It should be a deal breaker for anybody over 25. but men will get with a chick who is broke if she's cute enough.
One can have power and still behave irresponsibly, such as having the power to make children and being irresponsible by not taking care of them.I'm not doing this with you.
Power and responsibility go together.
My next reply will say the same until you get tired.
Corrected for you. And as I promised;One can have power and still behave irresponsibly, such as having the power to make children and being irresponsible by knowing theyre automatically stuck with their daily burden and still not taking their own provisions to potentially have them with a man who may or not be interested in taking care of them.
@OfTheCross @Matt504 We discussed black earnings in the HL sever last month @Serious, not sure if you saw that. It left me floored. I think this convo has to be framed a certain way because nearly half of working-age black people make less than 30k sooooo. Is this simply “broke boi/chick” behavior or is something bigger going on? Here are some excerpts from an article Matt posted:
Black Americans Earn 30% Less Than White Americans, While Black Households Have Just One-Eighth Wealth Of White Households
Blacks are overrepresented in low-paying jobs with little chances of advancement.www.forbes.com
Also, the trending poverty rate for black Americans vs other ethnic groups, 1959-2019:
Good point.To be honest, most men making solid money (80k+) aren't tripping if the woman is attractive inside and out but makes 30k.
Plus there is a major difference between a daycare worker doing the work because she loves working with children and a lady working the Wendy's drive through for 10+ years cause she can't be bothered to learn anything new
I’d say for long term, but imo it’s just as risky to be casual with someone making that much because one slip up and you’re permanently attached to them.I’m also assuming for the purposes of the thread that “dating” refers to a long term relationship and not a casual relationship.
I’m hard pressed to think the Coli of all places would be a place where a guy making around 6 figures is open to covering the costs of a woman making 30K with all that comes with a long terms relationship.
its not even that much trust me, more like 10 to 20k30k is part time job full time student money.
I don’t disagree and even “casual” you probably have levels of interest and access to things. So yes if you literally just sleep with them at their your or your place it will come up at some point because those situations don’t happen that often or for that long in reality.Good point.
I’d say for long term, but imo it’s just as risky to be casual with someone making that much because one slip up and you’re permanently attached to them.
I think the next thread should be how many people are comfortable supporting their entire family(wife and kids)on their salary.
And if they are, do they still prefer their wife to work at some point after having kids to help contribute again.
Lol you didn’t correct anything. You added your irresponsible based logic to the end. If you have a problem being responsible, don’t put yourself in a place of irresponsibility like having unprotected sex.Corrected for you. And as I promised;
I'm not doing this with you.
Power and responsibility go together.
My next reply will say the same until you get tired