souls games aren't hard. Its not harder than say super mario 3 or something.
the problem is that its a genre that has its own set of rules that it doesnt hold your hand through for 6 hours. People have been conditioned to having games explain every mechanic to them now and most people that play souls know the language from previous games. Thats why people say this is essentialyl dark souls 4, cause it uses all the same rules.
thats also in combination with the idea that this is a big game, and for as much people whine about open world games being check list and all that a lot of people won't know their head from their ass if you don't deliberately point them in the right direction to progress the game. Then, because they are so conditioned to make constant progress and risk-adverse it stresses them out when a boss feels overly difficult.
the reputation of the series alone is enough to dissuade people into wanting to keep trying not realizing that death is a part of the game. You don't "suck" at the game and it isn't "impossible" if you die 10-15 times, its part of the basic mechanics but most people that aren't prepared for that won't really understand it right away.
thats why sometimes people play like 3-4 souls games and quit and eventually play another one and it clicks. Because they figured something out about the underlying system that makes the game simpler for them so now they go back and play the other games. Once you're made a souls fan theres no coming back, you are locked in for life, your third eye is wide open, you got gud.