Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
yes they were right all along. a bunch of people who dont support BS candidates will tell you how your candidate is a bs candidate. thats right. call that a berni bro, or whatever you like. it is what it is. you just dont like anyone telling you your choice is not a good choice. even if that is 100% the case. you can't stand that. I dont have a problem with someone saying that about old man bernie if they come with the facts that add up to why he shouldnt be a good choice among the options we currently have. but not a soul can do that and not look selfish in the process. its that simple.

See if i was a pete stan, and you came in my pete stan thread and said "hey, pete aint sayin ish...why are yall liking this dude." i would be mad just like yall. but just like yall i would be mad at the truth. so stay mad. and its not my guy. its a movement. of course he's winning. he should, as long as THE people get a choice in the matter and they dont allow blind stannery like what goes on in here and on cable news when it comes to other dem candidates. he will win by a large margin and there shouldnt be a dumb contested issue when we get to the end. but we'll see.

I mean for that alone yall should've dropped ya girl warren. but again, we've already established that quite a few of you are just selfish. no not as bad as the others but still selfish.
theres zero possible circumstance where warren becomes the nominee, but bernie doesnt. she's just siphoning progressive votes :yeshrug: it's exactly what pete and amy are doing to biden. there's too many fukkin people in this primary, which is gonna lead to the DNC picking the nominee :snoop:

she's only in for another week anyway


Apr 24, 2016
My mans is legit trolling in here. How your mans the front runner and you still coming in here. That goes for all Bernie bros. I'm telling you there is a deeply held insecurity about Warren. She actually has #'s on the board and they hate her for it.


The vast majority of Sanders supporters I know have Warren as their number 2 option and going beyond anecdotes I think that dynamic holds by far.

She may have a few idiots on her team or out of the desperation to try and snag the nomination, throw some darts at Bernie regarding implementation strategy or the level of detail provided. But for the next 4 years, no matter which one of them prevails, they are joined at the hip and they know that, and I think their bases know that too.

Shout-out to Warren in case I didn't make that clear enough. My dream scenario is that the others drop out and they go at it, and may the best candidate win, and instantly be supported by the other.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
she did a very good job at the debate. but lets be clear, you shouldnt BLINDLY stand by anyones side media coverage or not. unless said person is pushing the agenda you like best. and if said person is pushing a similar agenda to someone else who is the purest form of them. there's no LOGICAL reason to stil hang around with the person that probably isnt going to win and is also a lite version of the real thing. unlessss, you never really wanted actual progressive policies. at some point we all have to be honest with ourselves.
What do you mean when you say "actual" progressive policies?

Can you explain how her policies aren't actually progressive?


Jun 8, 2012
She still has a plan
whats the plan? yell bernie bros 3 times and see if she gets a bump? or yell girl power and see if that gets her a bump? I'm waiting for this plan. But in all seriousness. this is about her but just as much about her team. Its the same thing with hilary in 2016. she lost because her DUMB team told her not to waste her time in those purple states. Horrible advice and a horrible decision to listen to them. Guess who's all up in Liz's team? yep, some of those same people. It would be one thing if they ever admitted they blew up and made a mistake. but non of them to my knowledge have completed admitted they blew it. all they talk about is bernie bros, bernie, and russia. everyone knows your first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. they have yet to do that. which is why people tied to them probably wont win any time soon. And that is something liz fans will have to be honest about. I mean for all the heat i throw liz's way in these threads. Aint no way she should be behind this clown Pete B. I mean this clown has ZERO substance. like he's literally moving his mouth and nothing is coming out. he aint saying ish. so why is he beating warren? makes no sense. that is a Campaign staff/team/Strategy Problem. aint no way the ranking shouldnt look like Bernie, Biden, Liz. or Bernie, Liz, Biden. Amy beating you in any state is a horrible look too.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
whats the plan? yell bernie bros 3 times and see if she gets a bump? or yell girl power and see if that gets her a bump? I'm waiting for this plan. But in all seriousness. this is about her but just as much about her team. Its the same thing with hilary in 2016. she lost because her DUMB team told her not to waste her time in those purple states. Horrible advice and a horrible decision to listen to them. Guess who's all up in Liz's team? yep, some of those same people. It would be one thing if they ever admitted they blew up and made a mistake. but non of them to my knowledge have completed admitted they blew it. all they talk about is bernie bros, bernie, and russia. everyone knows your first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. they have yet to do that. which is why people tied to them probably wont win any time soon. And that is something liz fans will have to be honest about. I mean for all the heat i throw liz's way in these threads. Aint no way she should be behind this clown Pete B. I mean this clown has ZERO substance. like he's literally moving his mouth and nothing is coming out. he aint saying ish. so why is he beating warren? makes no sense. that is a Campaign staff/team/Strategy Problem. aint no way the ranking shouldnt look like Bernie, Biden, Liz. or Bernie, Liz, Biden. Amy beating you in any state is a horrible look too.

I'm banned from the Bernie thread so stay out of my safe space before I become upset.


Jun 8, 2012
What do you mean when you say "actual" progressive policies?

Can you explain how her policies aren't actually progressive?
Oh she has some progressive policies. its just that in actuality most of them will not end up being any where close to the policies she has on the website. how do i know this? because out ofher own mouth "i'm just a player in the game." That mentality, and watching her bad team with their bad strategy and watching her throughout her career. its pretty clear. she will move way too far to the right on a lot of these issues because she will end up at the table starting way to far right just like obama did with some of the things he wanted to get done. if you start from that premise. if they THINK, they can get you to start from their side in a negotiation, they will have you before you even sit down. This is one of her main issues. THe 2nd main issue is how she started fumbling and mumbling on M4A. it goes back to what i just said. this is actually when she dropped like a rock in the polls. remember when she was up and the media was in love with her. and even the elites were like "well, I would rather have her then socialist bern." remember that?

Her Free college /student loan pay offs policy is not as good as bernie's. Its way better than what we have. but its not cut and dry. loan forgiveness period. no bs applications and nonsense. free college for everyone. not some application process. yes even for Baron Trump. And bernie correctly explained to you why you should do it this way.
Again, the plans that they have that are similar for the most part bernie's plans are better. its that simple. and when they are equal or liz plan is better. because of how liz tries to be a politician. you can't trust that she will go nearly as hard in the paint for those policies starting from a so called..>Far left side of things first.

Bernie: I want to get paid $15.00 per hour
Republicans and Corporate dems: Come on bern, thats too high bro... How's about $12.00

Bernie: Naw, $15.00 because in reality if we look at the data it should be $20.00. and here's the data.
Republicans and corporate dems: Come on bern ya killing us... how's about $13.75

Bernie: come on man. thats not even half way to $20.00 that it should be, thats coming up next in a couple of years.
Repubs & Corp dems: $14.75? and thats our final offer.

Bernie: alright you selfish pieces of....we'll take it but we wont like it.

Liz ms. I'm just a player in the game: I want to get paid some where close to $15.00 per hour
Republicans and corporate dems: Liz you're capitalist to your bones just like we are. come on liz you know that wont fly with the small businesses. come on liz. how's about $10.55

Liz: guys...come on guys...
Republicans and corporate dems: ok ok. let me talk to my corporate overlords. they said, if we can get amazon and walmart to pay $13.50 per hour, and for small businesses $11.50 i think we have a deal.

Liz: Ok great.

^^^not as bad as it was. but not nearly as good as it should be with bernie. this is the problem with liz even if liz wasnt shady liz the politician at times.

The moment you say out loud you're a capitalist to your bones, you're just a player in the game, you start talking that bernie bros talk(which came from hilary pumas), you start trying to paint bernie as some sexist even though he was pushing for you to run when you were shook cause hil was running. when i look at your history lying about being a native to get stuff. i have to realize, this woman is a lying white woman and thats what she is. sure she aint nearly as bad as these others. but she aint no where near as legit as old man bernie. thats a fact that i have to face.


Jun 8, 2012
theres zero possible circumstance where warren becomes the nominee, but bernie doesnt. she's just siphoning progressive votes :yeshrug: it's exactly what pete and amy are doing to biden. there's too many fukkin people in this primary, which is gonna lead to the DNC picking the nominee :snoop:

she's only in for another week anyway
I dont like saying there's too many people in it. I really dont. as much as i can't stand pete, amy, biden. bloomberg is trump so he doesnt count and is disqualified to me. dude is a republican with a D in front of his name. people mad at indie bernie turning blue for the push. at least we can say his policies match that of the FDR dems. bloomberg represents the republican establishment , period.

but i like people having choices. I like the fact that you could choose Tulsi, you could choose yang, you could choose liz, you could choose bernie, you could choose lock em Amy or lock em up Kamala, etc. I like people to have options. What needs to happen is simple. the person with the most votes wins. PERIOD. thats tHEE most democratic way of doing it. and get rid of the super delegates. Now do you want to give certain regions, states, minority groups a larger voice to make it a bit more fair to those small voices vs the larger voices? ok, then give say black people 1.5 votes, per black person. i mean they owe us that dont they? i mean they called us 3/5s. so why not 1.5? the same can be said for a few other super small groups/or minority populations. This would make sure these voters are properly courted by the politicians running.


Jun 8, 2012
@rapbeats - Thanks. Now I know the version of Warren you like to compare against Bernie isn't one based in reality, but one that exists entirely in your own head. :camby:
wrong, its based on reality out of her own mouth. i didnt say I'm a capitalist to my bones. SHE DID. thats her own words. I never said Liz is just a player in the game. "dont hate the playa...hate the game" well liz is just a player. she said that out of...her..own...mouth. why would you say those things? Have you ever heard bernie say those things? How about AOC?
NOPE. why not? serious question, why do you think old man bernie and AOC has said nothing like that before? i'm dead serious looking for your answer to that question.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I dont like saying there's too many people in it. I really dont. as much as i can't stand pete, amy, biden. bloomberg is trump so he doesnt count and is disqualified to me. dude is a republican with a D in front of his name. people mad at indie bernie turning blue for the push. at least we can say his policies match that of the FDR dems. bloomberg represents the republican establishment , period.

but i like people having choices. I like the fact that you could choose Tulsi, you could choose yang, you could choose liz, you could choose bernie, you could choose lock em Amy or lock em up Kamala, etc. I like people to have options. What needs to happen is simple. the person with the most votes wins. PERIOD. thats tHEE most democratic way of doing it. and get rid of the super delegates. Now do you want to give certain regions, states, minority groups a larger voice to make it a bit more fair to those small voices vs the larger voices? ok, then give say black people 1.5 votes, per black person. i mean they owe us that dont they? i mean they called us 3/5s. so why not 1.5? the same can be said for a few other super small groups/or minority populations. This would make sure these voters are properly courted by the politicians running.
you're right, that's what i was trying to get at

obviously, having as many choices as possible is the best. unlike 2016 :scusthov:

im just :snoop: at the idea of the winner not having "enough delegates" because they're so spread out, and the fukkery of the DNC having to pick the winner. it would splinter the fukkin party

and this caucus shyt is just :scusthov: too. if they really need to do this? let those states go last :camby: not first


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
let me quote you again. you made it clear that you're team warren no matter what she says or does or doesnt say or do. basically a blind warren stan. no one, i mean no one should be a blind stan of any candidate ever. i dont care who is currently in office. and non of us should be blind stans of the democratic party nor the republican party or any other party for that matter.
she hasn't done nor said anything to my disliking (other than supporting m4a), it's only bernie bros who seem to have heart attacks any time she does anything near hinting at not being in lockstep with him that yall find reasons to have "almost voted for her, but now..."

again, you've brought nothing of substance to the light of why she doesn't deserve to be supported, and more importantly, she hasn't either

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
wrong, its based on reality out of her own mouth. i didnt say I'm a capitalist to my bones. SHE DID. thats her own words. I never said Liz is just a player in the game. "dont hate the playa...hate the game" well liz is just a player. she said that out of...her..own...mouth. why would you say those things? Have you ever heard bernie say those things? How about AOC?
NOPE. why not? serious question, why do you think old man bernie and AOC has said nothing like that before? i'm dead serious looking for your answer to that question.
AOC was just on The View bigging up Nancy Pelosi and calling her "Mama Bear". Bernie's model for Democratic Socialism is fukkin Denmark and he's calling himself the new FDR, he ain't even trying to blow up capitalism. Y'all selective as hell. If he was really about that shyt he'd be endorsing primary challengers of all his fellow Democrats who don't support M4A, come back to us when he does. Until then, keep it moving. :coffee: