The company that made Twisted Metal was not a first party Sony Studio...:lookherebruh:
Atlus isn't either (company responsible for demon's souls)
Sony funded them

The company that made Twisted Metal was not a first party Sony Studio...:lookherebruh:
Atlus isn't either (company responsible for demon's souls)
Sony funded themthey were contracted, this is like microsoft not supporting epic , twisted pixel etc. sony doesnt give a fukk about no one.
They will continue with the PS4. Even the rumor of that $899 is just. I never heard of no rumor of a gaming system costing that much.
Once again, isn't ps3 more powerful than 360??? Nothing else needs to be said because if I'm not mistaking, Sony finished last this generation
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You probably a young cat so you don't know but this thing shyts on what Sony did in 2006 wit the PS3.
Neo-Geo, 1990................$700.
Yeah Sony is terrible at marketing games, but Microsoft stopped promoting Alan wake when it flopped too, I wouldn't dare call that a low quality title for that reason tho
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't dark souls basically demons souls 2? If Sony pushed that to be a multi plat then that's they loss, but its a win for us gamers since more people have access to it now.
Lots of studios have closed down this gen. Not just sony's. Microsoft also has deeper pockets while Sony is financially in trouble.
As long as Sony keeps putting out lots of diverse and quality titles then why should I worry?
I know your gonna say something about sequels but Sony has introduced more than a hand full of new ips this gen, so what if theses games get sequels.
Sony is actually more likely to green light games that are way out left field,
Lbp, heavy rain, etc.
I can't see Microsoft even putting money into a game that's not a garenteed hit
That's not even close.....Epic was here BEFORE MS with their Games and Unreal Engine. Eat, Sleep, Play was a new studio who was contracted to do Twisted Metal. They aren't owned by Sony and can do what they want. As Snoman said, Dark Souls was pretty much demon's souls 2.
Did it sell well? No it didn't. Only reason why PS3 sold that much is because of Sony stans justifying paying for that much. If Nintendo or M$ ever done that, people will rip them to shreds. But since it's Sony and the PS logo, everyone is suppose to keep their mouth shyt.![]()
Did it sell well? No it didn't. Only reason why PS3 sold that much is because of Sony stans justifying paying for that much. If Nintendo or M$ ever done that, people will rip them to shreds. But since it's Sony and the PS logo, everyone is suppose to keep their mouth shyt.![]()
Yeah, but that is no justification of paying $500+ for a console at launch. Some things shouldn't be costing them that much to buy. By buying PS3 when it was expensive and buying Vita when it was that absurd price, you giving Sony incentive to be making overpriced systems, despite them underperforming/ flopping. They will continue with the PS4. Even the rumor of that $899 is just. I never heard of no rumor of a gaming system costing that much.
You probably a young dude so you don't know but this thing shyts on what Sony did in 2006 wit the PS3.
Neo-Geo, 1990................$700.
PS3 was $800+ to make at the time it was released with a $200+ and $300+ loss, so I can't say it was overpriced. PS3 was the cheapest Blu-ray player at the time lol
Microsoft has opened 10 studios and have 4+ AAA core ips coming from Black tusk alone.
So you just gonna assume the games will be AAA before they drop?
The last AAA game on the Xbox that was a first party studio creation was....
No new MS first party AAA games this gen.Gears was a 2nd party game.
you sound dumb as fukk eat sleep play was david jaffe's studio they were considered a SECOND PARTY upstart which makes it worse.
So why the Vita so damn expensive? And where are the original games after 2 years of release? I ain't even a M$ stan, but how Sony is so damn arrogant after this, and still has stans, just blows my mind. If The Big N or M$ done anything similar to this, they would have left the console race long ago.