i own a Wii U. i wouldn't buy any game in EA's portfolio for it. all i wanna buy on it are Nintendo style games. if EA wants to sell me Mass Effect put it on the Xbox not on the Wii U.
for the type of games i want on the Wii U the tech specs are irrelevant.
its like do yall honestly think any serious gamer with a Wii U is sitting there with that as their only system crying about third party games like Madden and Fifa?
because they wanted to capture as much of the market share as possible before the other systems launched.
yall are in for a rude awakening if yall think these next generation consoles are gonna come out swinging. its gonna be a slow process with boxes that either are tethered to a monthly subscription or cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $500. the early adapters like me will buy them up but after that sales are gonna be modest till the price hits mainstream levels. a lead of 4-5 million might be the difference come the end of the generation.
Nintendo will be releasing their second wave titles while the competition is putting out launch titles which are typically cross generation ports and games that were designed for the previous generation but had development shifted over late to the next.
this guy
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