matter of fact friend why is your name even my gawd the power
who is your "gawd" friend?
how does it feel to be a Mowgli stan?
which one of his aliases to you pray to at night? :ufukdup:
dear Crackface, who art in Coli...hallowed be thy friends.
matter of fact friend why is your name even my gawd the power
who is your "gawd" friend?
Lead humans in the ways of living? But it does. There are constantly studies being done that show certain activities can lead to a longer, healthier life. That IS science, but it's a different realm of science than Einstein's specialty. Just because someone is a great physicist doesn't mean they know everything about nutrition. That's like saying I should know everything about the Halo video game series because I'm a beast at Call of Duty. Think about what you're saying before you hit that submit button.
Uh, if you think that then you don't understand humans. There are people who devote their lives to Christ that also ignore warnings about eating shellfish or other "unclean" animals.
i dont feel the need to argue with people who believe in demons. its because of people like you that people were burned at the stake for being witches. to think like that in 2013 is just embarassing
But most religions have some sort of guide as to how to live. Who's to say which one is "most right"?
how does it feel to be a Mowgli stan?
which one of his aliases to you pray to at night? :ufukdup:
dear Crackface, who art in Coli...hallowed be thy friends.
science clearly is just a tool and skill to have friend and there is nothing wrong with that
einstien was considered a genius level intellect regardless of what was his speciality was as well
his reasoning and reading comprehension and math is the only reason he was as smart as he was...take one of those away and he is no longer himself..i also know kids who know what is and isnt healthy for them so i dont think its a reach to say he could as well
the same way if you are good at halo you are potentially good at call of duty since they are both shooting games with slightly different buttons
also you can apply that to anything friend because that is how humans learn and adapt to new things period - repition wether it be reading walking talking pretty much everything unless you know something else?
if you are saying someone who claims to be devoted to a faith doesnt even follow the word of their faith then...they obviously arent devoted then right? come on now friend dont act like that isnt a horrible example i know you know better and im not going to even lower myself to that past this point
im not a pagan quaker or englishmen or anything like that so this isnt actually true @ the bolded
look at the people who use the word demon on this site . cant help but lump you in with them if your gonna use their terminology
you never addressed my question from the other day. any christian on the board who claims to follow the bible will tell you that accepting christ is the only way to salvation. meanwhile the muslims claim otherwise. basic common sense would tell you that either one or both is wrong. and when you use that common sense, the whole idea becomes questionable
i dont pray to forums but i dont know why you would think that im just trying to help some friends because its a good thing to do
well you should go ask a muslim or christian like you wanted to respond to you because i am not of either sect or even better yet read both books and come to your own reasoning if not dont waste time wondering because you dont really want to know then
i also know kids who know what is and isnt healthy for them so i dont think its a reach to say he could as well
the same way if you are good at halo you are potentially good at call of duty since they are both shooting games with slightly different buttons
if you are saying someone who claims to be devoted to a faith doesnt even follow the word of their faith then...they obviously arent devoted then right? come on now friend dont act like that isnt a horrible example i know you know better and im not going to even lower myself to that past this point
one religion says eat pork because it will make you big and strong one religion says pork is an unclean animal and you shouldnt eat it
which one is correct? i said i wasnt going to do this again but i missed this so one more time to get things across
asinine post and an excellent copout
heres a smiley for u:
One, I'm not sure what he did and didn't know about proper eating habits, do you? Second, it's one thing to know what's good for you, and another to religiously do it ... I think you're missing that point.
Sure I could be good at Halo, but if I never take an interest, and never play then I might never be good as I potentially could be. That's my point. You're trying to argue that since he had heart problems, he was dumb........................It's like I'm talking to a child.
You're joking right? Do you even understand Christian dogma? Okay, name three people that have followed the Bible, to the T, word for word, their entire lives.
*Spoiler Alert*
You can't.
According to Christian teaching, "everyone falls short of the glory of God", and everyone sins. Just because you don't follow the word doesn't mean you can't be devoted to being a good Christian.
You tell me. And, actually, which religion says pork will make you big and strong???
These types of comments always remind me why I stopped discussing religion with religious people. Holy almost willing to bet the reason he rejected god is because as a child he was picked on(usually almost always the case) and because he didnt get his way it messed with the chemical reactions in his brain leaving him traumatized on the subject itself not willing to get into it much after that
great observation.
that was a very elegant way to end the letter and a wonderful way to start a conversation.