C'mon fam, you know Feige ain't giving any director the keys. Maybe the keys to the basement apartment...maybe. Regardless of the talent of the director, the overarching storyline and plan for the Marvel films takes precedent. I've evolved to not only accept but also appreciate that from them. It's how you avoid Star Wars sequel issues. If your aim isn't to necessarily make defining singular movies, but instead make a very connected universe, one figurehead at the helm who reigns in his directors makes sense. Is it my cup of tea, he'll nah, but I get it. I'm all about directors having full creative control. We don't get a Logan otherwise. We don't get the most recent Suicide Squad, otherwise. But Feige being so pervasive in every aspect of the MCU is how we got what I consider the biggest and most successful undertaking in movie history with everything up to Endgame.