Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!


Jun 8, 2012
AOC was just on The View bigging up Nancy Pelosi and calling her "Mama Bear". Bernie's model for Democratic Socialism is fukkin Denmark and he's calling himself the new FDR, he ain't even trying to blow up capitalism. Y'all selective as hell. If he was really about that shyt he'd be endorsing primary challengers of all his fellow Democrats who don't support M4A, come back to us when he does. Until then, keep it moving. :coffee:
Aoc...the same one who held her dues and started giving her money to other progressive people? the lady who just created her own version of the DCCC? She can call Pelosi what ever she wants. we already know what AOC is bout. she put her money where her mouth is. she has gone on record and done this numerous times in front of cameras. now in 20 years will she become and establishment dem? whos to say. but today. no.

who said anything about blowing up capitalism ? oh i know who , the same people that yelled cuba and russia...idiots like chris matthews on those of that ilk.
I never once said I want capitalism BLOWN UP. But it is time to have it Checked and balanced. its that simple. and to do that, we need a lot of change in how we do that. The reason i said all along i dont understand the fear of sanders because he told you who he is. FDR 2.0. thats it and thats all. he wants the people to have a much larger say in how things are ran here and how all of america's wealth is spent/utilized. thats pretty much it.


Jun 8, 2012
she hasn't done nor said anything to my disliking (other than supporting m4a), it's only bernie bros who seem to have heart attacks any time she does anything near hinting at not being in lockstep with him that yall find reasons to have "almost voted for her, but now..."

again, you've brought nothing of substance to the light of why she doesn't deserve to be supported, and more importantly, she hasn't either
oh so you dont like the fact that she supports m4a? oh i see, if thats the case then i am surely talking to a Centrist zombie.

If you dont get the simple understand of how badly we need M4A without having private insurance all extra involved. then you dont get it or you're selfish. one or the two. there is no 3rd reason.


Jun 8, 2012
you're right, that's what i was trying to get at

obviously, having as many choices as possible is the best. unlike 2016 :scusthov:

im just :snoop: at the idea of the winner not having "enough delegates" because they're so spread out, and the fukkery of the DNC having to pick the winner. it would splinter the fukkin party

and this caucus shyt is just :scusthov: too. if they really need to do this? let those states go last :camby: not first
here's the truth. the party was always splintered. its just that the progressive in the party were to scared to say it out loud. now bernie and a few others have the people behind them. so they're no longer afraid to say it. again, this goes all the way back to those FDR dems. that dem party was the same as what bernie is advocating for. basically the same/similar policies and positions. This dem party we've had since the 80's economically is more republican than it is progressive left.

they are in it to win it with corporations and the elite money class. not the working class.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
who said anything about blowing up capitalism ? oh i know who , the same people that yelled cuba and russia...idiots like chris matthews on those of that ilk.
You just criticized Warren for calling herself a capitalist, so I'm not sure how that critique stands when you're now claiming you don't actually want to get rid of capitalism.

I never once said I want capitalism BLOWN UP. But it is time to have it Checked and balanced. its that simple. and to do that, we need a lot of change in how we do that. The reason i said all along i dont understand the fear of sanders because he told you who he is. FDR 2.0. thats it and thats all. he wants the people to have a much larger say in how things are ran here and how all of america's wealth is spent/utilized. thats pretty much it.
Congratulations, you just described Elizabeth Warren's campaign. Her official campaign slogan is literally "Big Structural Change". She's running on reinstating those checks and balances you're talking about. Her other campaign slogan is "Capitalism without rules is theft". Warren and Sanders are aligned on this.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
oh so you dont like the fact that she supports m4a? oh i see, if thats the case then i am surely talking to a Centrist zombie.

If you dont get the simple understand of how badly we need M4A without having private insurance all extra involved. then you dont get it or you're selfish. one or the two. there is no 3rd reason.
oh no, i've been labeled a centrist by @rapbeats :russell:


Jun 8, 2012
This is an excellent break down of the establishment dems vs everyone else. In addition, they thru some stuff in there about the difference between Liz and Bernie. It sounds like the guest thats doing most of the talking is a Liz voter. Its funny they used the analogycoming from the angle of wages and thats the exact same analogy i used in a previous post in this very thread.

**this is not a Liz hate video** nor is it a bernie promo



Jun 8, 2012
You just criticized Warren for calling herself a capitalist, so I'm not sure how that critique stands when you're now claiming you don't actually want to get rid of capitalism.

Congratulations, you just described Elizabeth Warren's campaign. Her official campaign slogan is literally "Big Structural Change". She's running on reinstating those checks and balances you're talking about. Her other campaign slogan is "Capitalism without rules is theft". Warren and Sanders are aligned on this.
wrong, i called out warren for going above and beyond. and saying "i'm a capitalist to my bones"
Naw lady, you went to far trying to make sure the status quo branch is Ok with you.

i'm not a capitalist to my bones because i know there are too many issues with capitalism to say such a thing. I'm a fair person to my bones. I'm a just person to my bones in regards to my fellow neighbors/citizens, etc. I hope i'm an ethical person to my bones.

do you understand the difference King?

Saying something like that, got you out there sounding like Bezos, or the ceo of Goldman... I'm not sure if liz meant what she said and wasnt just saying it to placate the establishment dems and anyone who's super afraid of the word socialism. so she wanted to make it clear oooh nooo... that aint me...i'm with all of you. either way, she was doing to much for my liking in that regard. I dont HATE capitalism. because It can be used in many good ways and many bad ways if left unchecked(which is the way its been going since like the 80s or so).

there is no one system that i know of that is GREAT/PERFECT or even close to perfect. You need a Fine mix, and i know most countries already have a mix to be technical. but even our current mix needs to be a better mix if ....thats a big IF we want most of our citizens looking like they actually live in america.

What happened with Flint should never happen in a country this rich do you agree?
and we know flint aint the only one.

The insane level of homelessness in america should never be possible in a country as rich as ours. do you agree?

people not having the internet(not someone living in a mountain ridge or some lone wolf living deep deep in the sticks in alaska away from society).

everyone should have healthcare. we actually do have that much money. we ballin, as a country, but most of us never see that $$$. that money is only seen by the tippy tippidy top of the food chain. and thats a serious issue if you actually CARE about your fellow citizens well being in regards to how wealthy our country is. if we were a little poor country and we had 3 rich guys running around and millions of broke citizens. of course we wouldnt be able to do all the things bernie is talking about. but thats not our truth as america. we are THAT rich as country. we should look like it. not just a very tiny few.

and back to liz and her big structural change. i would advise you to watch that entire video above. it explains there difference very well.(that part is more towards the end).