For can the leader of an organization that killed Malcolm X be the greatest Black leader ever....
Was waiting for Motion to reply, but I have a comment about this.
For all the admiration I have for Malcolm X as a man and a leader, the way the problems with him and NOI played out was an internal conflict, nothing more. I have a personal opinion about why Malcolm was right to leave the organization, and how evil and dirty the NOI stooped to get him, but at the end of the day, it was all Nation of Islam business.
When Malcolm was an active member of the NOI, his BLOOD brother was kicked out / excommunicated for adultery. It might even have been the brother who visited him in jail and helped convert him. As per the rules of the NOI.....Malcolm turned his back on his OWN brother, as members couldn't communicate with those who were booted out (temporarily or permanently). I believe his brother eventually went insane (like their mother).
I write that not to disparage Malcolm X. I write it to show that he put the organization ahead of his flesh and blood. He walked the walk and talked the talk...moreso than any other member.
When he realized that he was under a death order he realized that devout followers would put the organization ahead of reason,logic, or friendship and carry out the order. NOI internal business.