantially increase demand for college professors
3. Green New Deal would substantially increase demand for scientists/engineers

For both doctors and scientists/engineers (and at least STEM positions so far as college professors go), those are all areas in which there are already shortages. So if we want health care for all, just education access, and a green revolution, we NEED to train a ton more people up. We NEED a lot more folk going to college.
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intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
Warren but I'll vote Trump before I vote Bernie. Biden, I can't stand but if I got to, fukk it, he will have my vote.


Then please go start a Trump thread or work to get Biden elected. Warren Gs reject your application.

If you'd vote for Trump over any Democrat, then you don't know what's at stake or how the government works.

Edit: #1 MAGA Pick showing his true colors is hilarious.:umad:
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
One thing you seem to miss is that Bernie's plan doesn't make college free for everyone. Under his plan college tuition would only be free at state schools and HBCUs. And kids still have to get into those schools, they don't just automatically get accepted. HBCUs are free to accept and reject who they want.

You literally just made that up. You have no basis for that whatsoever.

First off, America generally needs MORE qualified people in almost every big professional job. They're desperate for more doctors, more engineers, more computer scientists. So acting like there's gonna be a huge glut and salaries are gonna crash is hedging against an imagined problem when you're completely on the opposite side of it.

Second, Medicare-for-All would create MORE demand for doctors, to treat everyone. they're looking for more hiring, not less.

And not everyone can be a doctor. You're talking like every high school kid in America could have been a doctor if they just wanted to. You really think there are tens of millions of poor White kids who would be in med school if only they had the money, but zero Black kids who can compete for those spots?

But worst of all, you're literally caping for a policy to limit opportunity so that the lucky few on the top make bank. And you think that will somehow help Black folk. You can't possibly have thought that through.

The irony. :mjlol:

And Bernie's support sucks among the wealthy. Wealthy voters almost exclusively go to Trump, Bloomberg, and then Biden (not that Buttigieg ain't in the cut). They're not backing Bernie. This is more shyt you're straight making up. Why do you think the wealthy-ass establishment dems are so dead set on stopping him?

You seriously think lack of money is what's keep WHITE people from taking BLACK folks college spots. :mindblown:

Not everyone wants to go to college. In Finland, which already has free college and 99% high school graduation rates with the top-scoring students in the country, about 55% of the kids go on to college and 45% go on to learn a trade.

I don't know what to say at this point. :what:
This is what not thinking looks like. My fukking goodness.

One thing you seem to miss is that Bernie's plan doesn't make college free for everyone. Under his plan college tuition would only be free at state schools and HBCUs. And kids still have to get into those schools, they don't just automatically get accepted. HBCUs are free to accept and reject who they want.
This guy :snoop: of course, he can't make private schools free. The only reason why even private HBCUs are mention is many of them are gov't controlled. Once again, how valuable will your degree be once the supply market is massively expanded.

We have seen this in too many professions today. Pharmacy and Law for example.

First off, America generally needs MORE qualified people in almost every big professional job. They're desperate for more doctors, more engineers, more computer scientists. So acting like there's gonna be a huge glut and salaries are gonna crash is hedging against an imagined problem when you're completely on the opposite side of it.
You don't understand, you just don't. You do not get it. It's like I am talking to an uneducated buffoon who mastered the arts of Oswald Bates. We are not desperate for more doctors, the AMA limits how many schools can start a medical school to begin with to PROTECT the profession. So they do not run into the issue Law, Pharmacy, and many others have run into which have mightly hurt the profession in numerous ways. We already have a lot of candidates and talent who can't get hired or an internship in their field of choice. To say we are desperate for more is BULLshyt! You internet nikkas like to lie, it's appalling honestly as I am in a position of leadership.

Second, Medicare-for-All would create MORE demand for doctors, to treat everyone. they're looking for more hiring, not less.
Medicare is GARBAGE! It sucks for doctors. They have to wait 3-4 fukking months to get paid. The get nickeled and dimed by the government. There is a reason why many avoid it unless they are doing home health which is different but the process is still the same. You really need to get out and hang out with doctors. Get a good career, expand your personal network. That way you don't come on the internet sounding like someone who's a broke boy who doesn't know how shyt really works.

Once again, you don't understand, the reason why we do not have more medical doctors is due to the AMA.

And not everyone can be a doctor. You're talking like every high school kid in America could have been a doctor if they just wanted to. You really think there are tens of millions of poor White kids who would be in med school if only they had the money, but zero Black kids who can compete for those spots?

You really sound naive as being a doctor is a controlled profession by the medical board of your state in which you are licensed. It's the other careers like IT which a lot of brothers have found to be lucrative and other fields where we don't need everyone and their mother have the qualifications for which is increasing demand, lower wages, and change the profitability of the industry for workers. I honestly don't think you know shyt about shyt, to be honest. You sound like a smart guy who reads a lot of books but you have no practical experience at shyt that matters.

Saying not anyone can do something is not true. Anyone can do it. It's all about feasibility. A white kid can make 80k doing hard work at 17 or pay for school? 80k... but school is free open all types of options. Negros like you who love books tend to underrate the average human's abilities especially if channeled correctly.

But worst of all, you're literally caping for a policy to limit opportunity so that the lucky few on the top make bank. And you think that will somehow help Black folk. You can't possibly have thought that through.
This is not what I am capping for at all but if you like the ability to think, I can see how you could come to that conclusion.

And Bernie's support sucks among the wealthy. Wealthy voters almost exclusively go to Trump, Bloomberg, and then Biden (not that Buttigieg ain't in the cut). They're not backing Bernie. This is more shyt you're straight making up. Why do you think the wealthy-ass establishment dems are so dead set on stopping him?
You don't get it. You really don't. Wealthy people will never like anyone who screws with capitalism because of controlled cost and less margins which is what would ruin many on Wall Street but make no mistake about it, there are benefits. Just not immediate and clearly more family-based.

You seriously think lack of money is what's keep WHITE people from taking BLACK folks college spots.
I have zero clue what you are even talking about on this one. Maybe you got confused.

Not everyone wants to go to college. In Finland, which already has free college and 99% high school graduation rates with the top-scoring students in the country, about 55% of the kids go on to college and 45% go on to learn a trade.
:snoop: America will never be Finland for a massive number of reasons, some you obviously know and some you don't. Ideally, while this will never happen, Bernie would probably like his education plan to look more like Cuba. I don't see it being possible. Not in America.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Black folk aren't in professional jobs. Increasing opportunities would put more Black folk in professional jobs. But you're shook of increasing the supply of professionals, so you don't want to do anything that would increase opportunity.

That's some of the most self-defeating shyt I've ever heard.

Like I already said, we in a shortage of most of those jobs. We're recruiting all over the world desperate for foreigners to teach in our schools, practice medicine in our hospitals, code at our software firms, and design in our engineering firms. If you keep the Black labor supply permanently uneducated, the elites will just fill those slots with an almost infinite # of foreigners.

Monster.com says that these are the positions recruiters are having the most difficult time filling right now:

You're talking about using people's poverty to keep the supply of American professionals limited when we NEED more professionals and are filling the gaps with foreign talent. You're ignoring that the supply will always be limited to an extent by ABILITY, but taking out money as the limiting factor will make it more realistic for Black folk to compete on an event field. It's a bunch of fear-mongering that doesn't match the situation on the ground at all.
At this point, you are 1000 miles away from my original point. You have created your own argument for yourself. Nowhere have I indicated that I want less Black professionals. In fact, I want the opposite but you are being naturally dense.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Black folk aren't in professional jobs. Increasing opportunities would put more Black folk in professional jobs. But you're shook of increasing the supply of professionals, so you don't want to do anything that would increase opportunity.

That's some of the most self-defeating shyt I've ever heard.

Like I already said, we in a shortage of most of those jobs. We're recruiting all over the world desperate for foreigners to teach in our schools, practice medicine in our hospitals, code at our software firms, and design in our engineering firms. If you keep the Black labor supply permanently uneducated, the elites will just fill those slots with an almost infinite # of foreigners.

Monster.com says that these are the positions recruiters are having the most difficult time filling right now:

You're talking about using people's poverty to keep the supply of American professionals limited when we NEED more professionals and are filling the gaps with foreign talent. You're ignoring that the supply will always be limited to an extent by ABILITY, but taking out money as the limiting factor will make it more realistic for Black folk to compete on an event field. It's a bunch of fear-mongering that doesn't match the situation on the ground at all.
:snoop: You are really out of the loop. You really believe these things. Do you really think there is a shortage? You really need to put boots to the ground because you sound uneducated on reality. You do realize these people just get recruitment charts and even they aren't accurate. Do they tell you that they get a lot of applicants? Do they tell you to have difficult it is to get the opportunities for the average person who has some education in that field? You are just too dense on this topic honestly. That's why you are creating a false narrative.

This is my last post, it's clear to see you are just wasting my time at this point.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:snoop: You are really out of the loop. You really believe these things. Do you really think there is a shortage? You really need to put boots to the ground because you sound uneducated on reality. You do realize these people just get recruitment charts and even they aren't accurate. Do they tell you that they get a lot of applicants? Do they tell you to have difficult it is to get the opportunities for the average person who has some education in that field? You are just too dense on this topic honestly. That's why you are creating a false narrative.

This is my last post, it's clear to see you are just wasting my time at this point.
Yes, there really is a shortage of all those positions in America, this BEEN known. If I cite other articles from other sources would you believe me?

Just start with doctors. Do you really believe that we already produce enough doctors, especially if everyone had health care? Yes or no.

This disparity is a major reason why more than 66 million Americans currently live in Health Professional Shortage Areas, or areas where the ratio of population to general care providers is deemed insufficient by federal standards. In many parts of the country, especially rural areas, patients have very few options when it comes to finding the care that they need.

Accessing care is set to get much worse. The Department of Health and Human Services predicts that, by 2020, there will be a shortage of more than 20,000 primary care physicians. More doctors are retiring than new entrants to the profession can replace. And as the aging baby boomer population requires more care, the shortage will become even more chronic.

Obviously the answer is "no". So we need more doctors. You want to blame the AMA. But you're not paying attention. For example:

Health professionals often cite a need for more doctors. Last year, a study released by the Association of American Medical Colleges warned of the “looming physician shortage” and the need for more doctors. The American Medical Association, the country’s largest association of physicians, emphasizes the importance of getting more government funding for physician residencies.
So both the AAMC and the AMA are calling for MORE residencies in order to train MORE doctors.

Now, it is true that in the past, the AMA did want to limit doctors in order to protect wages. But they can't do that by themselves, they can only lobby. It was the government that actually limited residency slots.

The 1997 Balanced Budget Act capped the number of residencies that Medicare funds, a government action that certainly limited physician supply. But physician associations are not off the hook because they lobbied heavily in support of this cap. At the time, they argued there was an impending “glut” of physicians. It is more likely they were, again, trying to protect their high wages.

Can this change? Obviously, under Medicare-for-All it will HAVE to change. When Medicare gets completely rewritten, it is obvious that they will substantially increase the residencies to meet the demand, otherwise it'll be a mess. And both the AAMC and the AMA are lobbying them to do exactly that.

But here's the biggest issue with your whole theory. Nearly 30% of American doctors are foreigners. Americans get priority over foreigners in their residency match, which means that ALL of those new residencies could be filled by newly educated American students. Even if we didn't increase the # of residencies at all (and we certainly will), we could still educate and get jobs to nearly 10,000 more American medical students every year.

Last year 32,194 residencies were offered. 1,644 of those were not filled at all. Another 7,037 were filled by foreigners who only get the leftovers AFTER the American students have matched. Meaning that there were nearly 9,000 residency slots that could have been filled by American students, but weren't.
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