This is all that needs to be said about sony

happened with demon souls 2. I have zero confidence in them next gen, microsoft building a dynasty of studios sony closing and causing devs to collapse.
Yeah Sony is terrible at marketing games, but Microsoft stopped promoting Alan wake when it flopped too, I wouldn't dare call that a low quality title for that reason tho
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't dark souls basically demons souls 2? If Sony pushed that to be a multi plat then that's they loss, but its a win for us gamers since more people have access to it now.
Lots of studios have closed down this gen. Not just sony's. Microsoft also has deeper pockets while Sony is financially in trouble.
As long as Sony keeps putting out lots of diverse and quality titles then why should I worry?
I know your gonna say something about sequels but Sony has introduced more than a hand full of new ips this gen, so what if theses games get sequels.
Sony is actually more likely to green light games that are way out left field,
Lbp, heavy rain, etc.
I can't see Microsoft even putting money into a game that's not a garenteed hit