Ed Reed Ain't Afraid Of Them People

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Tell me sir, who told you that?

Tell me sir, if this "other issue" is so bad why can't you tell me what it is, why is it that whatever it really is appears to be unknown but we all know the black ppl Jews part?

So we know what didn't get him suspended and whatever did I'd have to find a thread on the Coli.com where somebody mentions it :stopitslime:

Does that sound realistic? I tell you what sir, find what you're talking about and I'll peep it :popcorn3:
U sooo fukking stupid

The documentary denies the holocaust :dead:

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
1.) cr? I mean they say these things for reasons that I'm assuming you don't know nor care to know but let's move on...

Religions believing they are Gods chosen people is nothing new. In ancient times they strength of your country was believed to correspond to the strength of your Gods. The Romans when conquering people believed their Gods were stronger than the nations they beat. Same with the Jews. There is a reason the God in the Old Testament is a savage and the God in the New Testament is a hippie. They weee written thousands of years apart in completely different times.

2.) Jesus was a Jew is pretty standard... and they killed him. They don't fukk with Jesus like that yet they get a large part of their funding via evangelical organizations. Why did America get heavily involved? WE STILL DON'T OPENLY KNOW DO WE? There is a reason, but I'll move on...
The Jews didn’t kill Jesus, the Roman’s killed Jesus. Jesus to the Romans was just of many rebellious Jews, Judea being a rebellious province and as to the Roman’s eventually wiped it off the map.

3.) I don't know so I don't believe that the holocaust was faked but the question is why would they do that? Exactly how could that benefit them? I don't know the supposed plan so I can't say. What I will say is this, that's a lot of people to round up. I'll also point out that slavery happened here in the US and nobody anywhere was canceled even tho they trying to literally change that slavery never existed in public schools. I grew up near George Washingtons plantation and everyone goes there on field trips. I'll never forget my first time there. A white lady dressed as a pilgrim was in the kitchen area which doubles as the slave quarters but.. it was too hot to be in there while they cooked so more times than not the nikkaz slept outside. What sticks out to me was how she was teaching us that George didn't believe in slaves and had indentured servants instead. I'm pointing out how they are, and they always have removed all blackness from history. I can't definitively say the new Jews are different :yeshrug:
The Nazis, didn’t round up 6 million Jews. They shot, stabbed, burned or buried alive most of them.



The gas chambers were created because Nazi soldiers were breaking under the strain of killing so many people. Most were become drug addicts and alcoholics to cope. The gas chambers were the solution to stream line and simplify the process. Its like the invention of the assembly line but with killing people.

Jews have managed to carve out their little niche in America because of historical factors but world wide outside of Israel (which is just an extension of America) they are second class citizens.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
U sooo fukking stupid

The documentary denies the holocaust :dead:
The documentary isn't about the Holocaust, but if you don't agree with what they are saying you don't have to believe it. I'm assuming here, since it's a documentary they would go into why they feel that way.

I didn't grow up not believing in the Holocaust but at the same time you can't sit here and act like you never heard that said before. Why do some people believe that? I'm not an expert on this subject so I'm not saying one side is correct, nor will I say one side is wrong until I care enough to investigate further. As of this moment the Holocaust was real imo (6mil)
Religions believing they are Gods chosen people is nothing new. In ancient times they strength of your country was believed to correspond to the strength of your Gods. The Romans when conquering people believed their Gods were stronger than the nations they beat. Same with the Jews. There is a reason the God in the Old Testament is a savage and the God in the New Testament is a hippie. They weee written thousands of years apart in completely different times.

The Jews didn’t kill Jesus, the Roman’s killed Jesus. Jesus to the Romans was just of many rebellious Jews, Judea being a rebellious province and as to the Roman’s eventually wiped it off the map.
1st off your accounts of history are European centric, that's why you can only speak on history according to the oppressors :stop:

As for who killed him, so till this day don't we all use the term Judas? Judas turned Jesus in, the Roman's couldn't catch him. Judas did him dirty but if you want to gloss over biblical history you I guess could miss that part.... :stopitslime:
toussaintThe Nazis said:
toussaintThe Nazis said:
The gas chambers were created because Nazi soldiers were breaking under the strain of killing so many people. Most were become drug addicts and alcoholics to cope. The gas chambers were the solution to stream line and simplify the process. Its like the invention of the assembly line but with killing people.

Jews have managed to carve out their little niche in America because of historical factors but world wide outside of Israel (which is just an extension of America) they are second class citizens.
Now who here believes what he wrote in bold?
Well the historical factors he says :hula: is the Holocaust
As for second class citizens worldwide :stop: that's reserved for melonated peoples mostly. Modern day Jews are hated in the countries that have a problem with America taking over their holy lands and declaring it ISRAEL. The rest of the planet with the amount of wealth that is concentrated within this tiny community overall... like now YOU MAKING UP shyt.

I don't think the Goldmans, The Rothschilds, had issues moving around. And the Jews of today, well...

So just in case you want to see all the places he's restricted to for being a Jew :rolleyes:

Now why make up Jews are second class citizens when talking to black people? Seems like you trying too hard to appease to a certain demographic :patrice:

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
1st off your accounts of history are European centric, that's why you can only speak on history according to the oppressors :stop:

You are correct. History is Eurocentric in the west. Who do you think pushes the narrative that Jews killed Jesus? Rome was a fascist state that ruled every level of Judean society. They were the judge, jury and executioner.

Jesus was crucified. Do you know what you had to do to get sentenced to crucifixion? Be a terrorist. Someone who was considered an enemy of the Roman state. Jesus didn’t receive the harshest most violent most demeaning death in Roman law because he beat up a bunch of money lenders in the temple, he was sentenced to the most excruciating way to die because he was preaching against the Roman order. The Romans controlled every facet of Jewish society. The money lenders worked for Rome to pillage wealth from the Israelites. Jesus was one of many Jewish insurrectionists that were killed. In Roman history he’s barely mentioned and only after the fact because the Romans killed a lot of guys just like Jesus.

When the Romans (Europeans) converted to Christianity do you think it was in their interest to admit their ancestors killed Christ? Of course not they blamed the Jews. The Roman’s were the police, judge, jury and executioner.

Judas if he was real was like the dude who dined out Fred Hampton, he was Black do we blame Black people for killing Fred Hampton? No, we blame white people because white people ordered the hit and pulled the trigger.

Well the historical factors he says :hula: is the Holocaust
As for second class citizens worldwide :stop: that's reserved for melonated peoples mostly. Modern day Jews are hated in the countries that have a problem with America taking over their holy lands and declaring it ISRAEL. The rest of the planet with the amount of wealth that is concentrated within this tiny community overall... like now YOU MAKING UP shyt.[/quite]
Yes Jews in America are typically white passing, but that isn’t the case for a lot of the world

Jews were able to thrive in America, that has nothing do with their persecution world wide. The very word Ghetto was created to describe Jewish living conditions. One of the reasons the Holocaust was so successful was because Jews were given up by their own neighbors.

Jews being selectively targeted is so common it has its own Wikipedia page

If you think I’m an agent check my thread creation history. I literally made a thread on cac American jews moving to Palestine and terrorizing the brown people there.

Anti-semitism and conspiracy theories only help modern day Israel. It takes the heat off the real terrible shyt that state and America be doing.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
You are correct. History is Eurocentric in the west. Who do you think pushes the narrative that Jews killed Jesus? Rome was a fascist state that ruled every level of Judean society. They were the judge, jury and executioner.

Jesus was crucified. Do you know what you had to do to get sentenced to crucifixion? Be a terrorist. Someone who was considered an enemy of the Roman state. Jesus didn’t receive the harshest most violent most demeaning death in Roman law because he beat up a bunch of money lenders in the temple, he was sentenced to the most excruciating way to die because he was preaching against the Roman order. The Romans controlled every facet of Jewish society. The money lenders worked for Rome to pillage wealth from the Israelites. Jesus was one of many Jewish insurrectionists that were killed. In Roman history he’s barely mentioned and only after the fact because the Romans killed a lot of guys just like Jesus.

When the Romans (Europeans) converted to Christianity do you think it was in their interest to admit their ancestors killed Christ? Of course not they blamed the Jews. The Roman’s were the police, judge, jury and executioner.

Judas if he was real was like the dude who dined out Fred Hampton, he was Black do we blame Black people for killing Fred Hampton? No, we blame white people because white people ordered the hit and pulled the trigger.

Yes Jews in America are typically white passing, but that isn’t the case for a lot of the world

Jews were able to thrive in America, that has nothing do with their persecution world wide. The very word Ghetto was created to describe Jewish living conditions. One of the reasons the Holocaust was so successful was because Jews were given up by their own neighbors.

Jews being selectively targeted is so common it has its own Wikipedia page

If you think I’m an agent check my thread creation history. I literally made a thread on cac American jews moving to Palestine and terrorizing the brown people there.

Anti-semitism and conspiracy theories only help modern day Israel. It takes the heat off the real terrible shyt that state and America be doing.

You read. Youre talking to negros who dont

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012

King Eros

Gold Blooded 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dec 13, 2016
Jimmy the Greek's career was ruined saying blacks are superior athletically because of breeding during slavery..

He was gone immediately and that was a mad long time ago
If he was Jimmy the Jew he'd a been fine.




Sep 15, 2014
Jimmy the Greek's career was ruined saying blacks are superior athletically because of breeding during slavery..

He was gone immediately and that was a mad long time ago

It wouldnt surprise me if it was the Caucasians who were the maddest as that is the whole truth and nothing but the truth but also opens up a massive kettle of worms. Unneeded attention

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
You are correct. History is Eurocentric in the west. Who do you think pushes the narrative that Jews killed Jesus? Rome was a fascist state that ruled every level of Judean society. They were the judge, jury and executioner.

Jesus was crucified. Do you know what you had to do to get sentenced to crucifixion? Be a terrorist. Someone who was considered an enemy of the Roman state. Jesus didn’t receive the harshest most violent most demeaning death in Roman law because he beat up a bunch of money lenders in the temple, he was sentenced to the most excruciating way to die because he was preaching against the Roman order. The Romans controlled every facet of Jewish society. The money lenders worked for Rome to pillage wealth from the Israelites. Jesus was one of many Jewish insurrectionists that were killed. In Roman history he’s barely mentioned and only after the fact because the Romans killed a lot of guys just like Jesus.

When the Romans (Europeans) converted to Christianity do you think it was in their interest to admit their ancestors killed Christ? Of course not they blamed the Jews. The Roman’s were the police, judge, jury and executioner.

Judas if he was real was like the dude who dined out Fred Hampton, he was Black do we blame Black people for killing Fred Hampton? No, we blame white people because white people ordered the hit and pulled the trigger.

Yes Jews in America are typically white passing, but that isn’t the case for a lot of the world

Jews were able to thrive in America, that has nothing do with their persecution world wide. The very word Ghetto was created to describe Jewish living conditions. One of the reasons the Holocaust was so successful was because Jews were given up by their own neighbors.

Jews being selectively targeted is so common it has its own Wikipedia page

If you think I’m an agent check my thread creation history. I literally made a thread on cac American jews moving to Palestine and terrorizing the brown people there.

Anti-semitism and conspiracy theories only help modern day Israel. It takes the heat off the real terrible shyt that state and America be doing.

I'm not mad at you because we all on a journey, right :handshake:
And I wasn't about to call you a white boy as in you not aware there's issues... I hope you are capable of tuning out the groupies like...
You read. Youre talking to negros who dont
Because its lil bytch ass nikkaz like this that don't add to the elevation of a nation nah mean. So let me elevate with this retort :mj:

And the whole bit about explaining how powerful the roman empire was isn't making any points or counterpoint to what you was reply to.
Nobody was debating who was the shooter. But it was Shaq who called Kyrie and idiot and it was Charles who said he should be suspended.
You acting like Judas didn't know what he was doing and you calling him made up. I guess I can open up a case on that too :patrice:

Anyways, Corey Holcomb said some shyt today :whew:
